
Llocs per coberta

Obres (2,580)

"A Trade like Any Other": Female Singers and Dancers in Egypt de Karin van Nieuwkerk
Ägypten de Rosalie David
Ägypten : [mit Langenscheidt-Mini-Dolmetscher] de Michel Rauch
Égypte, merveilles en terre des pharaons de Giorgio Agnese
*OP Rage Across Egypt (Werewolf: The Apocalypse) de Chris Howard
1000 Years of Annoying the French de Stephen Clarke
The 1988-1989 Excavation of Petrie's 'Workmen's Barracks' at Giza in Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 38 (2001), S. 21-60 de Mark Lehner
The 21: A Journey into the Land of Coptic Martyrs de Martin Mosebach
24 Hours in Ancient Egypt: A Day in the Life of the People Who Lived There de Donald P. Ryan
The 28th: A Record of War Service in the Australian Imperial Force, 1915-19, Vol. I - Egypt, Gallipoli, Lemnos Island, Sinai Peninsula de Herbert Brayley Collett
30-Second Ancient Egypt de Peter Der Manuelian
The 365 Days: the story of our calendar de Keith Gordon Irwin
4 Plays: Electra / Helen / Hippolytus / Medea de Euripides
The 8.15 To War. Memoirs Of A Desert Rat de Peter Roach
9 Incarnate (Caitlin Diggs Series Book 4) de Gary Starta
AAA Essential Guide: Egypt de AAA
AAA Spiral Guide: Egypt de AAA
Above and beyond Palestine;: An account of the work of the East Indies and Egypt seaplane squadron, 1916-1918, de Cecil Eldred Hughes
An Abridgment of the Record of Lehi de William C. Chappell
Access Controlled: The Shaping of Power, Rights, and Rule in Cyberspace (Information Revolution and Global Politics) de Ronald Deibert
Access Denied: The Practice and Policy of Global Internet Filtering (Information Revolution and Global Politics) de Ronald Deibert
Act of God de Graham Phillips
Adam & Eve de Sena Jeter Naslund
Administration of Egypt in the Late Middle Kingdom: The Hieratic Documents de Stephen Quirke
The Administration of Egypt in the Old Kingdom de Nigel Strudwick
Administrative letter Written in Arabic on Papyrus
The Advent Book de Jack Stockman
The Adventure of the Egyptian Tomb {short story} de Agatha Christie
Aegean-Egyptian relations in the Bronze Age, 2000-1000 B.C de T. D. Proffitt
Aegypten - Archaeologie in Wort und Bild de A. Rosalie David
Aegypten - Flying High de Marcello Bertinetti
Aegypten : Stromland am Nil de Alfred Nawrath
Aegypten in vergangenheit und gegenwart de Georg Steindorff
Aeragram 1.1 Newsletter of the Ancient Egypte Research Associates de Mark Lehner
Aeragram 1.2 Newsletter of the Ancient Egypte Research Associates de Mark Lehner
Aeragram 2.1 Newsletter of the Ancient Egypte Research Associates von Mark Lehner de Mark Lehner
Aeragram 2.2 Newsletter of the Ancient Egypte Research Associates von Mark Lehner de Mark Lehner
Aeragram 3.2 Newsletter of the Ancient Egypte Research Associates von Mark Lehner de Mark Lehner
Aeragram 4.1 Newsletter of the Ancient Egypte Research Associates von Mark Lehner de Mark Lehner
Aeragram 4.2 Newsletter of the Ancient Egypte Research Associates von Mark Lehner de Mark Lehner
Aeragram 5.1 Newsletter of the Ancient Egypte Research Associates von Mark Lehner de Mark Lehner
Aeragram 5.2 Newsletter of the Ancient Egypte Research Associates von Mark Lehner de Mark Lehner
Aeragram 6.1 Newsletter of the Ancient Egypte Research Associates von Mark Lehner de Mark Lehner
Aeragram 6.2 Newsletter of the Ancient Egypte Research Associates von Mark Lehner de Mark Lehner
Aeragram 7.1 Newsletter of the Ancient Egypte Research Associates von Mark Lehner de Mark Lehner
Aeragram 7.2 Newsletter of the Ancient Egypte Research Associates von Mark Lehner de Mark Lehner
Aeragram 8.1 Newsletter of the Ancient Egypte Research Associates von Mark Lehner de Mark Lehner
Affairs and Scandals in Ancient Egypt de Pascal Vernus
African Diary: The Day-by-Day Account of an Incredible Adventure de Naka Pillman
African incidents : personal experiences in Egypt and Unyoro de Arthur Blyford Thruston
African Questions at the Paris Peace Conference: With Papers on Egypt, Mesopotamia and the Colonial Settlement de George Louis Beer
AFRIKAKORPS 1941-1943: The Libya - Egypt Campaign de François de Lannoy
After Coffee de Abdelrashid Mahmoudi
After Gallipoli : the storyof the 1/4th (Border) Battalion, The King's Own Scottish Borderers 1916-1918 : Egypt, Palestine and the Western Front de Gavin Richardson
After Hours (A First Time for Everything / Loveknot / Fire Beneath the Ice) de Helen Brooks
After the Angel de Marcus Katz
After the Pyramids: The Valley of the Kings and Beyond de Aidan Dodson
Afterglow of Empire: Egypt from the Fall of the New Kingdom to the Saite Renaissance de Aidan Dodson
Against Islamic Extremism: The Writings of Muhammad Sa`id al-`Ashmawy de Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban
The age of Akhenaten de Eleonore Bille de Mot
The Age of God-Kings: TimeFrame 3000-1500 BC de Stephen G. Hyslop
The age of the efendiyya : passages to modernity in national-colonial Egypt de Lucie Ryzova
Ages in Chaos: From the Exodus To King Akhnaton de Immanuel Velikovsky
Agriculture in Egypt from Pharaonic to Modern Times (Proceedings of the British Academy) de Alan K. Bowman
Ahhotep, Queen of Egypt de Bill Petty
Aida (Piano/Vocal/Songbook) de Elton John
Aida [libretto] de Antonio Ghislanzoni
Aida [sound recording] de Giuseppe Verdi
Aida: Original 2000 Broadway Cast Recording de Elton John
Akhenaten and Nefertiti de Cyril Aldred
Akhenaten's Egypt (Shire Egyptology, No. 10) (Schire Egyptology Series No 10) de Angela P. Thomas
Akhenaten: Egypt's False Prophet de Nicholas Reeves
Akhenaten: King of Egypt de Cyril Aldred
Akhenaten: The Heretic King de Donald B. Redford
Akhnaten,: The rebel pharaoh de Robert Silverberg
Al-Quran Sebagai Pendamai de Ibnu Idris
Alamein de Iain Gale
Alamein de C. E. Lucas Phillips
Alamein de Stephen Bungay
Alamein de Jon Latimer
Alamein 1933-1962 de Paolo Caccia Dominioni
Alamein and the desert war de Derek Jewell
Alamein: The Australian Story (The Australian Army History Series) de Mark Johnston
The Alchemist de Donna Ball
Alexander of Macedon 356-323 B.C.: A Historical Biography de Peter Green
Alexander the Great : Man of Action, Man of Spirit de Pierre Briant
Alexander the King: The Sequel to Philip and Olympias de Peter Messmore
Alexander's Tomb: The Two-Thousand Year Obsession to Find the Lost Conquerer de Nicholas J. Saunders
Alexander: A History of the Origin and Growth of the Art Of War from the Earliest Times to the Battle of Ipsus, B.C. 301, With a Detailed Account of the Campaigns of the Great Macedonian de Theodore Ayrault Dodge
Alexander: The Ends of the Earth de Valerio Massimo Manfredi
Alexandria de Lindsey Davis
Alexandria : Past, Present and Future de Jean-Yves Empereur
Alexandria : the site & the history de Mursi Saad El Din
The Alexandria Link de Steve Berry
Alexandria Rediscovered de Jean-Yves Empereur
Alexandria still : Forster, Durrell, and Cavafy de Jane Lagoudis Pinchin
Alexandria: A History and a Guide de E. M. Forster
Alexandria: City of the Western Mind de Theodore Vrettos
Alexandria: Jewel of Egypt de Jean-Yves Empereur
Alexandria: The Sunken City de William La Riche
Alexandria; an archaeological guide to the city and the Graeco-Roman Museum de Hinrˆi Riyˆad
Alexandrian Library; Glory of the Hellenic World, Its Rise, Antiquities,and Destructions de Edward Alexander Parsons
Alexandrian Poetry under the First Three Ptolemies 324-222 BC de A. Couat
All Color Book of Egyptian Mythology de Richard Patrick
All of Egypt: From Cairo to Abu Sinbel - Sinai de Giovanna Magi
All World Airmail : Flugpost Weltweit : The Eugenio Gebauer Large Gold Medal Collection, Scadta & Airmail of Colombia; Gold Medal Collection, Airmail of Egypt; Specialised Collection, All World Airmail de Corinphila Auctions
Allahs grosse Sohne : Staatengrunder und Reformer : Hassan II., Ibn Saud, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Kemal Ataturk, Hussein II. de Gerd Frank
Allenby de Brian Gardner
Das alte Ägypten mit 78 Text- und 26 Tafel-Abbildungen de Alfred Wiedemann
Alternate Warriors de Mike Resnick
Altägyptische Sagen und Märchen de Alfred Wiedemann
I Am the Mummy Heb-Nefert de Eve Bunting
Amarna Book I: Book of Ida de Grea Alexander
Amarna letters 4 : essays on ancient Egypt ca. 1390-1310 B.C., volume four, Fall 2000. de William J. Murnane
Amarna Royals Or Who was Nefertiti? de Nesta Caiger
Amarna Sunrise: Egypt from Golden Age to Age of Heresy de Aidan Dodson
Amarna Sunset: Nefertiti, Tutankhamun, Ay, Horemheb, and the Egyptian Counter-Reformation de Aidan Dodson
Amazing Monster Mazes de Edward Cunningham
Amazons, Abolitionists, and Activists: A Graphic History of Women's Fight for Their Rights de Mikki Kendall
Amelia Peabody Series 1-5 de Elizabeth Peters
Amelia Peabody's Egypt: A Compendium de Elizabeth Peters
Amenemone, the chief goldsmith : a new kingdom tomb in the Teti Cemetery at Saqqara de Boyo Ockinga
Amenhotep III: Perspectives on His Reign de David O'Connor
America : sovereign defender or cowboy nation? de Vladimir Shlapentokh
American Philatelist, No. 1376, September 2015 de American Philatelic Society
Americans in Egypt, 1770-1915: Explorers, Consuls, Travelers, Soldiers, Missionaries, Writers and Scientists de Cassandra Vivian
Amos and Micah de John MarshMicah 6:4,7:12,15
Amos, Hosea, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk de Carroll StuhlmuellerHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4,Micah 6:4,7:12,15,Nahum 3:9
Amulets of Ancient Egypt de Carol Andrews
Die Amulette der alten Aegypter de Alfred Wiedemann
Ancient Alexandria (A travel guide to:) de Don Nardo
Ancient Alexandria Between Egypt and Greece: (Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition) de William V. HarrisHellenistic
Ancient Cities: The Archaeology of Urban Life in the Ancient Near East and Egypt, Greece and Rome de Charles Gates
The ancient Coptic churches of Egypt de Alfred Joshua Butler
The Ancient Coptic Churches of Egypt, Vol. 1 de Alfred J. Butler
Ancient Egypr Gift of the Nile de College of William and Mary
Ancient Egypt de Charles Freeman
Ancient Egypt de Lionel Casson
Ancient Egypt de Jonathan Sutherland
Ancient Egypt de Charlie Samuels
Ancient Egypt de William J. Murnane
Ancient Egypt de William Stevenson Smith
Ancient Egypt (Ancient Civilizations) de Stewart Ross
Ancient Egypt (Art and Civilization) de Neil Morris
Ancient Egypt (Cause & Effect: Ancient Civilizations) de Don Nardo
Ancient Egypt (Clues to the Past) de Nathaniel Harris
Ancient Egypt (Curious Kids Guides) de Philip Steele
Ancient Egypt (DK Pockets) de Scott Steedman
Ancient Egypt (Early Civilizations) de Kathleen W. Deady
Ancient Egypt (Eyewitness Books) de George Hart
Ancient Egypt (Family Life) de Stewart Ross
Ancient Egypt (Find Out About) de Stewart Ross
Ancient Egypt (History as Evidence) de A. Rosalie David
Ancient Egypt (History of the World) de Don Nardo
Ancient Egypt (Insiders Alive) de Robert Coupe
Ancient Egypt (Kingfisher Voyages) de Simon Adams
Ancient Egypt (Let's See Library: Ancient Civilizations) de Cynthia Fitterer Klingel
Ancient Egypt (Making History) de Fiona Macdonald
Ancient Egypt (Ms. Frizzle's Adventures) de Joanna Cole
Ancient Egypt (Raintree Freestyle: Time Travel Guides) de Liz Gogerly
Ancient Egypt (Step Into) de Philip Steele
Ancient Egypt (The Ancient World) de Nel Yomtov
Ancient Egypt (The History of Weapons and Warfare) de Don Nardo
Ancient Egypt - Common Core Lessons and Activities de Carole Marsh
Ancient Egypt : an exhibition at the Robert H. Lowie Museum of Anthropology of the University of California, Berkeley, March 25-October 23, 1966 de Albert B. Elsasser
Ancient Egypt and Greece (World of History) de Neil Grant
Ancient Egypt and Nubia (Galleries of the Royal Ontario Museum) de Roberta L. Shaw
Ancient Egypt as represented in the Museum of Fine Arts de William Stevenson Smith
Ancient Egypt at the Cairo Museum de Ali Radwan
Ancient Egypt at the Louvre de Guillemette Andreu
Ancient Egypt Explorer (Spotlight Explorer) de Philip Steele
The Ancient Egypt Guide de William J. Murnane
Ancient Egypt in 30 Seconds: 30 Awesome Topics for Pharaoh Fanatics Explained in Half a Minute (Children's 30 Second) de Cath Senker
Ancient Egypt in Africa de David O'Connor
Ancient Egypt in the Metropolitan Museum journal, volumes 1-11 (1968-1976) : articles de Cyril Aldred
Ancient Egypt in the Metropolitan Museum Journal: Supplement, Volumes 12-13 (1977-1978) de Cyril Aldred
The Ancient Egypt Pack: A Three-Dimensional Celebration of Egyptian Mythology, Culture, Art, Life and Afterlife de Christos Kondeatis
Ancient Egypt: A Fact-Filled Coloring Book (Start Exploring) de Peter Der Manuelian
Ancient Egypt: A Social History de B. G. Trigger
Ancient Egypt: A Very Peculiar History de Jim Pipe
Ancient Egypt: All That Matters de Barry J. Kemp
Ancient Egypt: An illustrated reference to the myths, religions, pyramids and temples of the land of the pharaohs de Lorna Oakes
Ancient Egypt: Anatomy of a Civilization de Barry J. Kemp
Ancient Egypt: Art and archaeology of the land of the pharaohs de Giorgio Agnese
Ancient Egypt: Beyond the Pyramids (Fact Finders: Great Civilizations) de Kathleen W. Deady
Ancient Egypt: Discovering Its Splendors de Karl W Butzer
Ancient Egypt: Everyday Life in the Land of the Nile de Bob Brier
Ancient Egypt: Moments in History (Cover-To-Cover Books) de Shirley Jordan
Ancient Egypt: Pyramids and Hieroglyphs: Enduring Symbols of a Great Civilization de Aidan Dodson
Ancient Egypt: Start Exploring (Working for Myself) de George Hart
Ancient Egypt: Tales of Gods and Pharaohs de Marcia Williams
Ancient Egypt: Tales of the Dead de Stewart Ross
Ancient Egypt: Thebes and the Nile Valley in the year 1200 BCE de Charlotte Booth
Ancient Egypt: Treasures from the Collection of the Oriental Institute Chicago de Emily Teeter
Ancient Egyptian Animals de Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ancient Egyptian art : systematic catalogue of the collection, North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh de North Carolina Museum of ...
