Crítics Matiners

Joy For Beginners
In a quiet neighborhood in Seattle, seven friends gather to celebrate their friend Kate, whose cancer is finally in remission. To mark the end of her chemo treatments, Kate is preparing to go on a mother-daughter expedition with her daughter Robin—a white water rafting trip in the Grand Canyon. Already weakened from two rounds of chemo, Kate is torn between her fear of icy water and camping in the rough, and the excitement that comes from doing something that’s always terrified her. Her friend Marion proposes that each woman participate in Kate’s adventure in her own way: if Kate agrees to go white-water rafting, each woman will mark Kate’s recovery by taking on one thing that scares her… and Kate gets to choose what their challenge will be. Whether it’s learning to bake bread, to let go of the past, to get a tattoo, or to reconcile with a former friend… each woman’s story interweaves with the others, forming a seamless portrait of a woman’s friendships, life’s joys and challenges, and the tragedies and triumphs of ordinary life.
General Fiction, Fiction and Literature
Ofert per
Putnam Books (Editorial)
(User: PutnamBooks)
April 2011
Starts: 2011-04-06
Acabat: 2011-04-28
En venda
United States of America
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