Smartypants Romance (desambiguació)

"Smartypants Romance" comprèn com a mínim 0 autors diferents, dividits per les seves obres.

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Nota de desambiguació
When importing from Amazon, books published by the imprint Smartypants Romance frequently have "Smartypants Romance" in place of the author name in the metadata. The works should be reassigned to their authors, as SR is the publisher.
(1) Heidi Hutchinson, author of some works in the Common Threads series
(2) Susannah Nix, author of some works in the Common Threads series
(3) Laney Hatcher, author of the London Ladies Embroidery series
(4) Talia Hunter, author of some works in the Green Valley Donner Bakery series
(5) Piper Sheldon, author of the Scorned Women's Society