Ancient Egyptian Art and Architecture (Eye on Art) de Don Nardo
Ancient Egyptian Calligraphy : A Beginner's Guide to Writing Hieroglyphs de Henry George Fischer
Ancient Egyptian Children (People in the Past: Egypt) de Richard Tames
Ancient Egyptian Chronology (Handbook of Oriental Studies/Handbuch Der Orientalistik) (Handbook of Oriental Studies. Section 1 the Near and Middle) de Erik Hornung
Ancient Egyptian Civilization (Ancient Civilizations and Their Myths and Legends) de Michael Bell
Ancient Egyptian coregencies de William J. Murnane
The Ancient Egyptian Doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul de Alfred Wiedemann
Ancient Egyptian Epigraphy and Palaeography de Ricardo Augusto Caminos
Ancient Egyptian Furniture Vol 1 de Geoffrey Killen
Ancient Egyptian Furniture Vol 2 de Geoffrey Killen
Ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses (Fact Finders: Ancient Egyptian Civilization) de Christopher Forest
An Ancient Egyptian Herbal de Lise Manniche
Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics: Maps, Games, and Other Activities de Kris Hirschmann
Ancient Egyptian Jewelry de Carol Andrews
Ancient Egyptian Jewelry : A Picture Book de Metropolitan Museum of Art
Ancient Egyptian Kingship (Probleme Der Agyptologie, Vol 9) de David O'Connor
Ancient Egyptian Literature: History and Forms (Probleme Der Agyptologie, Bd 10) de Antonio Loprieno
Ancient Egyptian Magic de Bob Brier
Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology de Paul T. Nicholson
The Ancient Egyptian Mummy de Joyce A. Tyldesley
Ancient Egyptian Poetry and Prose de Adolf Erman
Ancient Egyptian Pottery RMIT Faculty of Art Gallery June 1982 de Colin A. Hope
The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts de Raymond Oliver Faulkner
Ancient Egyptian Religion de Stephen Quirke
Ancient Egyptian Representations of Turtles de Henry George Fischer
Ancient Egyptian Society de David O'Connor
Ancient Egyptian Technology and Innovation (Duckworth Egyptology Series) de Ian Shaw
Ancient Egyptian Tombs: The Culture of Life and Death de Steven Snape
Ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian & Persian Costume de Mary G. Houston
Ancient Egyptian: A Linguistic Introduction de Antonio Loprieno
The Ancient Egyptians (At Home with) de Tim Cooke
Ancient Egyptians (Focus on) de Anita Ganeri
Ancient Egyptians (Insights) de Fiona Macdonald
The Ancient Egyptians (Myths of the World) de Virginia Schomp
Ancient Egyptians at a Glance (At a Glance) de Rupert Matthews
The Ancient Egyptians For Dummies de Charlotte Booth
The Ancient Egyptians, a Sourcebook og Their Writings de William Kelly Simpson
The Ancient Egyptians: Activity Book (British Museum Activity Books) de Lise Manniche
The Ancient Egyptians: Beliefs and Practices de A. Rosalie David
The Ancient Egyptians: Dress, Eat, Write and Play Just Like the Egyptians de Fiona Macdonald
Ancient Egyptians: People of the Pyramids (Oxford Profiles) de Rosalie F. Baker
Ancient Egyptians: Sneferu de Bob Brier
Ancient Evenings de Norman Mailer
Ancient Faces : Mummy Portraits in Roman Egypt (Metropolitan Museum of Art Publications) de Susan Walker
The Ancient Languages of Mesopotamia, Egypt and Aksum de Roger D. Woodard
Ancient Lives New Discoveries: Eight Mummies, Eight Stories de John H. Taylor
Ancient Lives: Daily Life in Egypt of the Pharaohs de John Romer
Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood: A Treasury of Goddess and Heroine Lore from Around the World de Merlin Stone
The Ancient Near East in the Time of Tutankhamun : A Self-Guided Tour de Geoff Emberling
Ancient Near Eastern Mythology de Shalom L. Goldman
Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism de Thomas Inman
Ancient Perspectives on Egypt (Encounters with Ancient Egypt) de Roger Matthews
Ancient Perspectives: Maps and Their Place in Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome (The Kenneth Nebenzahl, Jr., Lectures in the History of Cartography) de Richard J. A. Talbert
Ancient Spirits (A Daisy Gumm Majesty Mystery, Book 6) de Alice Duncan
The Ancient Wisdom of Egypt de Murry Hope
Andy Warner's Oddball Histories: Pests and Pets de Andy Warner
The Angel: The Egyptian Spy Who Saved Israel de Uri Bar-Joseph
The Angle Of Repose: Four American Photographers In Egypt de Emily Teeter
Animal Mummies of Ancient Egypt de Susan Ring
Annales du Service des Antiquitï¿1/2s de l'Egypte: Cahier No. 41: Thebes and Beyond, Studies in Honor of Kent R. Weeks de Zahi Hawass
Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte: Cahier 42: Scribe of Justice: Egyptological Studies in honour of Shafik Allam de Zahi Hawass
Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte: Cahier No. 40: Perspectives on Ancient Egypt: Studies in Honor of Edward Brovarski (Supplement Aux Annales Du Service Des Anttiquites De L'egypte) de Zahi Hawass
Annales du Service des Antiquités de l’Egypte: Cahier No. 34: Studies in Honor of Ali Radwan de Supreme Council of Antiqities
Annales du Service des Antiquités de l’Egypte: Cahier No. 35: The World of Ancient Egypt: Essays in Honor of Ahmed Abd El-Qader El-Sawi de Khaled Daoud
The Annotated Bible, Volume 5: Daniel to Malachi de Arno Clemens GaebeleinHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4,Joel 3:19,Micah 6:4,7:12,15,Nahum 3:9,Haggai 2:5,Zechariah 10:11,14:18,19
Annuna de J. C. De La Torre
Anthropology and Egyptology: A Developing Dialogue (Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology, 8) de Judith Lustig
Anthropomorphic figurines: Of predynastic Egypt and neolithic Crete with comparative material from the prehistoric Near de Peter J. Ucko
Antiochos IV. Epiphanes. Eine politische Biographie de Peter Franz Mittag
Antiquities de Cynthia Ozick
Antony and Cleopatra de William Shakespeare
Antony and Cleopatra de Adrian Goldsworthy
The Anubis Gates de Tim Powers
Anubis weighing the Heart as Thoth records the result
Anwar Sadat (Major World Leaders) de Sara Louise Kras
The Arab Invasion of Egypt: And the Last 30 Years of the Roman Dominion de Alfred Joshua Butler
An Arab Melancholia de Abdellah Taïa
Arab Republic of Egypt : selected issues de International Monetary Fund
The Arab Uprisings: What Everyone Needs to Know de James L. Gelvin
Arabia, Egypt, India : a narrative of travel de Lady Isabel Burton
The Arabian Horse of Egypt de Nasr Marei
Arabic palaeography : a collection of Arabic texts from the first century of the Hidjra till the year 1000 de Bernhard Moritz
The Arabs: A History de Eugene Rogan
Arachne de Georg Ebers
Archaeoastronomy: Introduction to the Science of Stars and Stones de Giulio Magli
The Archaeology and Art of Ancient Egypt: Essays in Honor of David B. O'Connor de Zahi Hawass
The Archaeology of Early Egypt: Social Transformations in North-East Africa, c. 10,000 to 2,650 BC de David Wengrow
The Archaeology of the First Farmer-Herders in Egypt : New Insights into the Fayum Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic de Noriyuki Shirai
The architecture of imperialism : military bases and the evolution of foreign policy in Egypt's New Kingdom de Ellen Fowles Morris
Architecture, Astronomy and Sacred Landscape in Ancient Egypt de Giulio Magli
An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa, 1942–1943 de Rick Atkinson
Arsinoe of Egypt and Macedon: A Royal Life de Elizabeth Donnelly CarneyAncient
The Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt de W. Stevenson Smith
Art and History of Egypt de Alberto Carpiceci
Art and Religion in Ancient Egypt de Leslie C. Kaplan
Art et archéologie : L'Egypte ancienne de Christiane Ziegler
Art In Ancient Egypt New Kingdom de Cyril Aldred
The Art of Amenhotep III : art historical analysis : papers presented at the international symposium held at the Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio, 20-21 November 1987 de Lawrence Michael Berman
The Art of Ancient Egypt de Gay Robins
The Art of Ancient Egypt: A Portfolio : Masterpieces from the Brooklyn Museum (The New Press Portfolio Series) de The Brooklyn Museum
The Art of Death in Graeco-Roman Egypt (Shire Egyptology) de Judith A. Corbelli
The Art of Egypt de Irmgard Woldering
Art of Islam : language and meaning de Titus Burkhardt
The art of the Near East and ancient Egypt de Lucy Davidson Rosenfeld
The Art of Travel de Alain De Botton
L'Art égyptien de Lise Manniche
Les artistes de Pharaon de Guillemette Andreu
Artistry in Stone: Great Structures of Ancient Egypt (Lucent Library of Historical Eras) de Don Nardo
Artists in the Old Kingdom: Techniques and Achievements de Naguib Kanawati
Arts of Ancient Egypt de Rita E. Freed
Arts, Leisure, and Sport in Ancient Egypt (Lucent Library of Historical Eras) de Don Nardo
As You Desire de Connie BrockwayVictorian
Asia Minor & Egypt: Old Cultures in a New Empire (Achaemenid History Workshop Vol 6) de Heleen Sancisi-Weerdenburg
Assassin's Creed Origins [2017 Video Game] de Ubisoft
Astèrix i Cleopatra de René Goscinny
Asterix and Cleopatra [1968 film] de René Goscinny
Astronomy Across Cultures: The History of Non-Western Astronomy de Helaine Selin
At Aboukir and Acre de G. A. Henty
Atalaya Cinderella Magazine, Summer 2001, Vol. 26, No. 2 (Whole no. 53) de Christer Brunström
Die Atlanter de Jürgen Spanuth1200 BC
Atlas historique de la ville et des ports d'Alexandrie de Gaston Jondet
The Atlas of Ancient Egypt de Neil Morris
Atlas of the Valley of the Kings (The Theban mapping project) de Kent R. Weeks
austrian post offices abroad; part eight; austrian lloyd, liechtenstein cyprus,egypt, palestine,syria-lebanon, asia minor de Keith Tranmer
Autumn of Fury: The Assassination of Sadat de Muhammad Hasanayn Haykal
Avengers by Jason Aaron Vol. 7: The Age Of Khonshu de Jason Aaron
Awakening Osiris: The Egyptian Book of the Dead de Normandi Ellis
The Awesome Egyptians de Terry Deary
Azazeel de Youssef Ziedan
The Bacchae and Other Plays de EuripidesHelen
Baedeker's Egypt : handbook for travellers, second part, Upper Egypt, with Nubia as far as the second cataract and the western oases de Karl Baedeker
Baedeker's Egypt: handbook for travellers de Karl Baedeker
Balthazar de Lawrence Durrell
The Battle for North Africa de John Strawson
The Battle of El Alamein: Decision in the Desert de Correlli Barnett
The Battle of El Alamein: Fortress in the Sand de Fred Majdalany
Beacon at Alexandria de Gillian Bradshaw
Beacon Bible Commentary, Volume 5: Hosea through Malachi (Beacon Commentary) de William M. GreathouseHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4,Joel 3:19,Micah 6:4,7:12,15,Nahum 3:9,Haggai 2:5
The Beautiful One Has Come: Stories de Suzanne Kamata
Bedouin Life in the Egyptian Wilderness de Joseph J. Hobbs
Before the Pyramids: The Origins of Egyptian Civilization (Oriental Institute Museum Publications) de Emily Teeter
Beguiled by Her Betrayer (Harlequin Historical) de Louise Allen
I Believe in Father Christmas [1975 single] de Greg Lake
Beni Hassan: Art and Daily Life in an Egyptian Province de Naguib Kanawati
Beni Hassan: Volume I: The Tomb of Khnumhotep II (The Australian Centre for Egyptology) de Naguib Kanawati
Berlitz Egypt: Handbook (Berlitz Handbooks) de Ryan Levitt
Berossos and Manetho, Introduced and Translated: Native Traditions in Ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt de Gerald Verbrugghe
Beth and the Barbarian de Miranda Lee
