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The Smooth Fulfillment of the Soul

Most people are now familiar with the concept that we live inside of a vibrational universe, and they have an awareness that the energy frequency that we are tuned into determines the specific events and circumstances which unfold in our lives.

Problems are such a common occurrence that it seems almost pointless to question why they are there. But in this vibrational universe, every occurrence in the physical world has an energetic basis in metaphysical reality. That means you can pinpoint exactly where those problems were created and then make an inward move to dissolve obstacles. You do this by identifying where you created an excess potential.

If you don’t know what excess potentials are and you plan to go after several goals in the near future, you’ll make your life a lot easier if you learn how to manage them. This is because they are the energetic basis of all physical obstacles in the world. Each time an excess potential is created and the balance is disturbed, nature makes a correction on the metaphysical plane to correct it and restore the well-being and order of the collective.

Have you noticed when something is extremely important, it’s almost impossible to let go of the fear and anxiety that surrounds the possibility of losing it? A desire isn't so bad by itself, but the energy of importance becomes an excess potential if a comparative relationship arises to define the worth of a subject in our minds.

When you artificially inflate the importance of any one subject or person as compared to everything else, you create what's known as a dependence relationship. An example might be: "This person is much more spiritual, or more god-like than other beings, therefore, they are worthy of being placed on a pedestal in my mind." This is a dependence relationship - the worth of one person is derived from a comparison to other beings.

Since everything is energy, all subjects are made up of everything and nothing at the same time, and therefore, everything has an equal spiritual value in the eyes of nature. Because nature is always striving toward balance, an excess potential will trigger an event in the physical world in order to restore the balance, and it will always be directed against the person who created the excess potential. The person who is being worshipped and idolized in the statement above will be knocked off the pedestal you placed them on, either through separation or another seemingly random obstacle.

The thing is, these obstacles are not put in your pathway by chance, but as a result of artifically elevated importance. There are many types of excess potentials besides elevated importance that lie at the root of the physical manifestation of an obstacle. Becoming aware of where you are creating excess potentials unknowingly is half the battle in Reality Transurfing. Learning how to exercise your right to choose a different sector of reality from the space of variations which you would enjoy even more is the other half of the equation.

This book gives you a practical overview of how this works so you can see exactly where your negative conditioning has tricked you into creating excess potentials and blocking your own success.

The guide will show you exactly how to tune into your soul's unique success sector inside of the space of variations and stay there. The space of variations contains an infinite number of life tracks that are still in their metaphysical, energy forms. One of them is “chosen” when an individuals soul and mind are in agreement about the qualities and scripts of that sector being true for their own life.

This is actually how our fears get unconsciously realized, but it can be reverse engineered and applied to our soul's highest goals instead. In order for the soul to find her fulfillment, we cannot let the mind lead, because a problem cannot be solved on the same level of the problem. This is what the mind tries to do - it is limited, full of doubts, and only able to build a new house from old bricks. If you want to have a higher vibrational experience, you must understand how to allow your soul to feel her way there.

The techniques in this book will allow you to become more familiar with experiencing the upward spiral of the soul, and not getting stuck in the mud of the downward spiral the mind gets trapped inside.

The obstacles in your path can be systemically eliminated by working with the energy that underlies their creation. This guide is like strength training to equip your soul to do this more & more effortlessly.

Trust that your soul is ready for this new information and dive into The Smooth Fulfillment of the Soul today!

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Religion & Spirituality, Health & Wellness
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Phoenix in the Stars
abril 2024
Starts: 2024-04-01
Acabat: 2024-04-25
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