Crítics Matiners

Those Who Dream By Day
Sèrie: 2014 (book 1)
Those Who Dream By Day is an historical thriller that envisions the sabotage behind the second explosion aboard the Lusitania during World War I. Dora Benley stands on the Cunard Pier on the morning of May 1, 1915. She shivers in the cold, damp weather as she keeps her eye on a dangerous looking man in a wide-brimmed hat who stares at her. When her parents arrive on the train from Pittsburgh, they board the Lusitania. But soon afterwards the stranger ransacks her cabin. Later that night he sends her a note to meet him in the ship's first class lounge. He insists that she has something that belongs to him. She narrowly escapes to a party being thrown by multi-millionaire Vanderbilt. She meets another passenger the next day who claims to have seen the stranger in the engine room playing with "fuses," incendiary bombs! For snitching, he's stabbed. Dora survives the sinking of the great liner only to find at Ware House outside London that Sir Adolphus has employed the very same saboteur. Ali is the baronet's gardener. What was behind the second explosion that finally sank the Lusitania? Dora is about to find out in a tale that spans the First World War from May 1, 1915 to the bitter end in Paris in 1919. Her experiences take her from the Irish Sea to the battlefields of Gallipoli to the Arab Revolt of Lawrence of Arabia and span two continents. The curse of The Five Generations brings tragedy to Dora's own life. She must find her own hard won peace. Those Who Dream By Day is the first of a three part series entitled 2014. The other two volumes will soon be available from Cheops Books.
General Fiction, Suspense & Thriller, Historical Fiction, Fiction and Literature
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Cheops Books (Editorial)
(User: timspalding)
September 2008
Starts: 2008-09-04
Acabat: 2008-09-30
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