Between Heaven and Earth: Birds in Ancient Egypt de Rozenn Bailleul-LeSuer
Between Two Worlds : The Frontier Region between Ancient Nubia and Egypt, 3700 BC - AD 500 de László Török
Beverly Gray on a World Cruise de Clair Blank
Beyond forever de Barbara Faith
Beyond the Pharaohs : Egypt and the Copts in the 2nd to 7th Centuries A.D. de Florence D. Friedman
Beyond the Pyramids: Egyptian Regional Art from the Museo Egyzio, Turin, Italy de Gay Robins
Bible Absurdities de Robert G. Ingersoll
Bible Archaeology: An Exploration of the History and Culture of Early Civilizations de Alfred Hoerth
The Bible as it was de James L. Kugel
Bible Story Cartoons, Book 2 – The Tower of Babel; Abraham; Isaac and Rebekah de Norman E. Lynch
Bible Story Cartoons, Book 4 - Joseph and His Brothers de Norman E. Lynch
Bible Study Commentary, Micah de Jack R. RiggsMicah 6:4,7:12,15
Biblical Archaeology de G. Ernest Wright
Bilder aus Ägypten de Johannes Guthmann
Bilder fur den Pharao : Untersuchungen zu den bildlichen Ausdrucken des Agyptischen in den Konigsinschriften und anderen Textgattungen de Shih-Wei Hsu
Bilderwelten : Ägyptische Bilder und ägyptologische Kunst : Vorarbeiten für eine bildwissenschaftliche Ägyptologie de Kai Widmaier
Bimbashi McPherson: A Life in Egypt - Letters of Joseph McPherson de Joseph McPherson
A Biographical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt de Rosalie David
Biographical dictionary of modern Egypt de Arthur Goldschmidt
Biological Anthropology and the Study of Ancient Egypt (Scholarly) de W. Vivian Davies
Biology of Deserts : The Proceedings of a Symposium on the Biology of Hot and Cold Deserts Organized by the Institute of Biology de J. L. Cloudsley-Thompson
Bird in a Snare (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 1) de N.L. HolmesNew Kingdom
The Birth of the State: Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China de Petr Charvát
Birth tusks : the armoury of health in context - Egypt 1800 BC de Stephen Quirke
Black Dog Opera Library : Verdi : Aida de Black Dog Publishing
The Black Pharaohs: The Exhibitions, 1 October 1997 to 1 February 1998, Nieuwe Kerrk, Amsterdam de John Vrieze
Black Ships de Jo Graham
Black Stars: The Life of Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt de Linda Barnett
Blood and Guts in High School de Kathy Acker
Blood and Sand: Suez, Hungary, and Eisenhower's Campaign for Peace de Alex Von Tunzelmann
Bloody Kiss de Mell Eight
Blue Guide Egypt de Veronica Seton-Williams
The Blue Manuscript de Sabiha Khemir
The Blue Nile de Alan Moorehead
Blue: A History of the Color as Deep as the Sea and as Wide as the Sky de Nana Ekua Brew-Hammond
Die Blütezeit des Pharaonenreichs mit 193 Abbildungen, darunter 8 mehrfarbigen Tafeln de Georg Steindorff
The Boat Beneath the Pyramid: King Cheops' Royal Ship de Nancy Jenkins
The Bobbsey Twins and Their Camel Adventure de Laura Lee Hope
Bodies of Men de Nigel Featherstone
Bombshells: United Vol. 2: War Bonds de Marguerite Bennett
Bonaparte en Égypte de Jacques Bainville
The Book of Abramelin: A New Translation de Abraham Von Worms
The Book of Exodus de S. R. Driver
The Book of Lost Fragrances de M. J. Rose
The Book of Minor Prophets Volume 1 (The Bible Believer's Commentary Series) de Peter S. RuckmanHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4,Joel 3:19,Micah 6:4,7:12,15,Nahum 3:9
Book of the Dead de E. A. Wallis Budge
The book of the dead : or, Going forth by day : ideas of the ancient Egyptians concerning the hereafter as expressed in their own terms de Thomas George Allen
Book of The Master of the Hidden Places de W. Marsham Adams
The Book of the Pharaohs de Pascal Vernus
The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage
The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage de of Worms Abraham ben Simeon
The Book of the Sultan's Seal: Strange Incidents from History in the City of Mars de Youssef Rakha
The Book of the Twelve: Micah-Malachi (Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary) (Book & CD-ROM) de James D. NogalskiMicah 6:4,7:12,15,Nahum 3:9,Haggai 2:5
The Book of Thoth: A Short Essay on the Tarot of the Egyptians de Aleister Crowley
The Book of Time de Guillaume Prevost
The Books of Amos, Hosea, Micah (Cambridge Bible Commentaries on the Old Testament) de Henry McKeatingHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4,Micah 6:4,7:12,15
The Books of Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi (Cambridge Bible Commentaries on the Old Testament) de Rex MasonHaggai 2:5,Zechariah 10:11,14:18,19
The Books of Joel, Obadiah, Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah (Cambridge Bible Commentaries on the Old Testament) de John D. W. WattsJoel 3:19,Nahum 3:9
A Border Passage: From Cairo to America - A Woman's Journey de Leila Ahmed
The boundary stelae of Akhenaten de William J. Murnane
The Boy Behind the Mask: Meeting the Real Tutankhamun de Charlotte Booth
A Boy Ten Feet Tall de W. H. Canaway
Brassey's Book of the Crusades de David Miller
The Bride of the Nile - Complete de Georg Ebers
A Brief Guide to the Egyptian Collection de Metropolitan Museum of Art
A Brief History of Egypt de Arthur Goldschmidt
A brief record of the advance of the Egyptian expeditionary force under the command of General Sir Edmund H. H. Allenby ... July 1917 to October 1918 de Sir Edmund Allenby
Brilliant Things for Akhenaten: The Production of Glass, Vitreous Materials and Pottery at Amarna Site 0.45.1 (Excavatio de Paul T. Nicholson
Britain and the Suez crisis de David Carlton
Britannia's Empire de Bill Nasson
The British defence of Egypt, 1935-1940 de Steve Morewood
The British in Egypt de Peter Mansfield
The British Museum and Ancient Egypt de T. G. H. James
The British Museum Book of Ancient Egypt de Stephen Quirke
The British Museum Book of the Rosetta Stone de Carol Andrews
The British Museum Colouring Book of Ancient Egypt (British Museum Colouring Books) de Richard Parkinson
The British Museum Pocket Dictionary Ancient Egyptian Mummies (British Museum Pocket Dictionaries) de Nigel Strudwick
The Broadman Bible Commentary, Volume 7 de Clifton J. AllenHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4,Joel 3:19,,Micah 6:4,7:12,15,Nahum 3:9,Haggai 2:5
Brothers de Angela Elwell Hunt
Brothers in Arms de Camille Tawil
I brought the ages home de C. T. Currelly
Ein Buch verändert die Welt: Älteste Zeugnisse der Heiligen Schrift aus der Zeit des frühen Christentums in Ägypten de Harald Froschauer
The Builders of the Pyramids de Zahi Hawass
The Bull of Min de Libbie Hawker
Bulletin 19 New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science: Walter Granger 1872-1941, Paleontologist de Vincent L. Morgan
A Burial at Sea de Charles Finch
The Buried Pyramid de Jane Lindskold
The Buried Pyramid de Jerry Dubs
The Buried: An Archaeology of the Egyptian Revolution de Peter Hessler
Bury the Dead: Tombs, Corpses, Mummies, Skeletons, & Rituals de Christopher Sloan
By Nile and Tigris: a narrative of Journeys in Egypt and Mesopotamia on behalf of the British Museum between the years 1886 and 1913 de E. A. Wallis Budge
Caesar and Cleopatra de George Bernard Shaw
Caesar and Cleopatra [1945 film] de Gabriel Pascal
Cairo de André Raymond
Cairo, Camels, and Chaos de Alicia Klepeis
The calendars of ancient Egypt de Richard Anthony Parker
Calliope: Pharaohs of Egypt de Rosalie Baker
Calliope: Taharqo: Ruler of Nubia and Egypt de Calliope magazine
Calvin's Commentaries - Volume 13 - Daniel 7-12; Hosea de John CalvinHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4
Calvin's Commentary Volume XIV Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum (ISBN: 0801024404 / 0-8010-2440-4) de John CalvinJoel 3:19
The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. I: Egypt and Babylonia to 1580 B.C. de J. B. Bury
The Campaigns of Alexander de Arrian
The Captain of the Polestar and Other Tales de Arthur Conan Doyle
Carbon Democracy: Political Power in the Age of Oil de Timothy Mitchell
The Carian Language de Ignacio-Javier Adiego Lajara
The Carl Barks Library of Donald Duck Adventures in Color, Volume 2 de Carl Barks
The Cartoons that Shook the World de Jytte Klausen
The Cat in Ancient Egypt de Jaromir Malek
The Cat of Bubastes de G. A. Henty
Catalogue of ancient Middle Eastern pottery from Palestine, Cyprus & Egypt in the Faculty of Art Gallery, RMIT, June 1983 & essays on Australian contributions ... to the archaeology of the ancient Near East de Colin A. Hope
Catalogue of Egyptian Art: The Cleveland Museum of Art de Lawrence M. Berman
A Catalogue of the Egyptian Collection in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge (Cambridge Library Collection - Cambridge) de Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge
Catalogue of the Egyptian Sculpture in the Walters Art Gallery de George Steindorff
Causing His Name to Live: Studies in Egyptian Epigraphy and History in Memory of William J. Murnane de Peter J. Brand
Cecil Beaton: Theatre of War de Cecil Beaton
Celtic Empire de Clive Cussler
The Chamber of Kheops: The Marquis of Anaon Volume 5 de Fabien Vehlmann
The Changing Face of Egypt de Ron Ragsdale
A changing Israel de Peter Grose
Chants d'amour de l'Égypte antique de Pascal Vernus
The Chapel of Niankhkhnum & Khnumhotep : scene details de Yvonne Harpur
Chests of life: A study of the typology and conceptual development of Middle Kingdom standard class coffins (Mededelinge de Harco Willems
Chief of seers : Egyptian studies in memory of Cyril Aldred de Cyril Aldredancient
Child of the Morning de Pauline GedgeAncient
Child of the Sun de Margaret Dulles Edwards
Children of the Lion de Peter Danielson
Children's guide to Egypt's golden age: the art of living in the New Kingdom 1558–1085 B.C. de Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Christ in Christian Tradition, Vol. 2, Part 4: The Church of Alexandria with Nubia and Ethiopia after 451 de Aloys Grillmeier
The Christmas Story: From The King James Bible de Gennady Spirin
Christopher Marlowe: Four Plays de Christopher Marlowe
Chronicle of a Pharaoh: The Intimate Life of Amenhotep III de Joann Fletcher
Chronicle of the Pharaohs: The Reign-by-Reign Record of the Rulers and Dynasties of Ancient Egypt de Peter A. Clayton
Chronicle of the Queens of Egypt: From Early Dynastic Times to the Death of Cleopatra de Joyce Tyldesley
Chrononauts, Vol. 1 de Mark Millar
The Church in History de B. K. Kuiper
Circling the Square: Stories from the Egyptian Revolution de Wendell Steavenson
Citadels of Mystery de L. Sprague de Camp
Cities and Urbanism in Ancient Egypt: Papers from a workshop in November 2006 at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (AAS) (Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie) de Manfred Bietak
Cities of the Eastern Roman Provinces de A. H. M. Jones
Cities Without Palms de Tarek Eltayeb
The City of Brass de S. A. Chakraborty
City of the Dead de T. L. Higley
City of the Gods: Forgotten de M.Scott Verne
La Civilisation du Nil. de Jean-Louis de Cénival
Civilizacion egipcia de Martin Walker
Civilization Before Greece and Rome de H. W. F. Saggs
Clamor of the Lake de Mohamed El-Bisatie
Clarkes Commentary: Job Malachi (Job-Malachi) de Adam ClarkeIsaiah 19-20,36:6,9, Ezekiel 29-30,Hosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4,Joel 3:19,Micah 6:4,7:12,15,Nahum 3:9,Haggai 2:5,Zechariah 10:11,14:18,19
The Classic Tales: 4,000 Years of Jewish Lore de Ellen Frankel
Clea de Lawrence Durrell
Cleopatra de Michael Grant
Cleopatra de Pat Southern
Cleopatra de Adèle Geras
Cleopatra de Ernle Bradford
Cleopatra (First Book) de Robert Green
Cleopatra (First Facts: Ancient Egypt) de Janeen R. Adil
Cleopatra (Influential Women) de Don Nardo
Cleopatra (People Who Made History) de Don Nardo
Cleopatra (Special Sales Edition): The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt de National Geographic
Cleopatra : last queen of Egypt de Joyce Tyldesley
Cleopatra : Paper Doll de Tom Tierney
Cleopatra [1963 film] de Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Cleopatra and Antony: Power, Love, and Politics in the Ancient World de Diana Preston
Cleopatra and the Egyptians (Life & Times) de Andrew Langley
Cleopatra Dismounts: A Novel de Carmen Boullosa
Cleopatra of Egypt de Leonora Hornblow
Cleopatra of Egypt: From History to Myth. de Susan Walker
Cleopatra vs. the Roman Empire: Power, Conquest, and Tragedy (History's Greatest Rivals) de Ellis Roxburgh
Cleopatra's Needles: The Lost Obelisks of Egypt (Bloomsbury Egyptology) de Bob Brier
Cleopatra's Heir de Gillian Bradshaw
Cleopatra's Kidnappers: How Caesars Sixth Legion Gave Egypt to Rome and Rome to Caesar de Stephen Dando-Collins
Cleopatra's Needle: Two Wheels by the Water to Cairo de Anne Mustoe
Cleopatra's Palace:: In Search of a Legend de Laura Foreman
Cleopatra: Egypt's Last and Greatest Queen de Susan Blackaby
Cleopatra: Egypt's Last Pharaoh (Lucent Library of Historical Eras) de Don Nardo
Cleopatra: Goddess of Egypt, Enemy of Rome de Polly Schoyer Brooks
Cleopatra: Histories, Dreams and Distortions de Lucy Hughes-Hallett
Cleopatra: Ruler of Egypt (World Leaders) de Kerrily Sapet
Cleopatra: The Life and Death of a Pharaoh de Edith Flamarion
Cleopatra: The Search for the Last Queen of Egypt de Zahi Hawass
Cleopatras Egypt de Jean Davis
Clockwork Cairo: Steampunk Tales of Egypt de Matthew Bright
Clue: The Classic Mystery Game de Marmalade Game Studio
The coffin of Heqata : a case study of the Egyptian funerary culture of the Early Middle Kingdom de Harco Willems
The Collected Letters and Mementos of an Ancient Egyptian Child de Delia Pemberton
A Coloring Book of Tutankhamun de Cyril Aldred
Colour and Painting in Ancient Egypt de W. V. Davies
A Commentary on Romans 1-8 de David P. Kuske
A Companion to the Hellenistic World de Andrew Erskine
A Comparative study of the literatures of Egypt, Palestine, and Mesopotamia, Egypt's contribution to the literature of the ancient world, by T. Eric Peet,... de T. Eric Peet
The Complete Cities of Ancient Egypt de Steven Snape
The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt de Richard H. Wilkinson
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Ancient Egypt de Donald Ryan
The Complete Pyramids: Solving the Ancient Mysteries de Mark Lehner
The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt: A Genealogical Sourcebook of the Pharaohs de Aidan Dodson
The Complete Temples of Ancient Egypt de Richard H. Wilkinson
The Complete Valley of the Kings: Tombs and Treasures of Egypt's Greatest Pharaohs de C. N. Reeves
Computer Rebuilds the Ancient Sphinx de Mark Lehner
Conflict & Cooperation: Christian-Muslim Relations in Contemporary Egypt (Syracuse Studies on Peace and Conflict Resolution) de Peter E. Makari
Conflicted Antiquities: Egyptology, Egyptomania, Egyptian Modernity de Elliott Colla
The Conquest of Jerusalem and the Third Crusade: Sources in Translation de Peter W. Edbury
Conspiracies in the Egyptian Palace: Unis to Pepy I de Naguib Kanawati
Consuming Ancient Egypt (Encounters with Ancient Egypt) de Sally MacDonald
Conversations With Mummies: New Light on the Lives of Ancient Egyptians de Rosalie Davidancient
Coptic Life in Egypt de Claudia Yvonne Wiens
Corpse Talk: Groundbreaking Scientists de Adam Murphy
Corpse Talk: Groundbreaking Women de Adam Murphy
Corpse Talk: Queens and Kings: and Other Royal Rotters (The Phoenix Presents) de Adam Murphy
Costume of Ancient Egypt de Philip J. Watson
Count Your Way Through Egypt de James Haskins
Counterattack: Stalingrad, Midway, El Alamein and the Turning of the Tide de Abraham Rothberg
Country Life in Ancient Egypt de William Stevenson Smith
Court life in Egypt de Alfred Joshua Butler
Cracking Codes: The Rosetta Stone and Decipherment de Richard Parkinson
Crazy Cruise [1942 animated short film] de Tex Avery
Crime Through Time: Original Tales of Historical Mystery de Miriam Grace Monfredo
Les Croades vistes pels àrabs de Amin Maalouf
The Crocodile Makes No Sound (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 2) de N.L. Holmes
The Crook and Flail de Libbie Hawker
The Cross and the River - Ethiopia, Egypt, and the Nile de Haggai Erlich
The Crucible of War: Montgomery and Alamein: The Definitive History of the Desert War - Volume 3 de Barrie Pitt
The Crucible of War: Year of Alamein, 1942 Bk. 2 de Barrie Pitt
A Cruel Deceit de Lauren Haney
The Cult of Ra: Sun-Worship in Ancient Egypt de Stephen QuirkeAncient
Cult of the Sun: Myth and Magic in Ancient Egypt de A. Rosalie David
Cultural Atlas of Ancient Egypt de John Baines
Cultural traditions in Egypt de Lynn Peppas
Culture and Customs of Egypt (Culture and Customs of Africa) de Molefi K. Asante
The Culture of Ancient Egypt de John A. Wilson
Culture Shock! Egypt de Susan L. Wilson
Current Research in Egyptology 2009: Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Symposium, University of Liverpool de Judith A. Corbelli
The Curse of King Tut's Mummy de Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld
The Curse of King Tut's Tomb (Graphic Library: Graphic History) de Michael Burgan
A Curse of Silence de Lauren HaneyAncient
Curse of the Bizarro Beetle de Julie Gardner Berry
Curse of the Kings de Victoria Holt
The Curse of the Mummy: and Other Mysteries of Ancient Egypt de Charlotte Booth
The Curse of the Pharaohs de Elizabeth Peters
Curse of the Pharohs: My Adventures with Mummies de Zahi Hawass
The Curse Of Tutankhamen (Mysteries of Science) de Elaine Landau
Daily Life in Biblical Times de Liora Ravid
Daily Life of the Ancient Egyptians de Bob Brier
Dangerous Days in Ancient Egypt de Terry Deary
Dangerous Rhymes: Lyric collection de Ike Moriz
Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors de Capcom
The Dash for Khartoum : A Tale of the Nile Expedition. Also includes Camp life in Abyssinia (Works of G. A. Henty) de G. A. Henty
Daughter of Sand and Stone de Libbie Hawker
Daughters of Isis: Women of Ancient Egypt (Penguin History) de Joyce A. Tyldesley
The Daughters of Mars de Thomas Keneally
Day and Night Stories de Algernon Blackwood
The Day the Leader Was Killed de Naguib Mahfouz
DC Comics: Bombshells Vol. 6: War Stories de Marguerite Bennett
Death and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt de John H. Taylor
Death By Publication de Jean-Jacques Fiechter
Death in Egypt de Kel Richards
Death on the Nile: Uncovering the Afterlife of Ancient Egypt de Helen Strudwick
Death or Glory I: The Last Commando de Michael Asher
Debunking History de Ed Rayner
A Deceit to Die For de Luke Montgomery
December Passions de Mark Logan
Decorated Burial Chambers of the Old Kingdom de Naguib Kanawati
A Delightful Compendium of Consolation de Burton L. Visotzky
The Deliverer de Peter Danielson
The Demography of Roman Egypt (Cambridge Studies in Population, Economy and Society in Past Time) de Roger S. Bagnall
Demotic Verbal System (Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization Saoc No. 38) de Janet H. Johnson
Denkmäler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien de Richard Lepsius
Description historique et géographique des plaines d’Héliopolis et de Memphis… de Claude-Louis Fourmont
Description of Egypt (TASCHEN Icons Series) de Gilles Néret
Desert Boys: Australians at War from Beersheba to Tobruk and El Alamein de Peter Rees
The Development of Ancient Egyptian Art de Cyril Aldred
The Development of the Giza Necropolis. The Khufu Project in MDAIK 41 de Mark Lehner
Devil in My Heart de Mary Howard
The Devil's Oasis de Bartle Bull
Diaries of an Egyptian Princess de Nevine Abbas Halim
Diary of an Indian Cavalry Officer, 1914-15 de R.W.W. Grimshaw
The Dictator's Learning Curve: Inside the Global Battle for Democracy de William J. Dobson
The Dictionary of Ancient Egypt de Ian Shaw
A Dictionary of Egyptian Civilization de Georges Posener
A Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses de George Hart
A Dictionary of Symbols de J. E. Cirlot
Dictionnaire amoureux de l'Egypte pharaonique de Pascal Vernus
Dictionnaire des pharaons de Pascal Vernus
I Didn't Do It for You: How the World Betrayed a Small African Nation de Michela Wrong
Diego's Egyptian Expedition de Emily Sollinger
Les dieux égyptiens expliqués à mon fils de Pascal Vernus
Digital Giza: Visualizing the Pyramids de Peter Der Manuelian
Los dioses egipcios explicados a mi hijo (Contextos) de Pascal Vernus
Discoveries from the Time of Jesus de Alan Ralph Millard
Discovering Ancient Egypt de Rosalie David
Discovering Tut-Ankh-Amen's Tomb de Shirley Glubok
Discovering Tutankhamun: From Howard Carter to DNA de Zahi Hawass
Discovery Guide to Egypt de Michael Haag
The Discovery of Ancient Egypt de Alberto Siliotti
Dispatches From the Heart: Love Letters From the Front Line de Max Arthur
Dividing the Spoils : The War for Alexander the Great's Empire de Robin Waterfield
A divine tour of Ancient Egypt de Rita E. Freed
DK Eyewitness Travel Guides: Egypt de Jane Ewart
Doctor Faustus and Other Plays (Oxford World's Classics) de Christopher Marlowe
Doctor Who and the Pyramids of Mars de Terrance Dicks
Documentary manuscript in Arabic on papyrus
Documents form Old Testament Times de D. Winton Thomas
A Dog Named Doug de Karma Wilson
Domination and resistance : Egyptian military activity in the southern Levant, ca. 1300-1185 B.C. de Michael G. Hasel
Don Sturdy in the Tombs of Gold de Victor Appleton
Don't Know Much About Mythology: Everything You Need to Know About the Greatest Stories in Human History but Never Learned de Kenneth C. Davis
Donovan Pasha de Gilbert Parker
Down the Nile: Alone in a Fisherman's Skiff de Rosemary Mahoney
Dr. Twelfth de Adam Hargreaves
The Dramatized New Testament: New International Version de Michael Perry
Dream Homes: From Cairo to Katrina, an Exile's Journey (Jewish Women Writers) de Joyce Zonana
Dreamers of the Day de Mary Doria Russell
Dreams That Matter: Egyptian Landscapes of the Imagination de Amira Mittermaier
Drinker of Blood de Lynda S. RobinsonAncient
Dropping in on Egypt de Lewis K. Parker
The Drowning King de Emily Holleman
Duke Papyrus Archive
DuMont Bildatlas Ägypten (2010) de Walter M. Weiss
Dverghesten de Gert Nygårdshaug
The Dwellers on the Nile de Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budgeancient
Dynastic Egypt in the Royal Scottish Museum de Cyril Aldred
The Dynasties of Ancient Egypt: The History and Legacy of the Pharaohs from the Beginning of Egyptian Civilization to the Rise of Rome de Charles River Editors
The Earliest Christian Artifacts: Manuscripts and Christian Origins de Larry W. Hurtado
Earliest Civilizations of the Near East de James Mellaart
The early battles of Eighth Army : Crusader to the Alamein Line, 1941-42 de Adrian Stewart
Early Christian Books in Egypt de Roger S. Bagnall
Early Civilizations: Ancient Egypt in Context de Bruce G. Trigger
The early dynastic period in Egypt de I. E. S. Edwards
Eater of Hearts de Libbie Hawker
Eater of Souls de Lynda S. Robinson
Economy and Industry in Ancient Egypt de Leslie C. Kaplan
Egipt de Andrew Humphreys
Egipto de Hans J Hoefer
Egipto (Country Guide) (Spanish Edition) de Matthew D. Firestone
Egipto - Arquitectura Universal de Cenival Jean-Louis de
Egipto y Africa: Origen de la civilizacion y la monarquia faraonicas en su contexto africano (Aula orientalis) (Spanish Edition) de Josep Cervello Autuori
Egipto: Tierra de faraones de David O´Connor
Egiptus : Kohtumine Vana-Egiptusega de Sergei Stadnikov
Egitto de Irmgard Woldering
Egitto de Giovanni Caselli
L'Egitto dei faraoni de A. Rosalie David
Egitto l'impero dei conquistatori dal XVI all'XI secolo a.C. (volume VII) de Cyril Aldred
Egyiptomi verőfény de György G.Timár
Egypt de Alice Taylor
Egypt de Anthony Sattin
Egypt de Walter Simmons
Egypt de Georg Steindorff
Egypt de Frances Wilkins
Egypt de Ann Heinrichs
Egypt de Shirley Jordan
Egypt de Wilbur Cross
Egypt de Kathleen W. Deady
Egypt de World Trade Press
Egypt de Sherra G. Edgar
Egypt de Susan L. Wilson
Egypt de Valerie Weber
Egypt de Neil Wilson
Egypt de Jean-Louis de Cenival
Egypt de Michael Haag
Egypt & Syria de Alice Taylor
Egypt (A to Z) de Jeff E. Reynolds
Egypt (Action Files) de Rupert Matthews
Egypt (Africa: Continent in the Balance) de Professor William Mark Habeeb
Egypt (Ancient Times) de Lori Dittmer
Egypt (Big Buddy Books: Explore the Countries) de Julie Murray
Egypt (Biography of Nations) de Giovanni Caselli
Egypt (Checkerboard Geography Library: Countries) de Bob Italia
Egypt (Countries and Cultures) de Tracey Boraas
Egypt (Countries Around the World) de Marta Segal Block
Egypt (Countries of the World) de John Pallister
Egypt (Countries: Faces and Places) de Pat Ryan
Egypt (Country Explorers) de Tom Streissguth
Egypt (Cultures of the World) de Robert Pateman
Egypt (Discovering Cultures) de Lewis K. Parker
Egypt (Festivals of the World) de Elizabeth Berg
Egypt (First Reports: Countries) de Shirley W. Gray
Egypt (Flying High) de Marcello Bertinetti
Egypt (Globe-Trotters Club) de Thomas Streissguth
Egypt (Globetrotter Travel Guide) de Robin Gauldie
Egypt (Insiders) de Joyce Tyldesley
Egypt (Letters from Around the World) de David Cumming
Egypt (Major Nations of the Modern Middle East) de Clarissa Aykroyd
Egypt (Marco Polo Travel Guides) de MapArt
Egypt (Modern Middle East Nations and Their Strategic Place in the World) de Clarissa Aykroyd
Egypt (Modern Nations of the World) de Stuart A. Kallen
Egypt (Modern World Nations) de Joseph J. Hobbs
Egypt (Monuments of civilization) de Claudio Barocas
Egypt (On the Map) de David Flint
Egypt (Picture A Country) de Henry Arthur Pluckrose
Egypt (Polyglott) de Hans Strelocke
Egypt (Raintree Freestyle: Destination Detectives) de Nicola Barber
Egypt (Starters S) de Jenny Vaughan
Egypt (Thomas Cook Travellers) de Michael Haag
Egypt (Through Writers' Eyes) (Through Writers' Eyes) de Deborah Manley
Egypt (True Books: Countries) de Elaine Landau
Egypt (True Books: Geography) de Howard Gutner
Egypt (Visual Encyclopedia of Art) de Alice Cartocci
Egypt (Wealth of Nations) de Cath Senker
Egypt (Women in Society) de Anzhil Butrus Saman
Egypt (World Fact Files) de Emma W. Loveridge
Egypt (World in Focus) de Jen Green
Egypt - Culture Smart!: the essential guide to customs & culture de Jailan Zayan
EGYPT ...in Pictures de Steve C. Feinstein
Egypt 7000 Years of Art and History de Giovanna Magi
Egypt : Handbook for Travellers, part one, Lower Egypt and the Peninsula of Sinai de Karl Baedeker
Egypt : the Amarna period and the end of the eighteenth dynasty de Cyril Aldred
Egypt AAA Guidebook de American Automobile Association
Egypt ABCs: A Book about the People and Places of Egypt (Country ABCs) de Sarah Heiman
Egypt Africa and Arabia: The world's story a history of the world in story, song and art (Volume III) de Eva March Tappan
Egypt after the Pharaohs 332 BC-AD 642: From Alexander to the Arab Conquest de Alan K. Bowman
Egypt and Africa: Nubia from Prehistory to Islam de W. V. Davies
Egypt and Bible History: From Earliest Times to 1000 B.C de Charles F Aling
Egypt and Iceland in the year 1874 de Bayard Taylor
Egypt and Israel de Howard Sachar
Egypt and its monuments de Robert Hichens
Egypt and Libya from Inside, 1969-1976: The Qaddafi Revolution and the Eventual Break in Relations, by the Former Egyptian Ambassador to Libya de Salah El Saadany
Egypt and Nubia (British Museum Paperbacks) de John H. Taylor
Egypt and Palestine : a millennium of association (868-1948) de Amnon Cohen
Egypt and the Bible de Pierre Montet
Egypt and the Holy Land de R.Talbot and Finnemore Kelly, John
Egypt and the Levant Volume 14 (Agypten Und Levante) de Manfred Bietak
Egypt and the organization of African unity
Egypt and the Suez Canal: Smithsonian Inst. War Background Studies de Frank H. H. Roberts
Egypt before the Pharaohs de Michael A. Hoffman
Egypt During the Sadat Years de Kirk Beattie
Egypt Eternal: The Quest for Lost Tombs [2002 film] de Amy Bucher
Egypt From the Air de Marcello Bertinetti
Egypt from the Air de Max Rodenbeck
Egypt Handbook de Vanessa Betts
Egypt Handbook With Excursions into Israel, Jordan, Libya and Sudan (Serial) de Anne McLachlan
Egypt in 1800: Scenes from Napoleon's Description de l'Egypt de Robert Anderson
Egypt in 1855 and 1856; Tunis in 1857 and 1858 Volume 1 de Sir William Henry Gregory
Egypt in 1898 de G. W. Steevens
Egypt in color de Roger Wood
Egypt in Colors (A+ Books: World of Colors) de Nathan Olson
Egypt in Our World de Ali Brownlie Bojang
EGYPT in Pictures (web-enhanced) de Jeffrey Zuehlke
Egypt in the Age of Cleopatra: History and Society Under the Ptolemies de Michel Chauveau
Egypt in the Age of the Pyramids de Rita Freed
Egypt in the Byzantine World, 300-700 de Roger S. Bagnall
Egypt in the News: Past, Present, And Future de Susan Jankowski
Egypt in the time of the pharaohs de Cyril Aldredancient
egypt in transition de Sidney Low
Egypt Insight Compact Guide
Egypt Media, Internet and Telecommunications Complete Profile de World Trade Press
Egypt Money and Banking de World Trade Press
The Egypt of Nasser and Sadat: The Political Economy of Two Regimes de John Waterbury
Egypt of the Pharaohs de Brian Fagan
Egypt on the Brink: From Nasser to Mubarak de Tarek Osman
Egypt Pocket Guide: Alexandria and the North Coast (Egypt Pocket Guides) de Alberto Siliotti
Egypt since Cromer de Baron George Ambrose Lloyd Lloyd
Egypt Style de Taschen
Egypt to the End of the Old Kingdom (Library of Early Civilizations) de Cyril Aldred
Egypt Travel Map (Globetrotter Travel Map) de Globetrotter
Egypt Travel Map (Globetrotter Travel Map) de Robin Gauldie
Egypt Uncovered de Vivian Davies
Egypt Women In Culture, Business and Travel de World Trade Press
Egypt's African Empire: Samuel Baker, Charles Gordon & the Creation of Equatoria de Alice Moore-Harell
Egypt's Captive de C.D. Leavitt
Egypt's Golden Age: The Art of Living in the New Kingdom de Rita E. Freed
Egypt's Golden Empire: The Dramatic Story of Life in the New Kingdom de Joyce A. TyldesleyAncient
Egypt's Imperial Aspirations over Lake Tana and the Blue Nile de Wondimneh Tilahun
Egypt's making : the origins of ancient Egypt, 5000-2000 BC de Michael Rice
Egypt's Nile Valley - 1995 [map] de John F. Shupe
Egypt's Road to Jerusalem:: A Diplomat's Story of the Struggle for Peace in the Middle East de Boutros Boutros-Ghali
Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times de Donald B. Redford
Egypt, Greece and Rome: Civilizations of the Ancient Mediterranean de Charles Freeman
Egypt, Israel, and the Ancient Mediterranean World: Studies in Honor of Donald B. Redford (Probleme Der Agyptologie, 20. Bd) de Gary N. Knoppers
Egypt, Nile Valley & Red Sea: Full colour regional travel guide to Egypt, Nile Valley & Red Sea, including Cairo (Footprint - Destination Guides) de Footprint Handbooks
Egypt, Nubia, and Ethiopia illustrated by one hundred stereoscopic photographs de Joseph Bonomi
Egypt, polyglott travel guide. de Hans Strelocke
Egypt, the crucible: The unfinished revolution in the Arab world de Harry Hopkins
Egypt, the Sinaitic Desert, and the Holy Land de Margaret M. Agate
Egypt: A Country Study (Area Handbook Series) de Helen Chapin Metz
Egypt: A High-Speed History de Terry Deary
Egypt: A Picture Book to Remember Her By de David Gibbon
Egypt: A Question and Answer Book (Fact Finders: Countries) de Christine Webster
Egypt: A Short History de Robert L. Tignor
Egypt: A Study of Economically Developing Country de Alasdair Tenquist
Egypt: Cairo & Nile Delta (Footprint Focus) de Vanessa Betts
Egypt: Faces Magazine de Faces Magazine
Egypt: From Prehistory to the Romans de Dietrich Wildung
Egypt: How a Lost Civilisation Was Rediscovered de Joyce Tyldesley
Egypt: In Spectacular Cross-section de Stewart Ross
Egypt: Land of the Pharaohs de Dale M. Brown
Egypt: Land of the Valley de Robin Fedden
Egypt: Luxor to Aswan (Footprint Focus) de Vanessa Betts
Egypt: Quest For Eternity [1982 TV episode] de National Geographic
Egypt: Red Sea & Sinai (Footprint Focus) de Vanessa Betts
Egypt: Red Sea Resorts (HotSpots): Red Sea Resorts (HotSpots) de Thomas Cook
Egypt: Stamps and Postal History - A Philatelic Treatise de Peter A.S. Smith
Egypt: The Black Land de Paul Jordan
Egypt: The Book of Chaos de Nick Drake
Egypt: The Culture de Arlene Moscovitch
Egypt: The Land de Arlene Moscovitch
Egypt: The land and its people (Macdonald countries ; 14) de Michael Von Haag
Egypt: The Moment of Change de Rabab El Mahdi
Egypt: The People de Arlene Moscovitch
Egypt: The World of the Pharaohs de Regine Schulz
Egypt: Touching the Land de Cassandra Vivian
Egypt: World Cultures Through Time (Primary Source Readers) de Shirley Jordan
Egypt: Yesterday and Today de David Roberts
Egypte de Eva Ambros
Egypte de Michel Rauch
Egypte de Matthew D. Firestone
Egypte de Tom Brosnahan
Egypte : geschiedenis, kunst en kultuur in het Nijldal en Sinaï de Hans Strelocke
L'Egypte ancienne de Neil Morris
Egypte en het Beloofde Land de Rosalie A. David
Egypte Entre ciel et terre de Marcello Bertinetti
Egypte Et Son Style (French Edition) de Collective
Egypte nel.gids de Nelles
Egypte, kunstschatten van de farao's de Rosalie David
Egypte: Le Nil egyptien et soudanais du delta a Khartoum (Les Guides bleus) (French Edition) de Jean-Jacques Fauvel
Egypten de Jack Altman
Egypten : [med fakta om Kairo, pyramiderna i Giza, Alexandria, Luxor, Karnak, Thebe, Assuan och mycket mer!] de Lindsay Bennett
Egypten under antiken de Stig Hadenius
Egyptian Administration in the Old Kingdom: Evidence on Its Economic Decline. Doctoral Thesis, Macquarie Univ, 1974 de Naguib Kanawati
Egyptian Adventure (Oxford Reading Tree: Level 8: More Stories) de Roderick Hunt
Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum: Jewellery, 1 - From the Earliest Times to the 17th Dynasty v. 6: Catalogue de Carol Andrews
Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum: Tools and Weapons, I - Axes v. 7: Catalogue de W. Vivian Davies
Egyptian Arabic Phrasebook de Siona Jenkins
Egyptian Archaeology de Willeke Wendrich
Egyptian Art de Cyril Aldred
Egyptian Art de Werner Forman
Egyptian Art de Walters Art Museum (Baltimore. Md.)
Egyptian Art de Francesco AbbateAncient
Egyptian Art at Eton College : Selections from the Myers Museum de Stephen Spurr
Egyptian Art in Denmark de Lise Manniche
Egyptian Art in the Age of the Pyramids de John P. O'Neill
Egyptian art in the collection of the Seattle Art Museum de Emily Teeter
Egyptian Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, Winter 1983/84 de Philippe De Montebello
Egyptian Art: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston de Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Egyptian astronomical texts de Otto Neugebauer
Egyptian Astronomical Texts: 1. The Early Decans de Otto Neugebauer
Egyptian Astronomical Texts: II. The Ramesside Star Clocks de O. Neugebauer
Egyptian Astronomical Texts: III. Decans, Planets, Constellations and Zodiacs de O. Neugebauer
Egyptian Boats de Geoffrey Scott
Egyptian Boats and Ships (Shire Egyptology) de Steve Vinson
The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Book of Going Forth by Day de Raymond O. Faulkner
The Egyptian Cinderella de Shirley Climo
The Egyptian Civilization الحضارة المصرية (originally "The Burden of Egypt") de John Wilson
Egyptian Coffins (Shire Egyptology Series) de John H. Taylor
An Egyptian Craftsman de Giovanni Caselli
Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honor of Naguib Kanawati (2 Volume Set) de Alexandra Woods
Egyptian delegation to the Peace conference collection of official correspondence from November 11, 1918, to July 14, 1919 twelve appendices containing verbatim transcriptions of official Egyptian reports, correspondence, depositions of victims and eye-wi. 2 de Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920)
The Egyptian Department and its excavations de Dows Dunham
Egyptian Dynasties de Joyce L. Haynes
The Egyptian Empire (Great Empires) de Ellis Roxburgh
Egyptian Faience and Glass (Shire Egyptology) de Paul T. Nicholson
Egyptian Food and Drink (Shire Egyptology) de Hilary Wilson
Egyptian Games and Sports (Shire Egyptology) de Joyce A. Tyldesley
Egyptian Gods and Myths (Shire Egyptology) de Angela P. Thomas
Egyptian Gods, Heroes, and Mythology de Tammy Gagne
Egyptian Heritage: Based on the Edgar Cayce Readings de Mark Lehner
An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary : With an Index of English Words, King List, and Geographical List with Indexes, Lis de E. A. Wallis Budge
An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary : With an Index of English Words, King List, and Geographical List with Indexes, List of Hieroglyphic Characters, Coptic and Semitic Alphabets (Vol 1) de E. A. Wallis Budgeancient
An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary, Vol. 2: With an Index of English Words, King List, and Geographical List with Indexes, List of Hieroglyphic Characters, Coptic and Semitic Alphabets de Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budgeancient
Egyptian hieroglyphs de W. V. Davies
Egyptian Hieroglyphs for Complete Beginners de Bill Manley
Egyptian Historical Inscriptions of the Twentieth Dynasty de A. J. Peden
An Egyptian Hornet [short story] de Algernon Blackwood
Egyptian Household Animals de Rosalind Janssen
Egyptian Islamic Jihad de Tamra Orr
Egyptian Jewellery de Milada Vilímková
An Egyptian Journal de William Golding
Egyptian Jukebox de Nick Bantock
The Egyptian Kingdoms: The Making of the Past de A. Rosalie David
Egyptian Language: Easy Lessons in Egyptian Hieroglyphics de E. A. Wallis Budge
Egyptian legends and stories de M. V. Seton-Williams
Egyptian Literature 1800 BC: Questions and Readings (Golden House Publications Egyptology) de Stephen Quirke
Egyptian Luxuries: Fragrance, Aromatherapy, and Cosmetics in Pharaonic Times de Lise Manniche
Egyptian Medicine (Shire Egyptology) de Carole Reeves
Egyptian Metalworking and Tools (Shire Egyptology) de Bernd Scheel
Egyptian Models and Scenes (Shire Egyptology) de Angela M.J. Tooley
Egyptian Mummies de Barbara Adams
Egyptian Mummies de Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeology 1950
Egyptian Mummies de Carol Andrews
Egyptian Mummies de John H. Taylor
Egyptian Mummies and Modern Science de Rosalie David
Egyptian Mummies: Unraveling the Secrets of an Ancient Art de Bob Brier
The Egyptian Museum Cairo: Official Catalogue de Mohamed Saleh
Egyptian Mysteries: An Account of an Initiation de Iamblichus
Egyptian Myth: A Very Short Introduction de Geraldine Pinch
Egyptian Mythology de Janell Broyles
Egyptian Mythology de Veronica Ions
Egyptian Mythology (Mythology) de Don Nardo
Egyptian Mythology (The World of Mythology) de Jim Ollhoff
Egyptian Mythology: Tales from the Egyptian Pantheon de Adam Andino
Egyptian Myths (Mythology Around the World) de Eric Mark Braun
Egyptian Myths and Legends (Myths of the World) de Donald A. MackenzieAncient
Egyptian Myths and Mysteries de Rudolf Steiner
The Egyptian Myths: A Guide to the Ancient Gods and Legends de Garry J. Shaw
Egyptian Non-Royal Epithets in the Middle Kingdom: A Social and Historical Analysis (Probleme Der Agyptologie, Bd 12) de Ph.D. Denise M. Doxey
Egyptian obelisks de Henry H. Gorringe
Egyptian Objects in the Victoria and Albert Museum (Egyptology today; 3) de Barbara Adams
Egyptian Painting and Relief (Shire Egyptology) de Gay Robins
Egyptian painting and the ancient East de Robert Boulanger
The Egyptian Philosophers: Ancient African Voices from Imhotep to Akhenaten de Molefi Kete Asante
Egyptian Planetary Texts: On Some Astronomical Papyri And Related Problems Of Ancient Geography de Otto Neugebauer
Egyptian Pottery (Shire Egyptology) de Colin A. Hope
An Egyptian Princess de Georg Ebers
Egyptian Pyramids (Ancient Wonders) de Elizabeth Raum
Egyptian Pyramids (Places of Old) de Kate Riggs
Egyptian Pyramids and Mastaba Tombs (Shire Egyptology) de Philip J. Watson
Egyptian Pyramids: Ancient Wonders of the World de Sheryl Peterson
The Egyptian Question de Sir Samuel White Baker
Egyptian religious poetry de Margaret Murray
Egyptian Rock-cut Tombs (Shire Egyptology) de Aidan Dodson
Egyptian Saints: Deification in Pharaonic Egypt (Hagop Kevorkian Series on Near Eastern Art and Civilization) de Dietrich Wildung
Egyptian Scarabs (Shire Egyptology) de Richard H. Wilkinson
Egyptian sculpture de Margaret Murray
Egyptian Shabtis (Shire Egyptology) de H.M. Stewart
Egyptian Society Under Ottoman Rule 1517-1798 de Michael Winter
Egyptian Statues de Nora E. Scott
Egyptian Statues (Shire Egyptology) de Gay Robins
Egyptian Stelae, I, New Kingdom (Petrie Egyptian Collection and Excavations) (Pt. 1) de H.M. Stewart
Egyptian Studies III: Varia Nova de Henry George Fischer
Egyptian Temples de Margaret A. Murray
Egyptian Temples (Shire Egyptology) de Steven Snape
Egyptian Textiles de Rosalind Hall
Egyptian Tomb (First Discovery Books) de Claude Delafosse
Egyptian Towns and Cities (Shire Egyptology) de Eric Uphill
Egyptian Treasures de Catherine Chambers
Egyptian Vector Motifs de Alan Weller
Egyptian wall paintings from tombs and temples de UNESCO
Egyptian Warfare and Weapons (Shire Egyptology) de Ian Shaw
Egyptian Woman: An Account of Life in Everyday Thebes de Hilary Wilson
Egyptian women of the Old Kingdom and of the Heracleopolitan period de Henry George Fischer
Egyptian Woodworking and Furniture (Shire Egyptology) de Geoffrey Killen
The Egyptians de Cyril Aldred
The Egyptians (Footsteps in Time) de Ruth Thomson
The Egyptians and the Valley of the Kings (Hidden Worlds) de Philip Steele
The Egyptians: Facts, Things to Make, Activities (Craft Topics) de Rachel Wright
The Egyptians: History, Society, Religion (Bravo) de Renzo Rossi
The Egyptians: Life in Ancient Egypt (Life in Ancient Civilizations) de Liz Sonneborn
Egyptology de County Borough of Bolton Museum and Art Gallery
Egyptology at the dawn of the Twenty-first Century : proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists, de Zahi Hawass
Egyptology Today de Richard H. Wilkinson
Egyptomania: Our Three Thousand Year Obsession with the Land of the Pharaohs de Bob Brier
Eight Great Comedies de Sylvan Barnet
Eight Great Tragedies de Sylvan Barnet
Einführung in die Hieroglyphenschrift de Hartwig Altenmüller
El Alamein de Michael Carver
El Alamein 1942 : The Turning of the Tide de Ken Ford
El Alamein: Desert Victory de John Strawson
El Bruixot de Wilbur Smith
El Consell d'Egipte de Leonardo Sciascia
El guardià dels arcans de Paul Sussman
Ellicott's Commentary on the Whole Bible, Volume V, Jeremiah to Malachi de Charles John EllicottHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4,Joel 3:19,Micah 6:4,7:12,15,Nahum 3:9,Haggai 2:5,Zechariah 10:11,14:18,19
Embrace on Brooklyn Bridge (Hoopoe Fiction) de Ezzedine C Fishere
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth-The-Atlantean de Doreal
Emerging Arab Voices: Nadwa 1: A Bilingual Reader de Peter Clark
The Emperor de Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
The Empire of Darkness: A Novel of Ancient Egypt (Jacq, Christian. Queen of Freedom Trilogy. Vol. 1.) de Christian Jacq
Empires of the Plain: Henry Rawlinson and the Lost Languages of Babylon de Lesley Adkins
Empires of the Sand: The Struggle for Mastery in the Middle East, 1789-1923 de Efraim Karsh
Empires: Egypt's Golden Empire [2001 TV episode] de Tony Lazzerini
Empress of the Nile: The Daredevil Archaeologist Who Saved Egypt's Ancient Temples from Destruction de Lynne Olson
Enchantment of Africa: Egypt de Allan Carpenter
The Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt de Helen Strudwick
The Encyclopedia of Furniture de Hermann Schmitz
The Encyclopedia of Mummies de Bob Brier
Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt de Kathryn A. Bard
The End of the Alphabet de CS Richardson
Endstation El Alamein de Ralf Roland Ringler
England in Egypt de Alfred Milner
The English in Egypt: With Life of General Gordon and Other Pioneers of Freedom de General Gordon
Entombed [2016 Mickey Mouse TV episode] de Dave Thomas
Eothen de Alexander William Kinglake
Epitome historiae sacrae, brevi Christi vitae narratione addita de Caroli Francisci Lhomond
Das Erbe der Götter: Ägyptische Ambivalenzen de Walter M. Weiss
Escape From Ancient Egypt (The Neiko Adventure Saga Book 2) de A. K. Taylor
Escape from Egypt (Ruby Slippers School, 3) de Stacy Towle Morgan
Escrituras, lengua y cultura en el antiguo Egipto de Josep Cervelló Autuori
Essays on Egyptian grammar de William Kelly Simpson
The Essential Feminist Reader de Estelle Freedman
ESV Expository Commentary: Daniel–Malachi (Volume 7) de Iain M. DuguidHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4,Joel 3:19,Micah 6:4,7:12,15,Nahum 3:9,Haggai 2:5,Zechariah 10:11,14:18,19
Eternal Egypt de Clément Robichon
Eternal Egypt de Pierre Montet
Eternal Egypt: Masterworks of Ancient Art from the British Museum de Edna R. Russmann
Eternal Egypt: Pharaohs, Caesars, Caliphs & Sultans de Stephen Quirke
Everyday life in ancient egypt de Nathaniel Harris
Everyday Life in Ancient Egypt de Lionel Cassonancient
Everyday Life in Ancient Egypt & Mesopotamia de Philip Steele
Everyday Life in Egypt in the Days of Ramses the Great de Pierre Montet
Evidence Embalmed: Modern Medicine and the Ancient Mummies of Egypt de Rosalie David
Evil Paradises: Dreamworlds of Neoliberalism de Mike Davis
An Evil Spirit Out of the West de Paul Doherty
Ewiges Ãgypten de Hans Kaesser
Examens de l'OCDE des politiques de l'investissement - Égypte de Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develop
Excavating Egypt: Great Discoveries from the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College, London de Betsy Teasley Trope
Excavations at Giza vol. III 1931-1932 de Selim Hassan
Excavations at Giza vol. VI Part III sixth season 1934-1935 de Selim Hassan
Excavations at Giza, 1929-1930, Vol. I. de Selim Hassan
Excavations at Giza, 1935-1936, Vol. VII: The mastabas of the seventh season and their description. de Selim Hassan
Excavations at Giza: The Mastabas of the Sixth Season and their Description - Volume VI Part III 1934-1935 de Selim Hassan
Excavations at giza: The Offering-List in the Old Kingdom; Volume IV-Part II 1934-1935 de Selim Hassan
Excavations at Gîza I - IV. 1929–1930. de Selim Hassan
Excavations at Gîza IV. 1932–1933. de Selim Hassan
Excavations at Saqqara. 1. North-west of Teti's pyramid de Naguib Kanawati
Exiled: Memoirs of a Camel de Kathleen Karr
Exodus de Brian Wildsmith
The Experience of Ancient Egypt (Experience of Archaeology) de Rosalie David
Exploring Ancient Egypt (Places in Time) de Ian Shaw
Exploring Ancient Egypt With Elaine Landau (Exploring Ancient Civilizations With Elaine Landau) de Elaine Landau
Exploring Egypt de Fodor's
Exploring her Professor [short story] de Skye MacKinnon
Exploring Nahum and Obadiah: An expositional commentary (Exploring the Bible) de Tim ShentonNahum 3:9
Exploring Religion in Ancient Egypt de Stephen Quirke
The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Volume 7: Daniel and the Minor Prophets de Frank E. GaebeleinHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4,Joel 3:19,Haggai 2:5
The Eye of Horus de Carol Thurston
The Eye of Karnak de John E. Muller
The Eye of Ra de Dakota Chase
Eyeliner of the Gods de Katie Maxwell
Eyes Of Horus de Joan Grant
The face of Egypt : permanence and change in Egyptian art : from museum and private collections : the Katonah Gallery, March 13-May 15, 1977, Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, June 14-August 28, 1977 de William Kelly Simpson
A Face Turned Backward de Lauren HaneyAncient
The Falcon at the Portal de Elizabeth Peters
Fallen Empires de Mike Maihack
Familiar Mirage de Caroline Burnes
A family flight over Egypt and Syria de Edward Everett Hale
A Family in Egypt (Families Around the World) de Olivia Bennett
Famous Men of Rome de John H. Haaren
The Fantastic Four Omnibus, Volume 1 de Stan Lee
Fantastic Mummies: Open Up the Secrets of Ancient Egyptian Mummies de John H. Taylor
Far Blue Horizons de Mary Howard
FARAONI Il tempo delle piramidi: dalla preistoria agli Hyksos, 1560 a. C. de Cyril Aldred
Farouk Hosny, Adam Henein : contemporary Egyptian Artists and Heirs to an Ancient Tradition de Farouk Hosny
Faszination Erde : Ägypten de Walter M. Weiss
Fault Lines in the Constitution: The Graphic Novel (World Citizen Comics) de Cynthia Levinson
Fayûm towns and their papyri de Bernard Pyne Grenfell
The Feast is Finished = The Lonely Heart de Denise Robins
Fellachen und Pharaonen de Werner Wrage
Feminism and Future of Women(14 Lectures on 7 Compact Discs (The Modern Scholar) de Estelle B. Freedman
Les femmes dans l'ancienne Egypte : Les filles d'Egypte de Joyce Tyldesley
The Fifth Element [1997 film] de Luc Besson
The Final Curtsey de Margaret Rhodes
Finse Explores Egypt de The Countess of Carnarvon
Fire: Tales of Elemental Spirits de Robin McKinley
The First Book of Ancient Egypt de Charles Alexander Robinson
The First Eden: The Mediterranean World and Man de David Attenboroughancient
The first great civilizations : life in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, and Egypt de Jacquetta Hopkins Hawkes
The first hundred years : Egyptology at University College London, 1892-1992 de Rosalind Janssen
The First Lady Brendon de Robert Hichens
The First World War. Volume 1, To Arms de Hew Strachan
The Firstborn de Christopher Fry
Fishing in Egypt de Fluker
Flüchtige Bilder aus einer Reise durch Egypten, Nubien und Syrien in den Jahren 1854 und 1855 de Alexander Baumann
Flaubert in Egypt de Michael Haag
Flaubert in Egypt : A Sensibility on Tour de Gustave Flaubert
The Flood de Scott Gray
Flow Down Like Silver de Ki Longfellow
Focus on Egypt (World in Focus) de Jen Green
Fodor's Egypt de Fodor's
Food and Feasts (Flavour of Ancient Egypt) de Stewart Ross
For All Time de Caroline B. Cooney
A for Anonymous: How a Mysterious Hacker Collective Transformed the World de David Kushner
For His Ka: Essays Offered in Memory of Klaus Baer de David P. Silverman
Foreigners and Egyptians in the late Egyptian stories linguistic, literary and historical perspectives de Camilla Di Biase-Dyson
The Fortifications of Ancient Egypt 3000-1780 BC de Carola Vogel
Fountain and Tomb de Naguib Mahfouz
Four women of Egypt de (Director) Tahani Rached
The Foxes of the Desert de Paul Carell
Fragments of a Shattered Visage: The Proceedings of the International Symposium of Ramesses the Great de Edward Bleiberg
Die Frau bei den Kopten und Moslems in Ägypten de Willi Höpfner
From Alexander to Cleopatra de Michael Grant
From Atlantis to the Sphinx de Colin Wilson
From Farmers to Pharoahs: Mortuary Evidence for the Rise of Complex Society in Egypt (Monographs in Mediterranean Archaeology, 2) de Kathryn A. Bard
From Jesus to Christianity a history of the early church de Thomas F. Madden
From our special correspondent : the journalism of Arthur Ransome in Egypt de Nancy M. Endersby-Harshman
From The Grand Canyon To The Great Wall: Travelers' Best, Worst And Most Ridiculous Stories From The Road de David Slenk
From the Holy Mountain: A Journey in the Shadow of Byzantium de William Dalrymple
From the Stone Age to Christianity: Monotheism and the Historical Process de William Foxwell Albright
From This Beloved Hour de Willa Lambert
Frommer's Complete Guide: Egypt de Matthew Carrington
Fun with Hieroglyphs de Catharine Roehrig
Future at Issue. Tense, Mood and Aspect in Middle Egyptian (Yale Egyptological Studies) de Pascal Vernus
G©♭ographie de l'©gypte ancienne de Pierre Montet
Götter am Nil: Ägyptische Mythologie für Einsteiger de Garry J. Shaw
De gamla egyptierna de Gun Björkman
Gardening for Egypt and allied climates, de Mary Stout
Gardner's art through the ages : Ancient, medieval, and non-European art de Helen Gardner
General History of Africa II: Ancient Civilizations of Africa de Muhammad Jamal al-Din Mukhtar
General History of Africa III: Africa from the Seventh to the Eleventh Century de M. El Fasi
General History of Africa IV: Africa from the Twelfth to the Sixteenth Century de Djibril Tamsir Niane
General History of Africa V: Africa from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century de B. A. Ogot
General History of Africa VI: Africa in the Nineteenth Century until the 1880s de J. F. Ade Ajayi
A general introductory guide to the Egyptian collections in the British Museum de British Museum.,
The Generals de Simon Scarrow
The Generalship of Alexander the Great de J. F. C. Fuller
Gentlemen Prefer Succubi de Jessica Clare
Geography Matters in Ancient Egypt (Geography Matters in Ancient Civilizations) de Melanie Waldron
Gertrude Bell: Queen of the Desert, Shaper of Nations de Georgina Howell
Getting Old in Ancient Egypt de Rosalind Janssen
Ghost on the Throne: The Death of Alexander the Great and the War for Crown and Empire de James Romm
Ghost ship : the pharaoh's buried vessel de Ruth Owen
Ghosts of the Nile de Cheryl Harness
Gideon's Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad de Gordon Thomas
Gifts of the Nile: Ancient Egyptian Arts and Crafts in Liverpool Museum de Piotr Bienkowski
Gifts of the Nile: Ancient Egyptian Faience de Florence Dunn Friedman
Giles Wemmbley Hogg Goes Off: The Complete Series 2 de Marcus Brigstocke
The Girl Who Married a Skull: and Other African Stories de Kel McDonald
Giza and the Pyramids: The Definitive History de Mark Lehner
Giza IX - Das Mittelfeld des Westfriedhofs de Hermann Junker
Giza Plateau Mapping Project : Season 2004 Preliminary Report de Mark Lehner
Giza Plateau Mapping Project : Season 2005 Preliminary Report de Mark Lehner
Giza Plateau Mapping Project : Season 2008 Preliminary Report de Mark Lehner
Giza Plateau Mapping Project : Season 2009 Preliminary Report de Mark Lehner
Giza X - Der Friedhof südlich der Cheopspyramide de Hermann Junker
Giza XI - Der Friedhof südlich der Cheopspyramide de Hermann Junker
Giza XII - Schlußband mit Zusammenfassungen de Hermann Junker
Gladstone's Imperialism in Egypt de Robert T. Harrison
Gladstone: Heroic Minister 1865-1898 de Richard Shannon
The Glass Word de Kai Meyer
Global Security Watch--Egypt: A Reference Handbook de Denis J. Sullivan
The Glory of Ancient Egypt: A Collection of Rare Engravings from the Napoleonic Expedition de Bob Brier
The Glory of Egypt de Samivel
A God Against the Gods de Allen Drury
God has Ninety-nine Names de Judith Miller
God Leads His People Grade 2 Teacher's Guide de Mildred Martin
God tur til Egypt de Sylvie Franquet
Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt (First Facts: Ancient Egypt) de Janeen R. Adil
Gods and pharaohs of Ancient Egypt de Sarah Halliwell
Gods And Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: Mysteries Tales Legends (Ancient Egypt--History) de Editrice Bonechi
The Gods of Ancient Egypt de Pascal Vernus
Going out in Daylight - prt m hrw: The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead - translation, sources, meanings (Ghp Egyptology) de Stephen Quirke
Gold of Praise: Studies in Ancient Egypt in Honor of Edward F. Wente de Emily Teeter
Gold of the Pharaohs de Colin A. Hope
The Golden Goblet (Scholastic Book Guides) de Eloise Jarvis McGraw
The Golden Hawk de Ruth Glick
The Golden King: The World of Tutankhamun de Zahi Hawass
The Golden One de Elizabeth Peters
The Golden Pharaoh de Peter Danielson
Good News Bible: The Bible in Today's English Version
Good-Bye to All That: An Autobiography de Robert Graves
Gott-Mensch-Pharao: Viertausend Jahre Menschenbild in der Skuptur des Alten Ägypten de Wilfried Seipel
Graeco-Roman Egypt (Shire Egyptology) de Simon P. Ellis
The Grand Alliance de Winston S. Churchill
Le grand guide de la vallée du Nil de Bibliothèque du Voyageur
Grand Hotels of Egypt: In the Golden Age of Travel de Andrew Humphreys
Graven in the Rock : or, the historical accuracy of the bible confirmed, by reference to Assyrian and Egyptian monuments in the British Museum and elsewhere de Samuel Kinns
The Great Belzoni: The Circus Strongman Who Discovered Egypt's Ancient Treasures, Second Edition (International Library of Historical Studies) de Stanley Mayes
Great Bible Stories: Joseph in Egypt de Maxine Nodel
The Great Mathematicians de H. W. Turnbull
Great Museums of the World: Museums of Egypt de Henry A La Farge
Great Peoples of the Past: The Egyptians / Ancient Egypt - 2001 [map] de Allen Carroll
Great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt de Bob Brier
The Great Pyramids de Jean-Pierre Corteggiani
The Great Sphinx, the marvel of the ages, Egypt [stereoview] de Strohmeyer & Wyman.
Greco-Egyptian Interactions: Literature, Translation, and Culture, 500 BC-AD 300 de Ian Rutherford
Greece, Turkey, Egypt de Rick Steves
The Greedy Bastard Diary: A Comic Tour of America de Eric Idle
The Greek Alexander Romance de Ps-Callisthenes
The Greenleaf Guide to Ancient Egypt - History For The Thoughtful Child de Cynthia ShearerAncient
The Gritty, Stinky Ancient Egypt: The Disgusting Details About Life in Ancient Egypt (Fact Finders: Disgusting History) de James A. Corrick
Growing Up in Ancient Egypt de Rosalie David
Growing up in Ancient Egypt de Jac. J. Janssen
Guardian of the Horizon de Elizabeth Peters
Guide to Egypt de Michael Haag
Guide to Egypt de Michael March
A Guide to Reading Herodotus' Histories de Sean Sheehan
A Guide to the Egyptian Museum, Cairo: A Brief Description of the Principal Monuments de Matḥaf al-Miṣrī.,
Guide to the Valley of the Kings de Alberto Siliotti
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies de Jared Diamond
GURPS Who's Who 2: More of History's Most Intriguing Characters de Phil Masters
Gymnastics of the Mind: Greek Education in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt de Raffaella Cribiore
Hadrian and the Triumph of Rome de Anthony Everitt
THE HADRIAN ENIGMA A Forbidden History de George Gardiner
Hagar de Lois T. Henderson
Haggai and Malachi (Everyman's Bible Commentary) de Herbert WolfHaggai 2:5
Haggai, Zechariah 1-8 (Anchor Bible Series, Vol. 25B) de Carol L. MeyersHaggai 2:5
Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi: New Century Bible Commentary de Paul L. ReddittHaggai 2:5,Zechariah 10:11,14:18,19
Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi de Eric S. HartzellHaggai 2:5,Zechariah 10:11,14:18,19
Haggai: An Expositional Commentary de Tim ShentonHaggai 2:5
Haggi, Zechariah and Malachi (Christian Focus) de John L. MackayHaggai 2:5,Zechariah 10:11,14:18,19
Hags, Sirens, and Other Bad Girls of Fantasy de Denise Little
Handbook for Egypt and the Sudan de John Murray
A Handbook for Travellers in Egypt de John Murray
The Handbook to Life in Ancient Egypt de Rosalie David
Harem Life by Princess Djavidan Hanum-Ex-wife of Abbas Hilmi II Khedive of Egypt de Hanum Djavidan
Harlots of the Desert: A Study of Repentance in Early Monastic Sources de Benedicta Ward
Hatchepsut: The Female Pharaoh de Joyce A. TyldesleyAncient
Hatschepsut : Eine Frau als König von Ägypten de Marianne Schnittger
Hatshepsut and Ancient Egypt (Rulers and Their Times) de Miriam Greenblatt
Hatshepsut and the Ancient Egyptians (History Starting Points) de David Gill
Hatshepsut: Daughter of Amun de Moyra Caldecott
Hatshepsut: First Female Pharaoh: World Cultures Through Time (Primary Source Readers) de Shirley Jordan
Hatshepsut: From Queen to Pharaoh de Catharine H. Roehrig
Hatshepsut: The Princess Who Became King de Ellen Galford
Haus und Palast im alten Ägypten House and palace in ancient Egypt de Manfred Bietak
The Hawkman Archives, Volume 2 de Gardner Fox
Hawkman: Rise of the Golden Eagle - Volume 4 (Hawkman (Graphic Novels)) de Justin Gray
He Shall Thunder in the Sky de Elizabeth Peters
Heart of Egypt de Megan Slayer
Heart of the Night de Naguib Mahfouz
Heaven's Mirror: Quest for the Lost Civilization de Graham Hancock
The Hebrew Bible: A Socio-Literary Introduction de Norman K. Gottwald
Helen de Euripides
Heliodorus: An Ethiopian Romance de Heliodorus
Hell in the Holy Land: World War I in the Middle East de David R. Woodward
The Hellenistic Settlements in Syria, the Red Sea Basin, and North Africa (Hellenistic Culture and Society) de Getzel M. Cohen
The Hellenistic world de F. W. Walbank
The Heretic Pharaoh: The Life of Akhenaten de Joy Collier
The Heretic Queen de Michelle Moran
Herodotus in Egypt de John Albert Wilson
The Heros and Crises of Early Hebrew History de Charles Foster Kent
Hidden hands : Egyptian workforces in Petrie excavation archives, 1880-1924 de Stephen Quirke
The Hidden Life of Ancient Egypt: Decoding the Secrets of a Lost World de Clare Gibson
Hidden Sanctuary de Sharron McClellan
The Hidden Tombs of Memphis: New Discoveries from the Time of Tutankhamun and Ramesses the Great de Geoffrey Thorndike Martin
Hidden Treasures of Ancient Egypt: Unearthing the Masterpieces of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo de Zahi Hawass
A Hieroglyphic Dictionary of Egyptian Coffin Texts (Probleme Der Agyptologie, 15) de Rami Van Der Molen
Hieroglyphics (Treasure Chests) de Richard Platt
Hieroglyphs (First Facts: Ancient Egypt) de Kremena Spengler
Hieroglyphs and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt de Werner Forman
Hieroglyphs from A to Z: A Rhyming Book With Ancient Egyptian Stencils for Kids de Peter Manuelian
The Hieroglyphs of Ancient Egypt de Aidan Dodson
Hieroglyphs: unlocking ancient Egypt de Ilona Regulski
Highlander: The Captive Soul de Josepha Sherman
Highlights of the Egyptian Museum de Zahi Hawass
Highlights Top Secret Adventures: Guide to Egypt de Michael March
The Hippopotamus Marsh de Pauline GedgeAncient
The Hippopotamus Pool de Elizabeth Peters
His Majesty, Queen Hatshepsut de Dorothy Sharp Carter
Histoire de Saladin, sulthan d’Égypte et de Syrie, avec une introduction, une histoire abrégée de la dynastie des Ayoubite fondée par Saladin, des notes critiques, historiques, géographiques, & quelques pièces justificatives. Par M. Marin. T. 1-2 de François-Louis-Claude Marini Marin, dit
Historical and archaeological aspects of Egyptian funerary culture : religious ideas and ritual practice in Middle Kingdom elite cemeteries de Harco Willems
Historical Dictionary of Ancient Egypt (Historical Dictionaries of Ancient Civilizations and Historical Eras) de Morris L. Bierbrier
Historical Dictionary of Egypt (Historical Dictionaries of Africa) de Jr. Arthur Goldschmidt
The History and Culture of Ancient and Modern Egypt de M. Clement Hall
History for Kids: The Illustrated Life of King Tutankhamun de Charles River Editors
The history makers; leaders and statesmen of the 20th century de Earl of Frank Pakenham Longford
A history of ancient Egypt de Nicolas Grimal
A History of Ancient Egypt de Marc Van de Mieroop
The history of ancient Egypt de Nathaniel Harris
The History of Ancient Egypt de Bob Brier
The History of Ancient Egypt Part IV (CDs of lectures) de Professor Bob Brier
The History of Ancient Egypt, Part 1 de Bob Brier
The History of Ancient Egypt, Part 2 de Bob Brier
The History of Ancient Egypt, Part 3 de Bob Brier
History of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt de Jacob Abbott
History of Egypt de Clara Erskine Clement
The History of Egypt (The Greenwood Histories of the Modern Nations) de Glenn E. Perry
A history of Egypt .. de W. M. Flinders Petrie
A history of Egypt during the XVIIth and XVIIIth dynasties. 1896, with additions to 1898 de Sir W. M. Flinders Petrie
A History of Egypt from the Earliest Times to the Persian Conquest de James Henry Breasted
A history of Egypt under the Ptolemaic dynasty de Edwyn Robert Bevan
History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia and Assyria, Vol. 4 (Classic Reprint) de G. Maspero
History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia and Assyria, Vol. 7 (Classic Reprint) de G. Maspero
History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia and Assyria, Vol. 8 (Classic Reprint) de G. Maspero
History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia and Assyria, Vol. 9 (Classic Reprint) de G. Maspero
History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria de G. Maspero
History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria in the Light of Recent Discovery de L. W. King
History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Vol. 2 (Classic Reprint) de G. Maspero
History Of Egypt, Chalda, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, Volume 1 (of 12) de G. Maspero
History of Egypt, Vol. 3: Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria (Classic Reprint) de G. Maspero
History of Egypt, Vol. 5 of 8: Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria (Classic Reprint) de G. Maspero
History of Egypt, Vol. 6 (Classic Reprint): Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia and Assyria de G. Maspero
A history of Egyptian sculpture and painting in the old kingdom de William Stevenson Smith
The History of Modern Egypt: From Napoleon to Now de M. Clement Hall
A history of the ancient Egyptians de James Henry Breasted
A History of the British Cavalry 1816-1919, Volume 5 : Egypt, Palestine, and Syria de Marquis of George Charles Henry Victor Paget Anglesey
A History of the Crusades, Volume I: The First Hundred Years de Kenneth M. Setton
A History of the Hellenistic World, 323-30 BC de R. Malcolm Errington
A History of the Ptolemaic Empire de Günther Hölbl
History of the Second World War, Part 036: First Alamein de Barrie Pitt
History of the Second World War, Part 039: Alamein: Montgomer's Desert Triumph de Barrie Pitt
History of the World, Part I [1981 film] de Mel Brooks
History Pockets: Ancient Egypt: Grades 4-6 de Evan Moor
Història de Herodotus
Holy Bible - Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV) de Wartburg ProjectExodus 1-12,Isaiah 19-20,36:6,9,Ezekiel 29-30,Matthew 2:13-21
The Holy Bible: American Standard Version (ASV)
Holy Murder: The Death of Hypatia of Alexandria de Charlotte Kramer
Home Life in Ancient Egypt de Leslie C. Kaplan
HOREMHEB: The Forgotten Pharaoh de Charlotte Booth
A Horseman for the Emperor: a Cavalryman of Napoleon's Army on Campaign Throughout the Napoleonic Wars de Jean Baptiste Gazzola
The Horus Killings de P. C. DohertyAncient
The Horus Road de Pauline Gedge
Hosea de Michael EatonHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4
Hosea (Bible Study Commentary Series) de David D. GarlandHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4
Hosea (Torch Bible Paperbacks) de George A. F. KnightHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4
Hosea : a new translation with introduction and commentary de David Noel FreedmanHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4
Hosea: A Discourse Analysis of the Hebrew Bible (24) (Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament) de Jerry HwangHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4
Hosea: New Century Bible Commentary de Graham I. DaviesHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4
Hosni Mubarak (Major World Leaders) de Vicki Cox
House of Dreams de Pauline GedgeAncient
House of Illusions de Pauline GedgeAncient
House of Rejoicing de Libbie Hawker
House of the Wolf: An Egyptian Novel de Ezzat el Kamhawi
The House of Wisdom: How Arabic Science Saved Ancient Knowledge and Gave Us the Renaissance de Jim Al-Khalili
How Djadja-Em-Ankh Saved the Day: A Tale from Ancient Egypt de Lise Manniche
How the Amazon Queen Fought the Prince of Egypt de Tamara Bower
How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphics; A Step-by-Step Guide to Teach Yourself de Mark Collier
Howard Carter & Lord Carnarvon Discovered....Tutankhamun's Tomb de Alan MacDonald
Howard Carter and the Discovery of the Tomb of Tutankhamun de H. V. F. Winstone
Howard Carter: Before Tutankhamun de C. N. Reeves
Howard Carter: The Path to Tutankhamun de T. G. H. James
Howard Collector de Robert E. Howard
A hundred days in the East: a diary of a journey to Egypt, Palestine, Turkey in Europe, Greece, the isles of the Archipelago, and Italy de Archibald Pollok Black
The Hyksos Period in Egypt (Shire Egyptology) de Charlotte Booth
Hypatia de Charles Kingsley
Hypatia of Alexandria de Maria Dzielska
Hypatia of Alexandria: Mathematician and Martyr de Michael A. B. Deakin
Hypatia: Mathematician, Inventor, and Philosopher (Signature Lives: Ancient World) de Sandy Donovan
I, the Sun de Janet MorrisAncient
Ibizan Hounds: A Celebration! de Lisa Puskas
If I Were a Kid in Ancient Egypt: Children of the Ancient World de Cobblestone Publishing
If You Were Me and Lived in... Egypt: A Child's Introduction to Culture Around the World de Carole P. Roman
Ikhnaton: legend and history de Frederick John Giles
The Illustrated Book of Pistols de Wilkinson
Illustrated Guide To Luxor And The Valley Of The Kings de Kent R. Weeks
The Illustrated Poets: Percy Bysshe Shelley de Percy Bysshe Shelley
Im Dienst der Pharaonen. Ein Jahr im alten Ägypten de Hilary Wilson
Im Land der Pharaonen : Ägypten in historischen Fotos de Walter Weiss
Imhotep de Jerry Dubs
The Impact of Egypt on Ancient Iran de Iraj Bashiri
IN ALL HIS GLORY de John Howard Reid
In search of identity : an autobiography de Anwar Sadat
In Search of King Tuts Tomb de The Brothers Hildebrandt and Jerry Nichols
In the Beginning: Bibles Before the Year 1000 de Michelle Brown
In the Language of Miracles: A Novel de Rajia Hassib
In the Valley of the Kings: Howard Carter and the Mystery of King Tutankhamun's Tomb de Daniel Meyerson
In This My Beautiful Egypt de Sandra Lehti-Culjak
Incredible Egypt de Rosalie Baker
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack de John Williams
Indiana Jones, En busca del Arca Perdida de Steven Spielberg
Infidel Kings and Unholy Warriors: Faith, Power, and Violence in the Age of Crusade and Jihad de Brian A. Catlos
Infographics Egypt (Insiders Series)
Ingeborg Bachmann in Ägypten. 'Landschaft, für die Augen gemacht sind.' de Adolf Opel
Initiation of Plato de Manly P. Hall
Inside the Egyptian Museum with Zahi Hawass: Collector's Edition de Zahi Hawass
Insight Guides Egypt de Insight Guides
An Interactive History of Egypt de Charles River Editors
Interconnections in the ancient Near-East; a study of the relationships between the arts of Egypt, the Aegean, and western Asia de William Stevenson Smith
Into the Great Pyramid [video] de Alexander Scourby
Into the Mummy's Tomb de johnrichardstephens
Into the Mummy's Tomb: The Real-Life Discovery of Tutankhamun's Treasures de Nicholas Reeves
An Introduction to the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt de Kathryn A. Bard
An Introduction to the Art of Egypt in the Cleveland Museum of Art de Cleveland Museum of Art
The Invincible Iron Man Omnibus Vol. 1 de Stan Lee
Invoking the Scribes of Ancient Egypt: The Initiatory Path of Spiritual Journaling de Normandi Ellis
ISIS (aka - ISIS or the Search for Egypt Buried Past) de Pierre Montet
Isis leading Nefertari into the afterlife
Islam and the Jews: The Unfinished Battle de Mark A. Gabriel
Islam in Contemporary Egypt: Civil Society Vs. the State de Denis Joseph Sullivan
Islamic Designs from Egypt de Pepin Press
Island of the Blessed: The Secrets of Egypt's Everlasting Oasis de Harry Thurston
Islands of the Blest : a guide to the oases and Western Desert of Egypt de Cassandra Vivian
Israel Pocket Library: Economy de Israel Pocket Library
Israel Pocket Library: History from 1880 de Israel Pocket Library
Israel und Ägypten in der Königszeit : die kulturellen Kontakte von Salomo bis zum Fall Jerusalems de Bernd Ulrich Schipper
Israel, the Arabs, and the Middle East de Irving Howe
It Won't Always Be Like This: A Graphic Memoir de Malaka Gharib
It's cool to learn about countries. Egypt de Katie Marsico
Jeremiah & Lamentations de R. K. HarrisonLamentations 5:6
Jeremiah & Lamentations- Everyman's Bible Commentary (Everyman's Bible Commentaries) de Irving L. JensenLamentations 5:6
Jeremiah and Lamentations de Linda B. HintonLamentations 5:6
Jeremiah, Lamentations de David M. GosdeckLamentations 5:6
Jeremiah, Lamentations (Layman's Bible Book Commentary, Vol. 11) de Edward H. DalglishLamentations 5:6
Jeremiah, Lamentations (Understanding the Bible Commentary Series) de Tremper Longman IIILamentations 5:6
Jerusalem, Egypt, Palestine, Syria de Alma White
The Jesus Mysteries de Timothy Freke
Jewels of the Pharaohs: Egyptian Jewelry of the Dynastic Period de Cyril Aldred
The Jews in Egypt and in Palestine under the Fatimid caliphs;: A contribution to their political and communal history, based chiefly on Genizah material ... caliphs." (Library of Jewish classics) de Jacob Mann
Joel (Bible study commentary series) de Ronald B. AllenJoel 3:19
Joel and Amos : a commentary on the books of the prophets Joel and Amos de Hans Walter WolffJoel 3:19
Joel, Obadiah and Micah de Thomas John FinleyJoel 3:19,Micah 6:4,7:12,15
Joel, Obadiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi de Mary Margaret PazdanJoel 3:19,Haggai 2:5
Joel, Obadiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi (New Collegeville Bible Commentary) de John J. CollinsJoel 3:19,Haggai 2:5
Joel: A Discourse Analysis of the Hebrew Bible (Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament) de Joel BarkerJoel 3:19
Joel: A New Translation with Notes (Anchor Bible) de James CrenshawJoel 3:19
Jonah and Nahum de III John R. KohlenbergerNahum 3:9
Jonah, Micah & Nahum (Geneva Series of Commentaries) de John CalvinMicah 6:4,7:12,15,Nahum 3:9
Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah (Focus on the Bible Commentaries) de John L. MackayMicah 6:4,7:12,15,Nahum 3:9
Joseph and His Brothers de Maud Fuller Petersham
Joseph and His Brothers: The Stories of Jacob, Young Joseph, Joseph in Egypt, Joseph the Provider de Thomas Mann
Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat [1999 film] de David Mallet
Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors de Lavinia Derwent
Joseph and the Way of Forgiveness: A Biblical Tale Retold de Stephen Mitchell
Joseph in Egypt de Thomas Mann
Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt (Volume XXIX, 1992) de John L. Foster
Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt (Volume XXX, 1993) de John L. Foster
Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt (Volume XXXI, 1994) de John L. Foster
Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt (Volume XXXII, 1995) de John L. Foster
Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt (Volume XXXIII, 1996) de John L. Foster
Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt (Volume XXXIV, 1997) de John L. Foster
Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt (Volume XXXV, 1998) de John L. Foster
Journey Cake, Ho! de Ruth Sawyer
A Journey in Egypt de David Roberts
Journey into the Great Mystery: Spiritual Search and Sacred Energies de Anita Runyan
Journey Through the Afterlife: Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead de John H. Taylor
Journeying: Travels in Italy, Egypt, Sinai, Jerusalem and Cyprus de Nikos Kazantzakis
JSA: Savage Times de Geoff Johns
Judgement of the Pharaoh: Crime and Punishment in Ancient Egypt de Joyce Tyldesley
Julius Caesar de Philip Freeman
Justine de Lawrence Durrell
Juvenal and Persius de Juvenal
Kabbalistic alchemical, and occult symbolism of the great pyramid de M. Doreal
Kakababu Samagra (1) de Sunil Gangopadhyay
Kallimachos: The Alexandrian Library and the Origins of Bibliography (Wisconsin Studies in Classics) de Rudolf Blum
Keizers aan de Nijl de Harco Willems
The Keys of Egypt: The Race to Read the Hieroglyphs de Lesley Adkins
Khai of Ancient Khem de Brian Lumley
Khufu: The Secrets Behind the Building of the Great Pyramid de Jean-Pierre Houdin
Kids Discover Ancient Egypt de Stella Sands
A Killing Among the Dead de Diana M. Wilder
King and Goddess de Judith TarrAncient
King of the Desert, Captive Bride de Jane Porter
King of the Two Lands: The Pharaoh Akhenaten de Jacquetta Hawkes
King Tut's Final Secrets [2005 film] de Brando Quilici
King Tut's Game Board de Leona Ellerby
King Tutankhamun: The Treasures of the Tomb de Zahi Hawass
Kingdom Come: The Final Victory de Tim LaHaye
Kissing Cousins de Anna James
Kitchener: Portrait of an Imperialist de Philip Magnus
Kleopatra de Karen Essex
KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt, vol. 16, no. 2 (Summer 2005), "King Tut Returns" by Zahi Hawass de Zahi Hawass
The Knights of Islam de James Waterson
Knowledge for the Afterlife de Theodor Abt
Die Kunst der Aegypter - Bauten, Plastik, Kunstgewerbe - Mit 17 Abbildungen im Text und 200 Bildtafeln de Georg Steindorff
Kv5: A Preliminary Report on the Excavation of the Tomb of the Sons of Ramesses II in the Valley of the Kings, Revised Edition (Publications of the Theban Mapping Project) de Kent R. Weeks
L'Égypte : Vie et mort d'une civilisation (Signe des temps) de John Albert Wilson
L'ancienne Alexandrie de Tassos Dēmētrios Neroutsos
L'Art égyptien de Alice Cartocci
L'egiptòleg de Arthur Phillips
L'Egypte du crépuscule : De Tanis à Méroé : 1070 av JC - 4e s après JC de Cyril Aldred
Länder i fickformat. 313, Egypten de Arne Bengtsson
Het laatste offer de Simone van der Vlugt
Labor and the State in Egypt de Marsha Pripstein Posusney
Lady of Heaven de Kathryn Le Veque
Lady of the Upper Kingdom de Merline Lovelace
Lady Philosopher: The Story of Hypatia de Brian Trent
Lahun Studies de Stephen Quirke
Lahun: A town in Egypt 1800 BC, and the history of its landcape (Egyptian Sites) de Stephen Quirke
Lamentations de F. W. Dobbs-AllsoppLamentations 5:6
Lamentations de Delbert R. HillersLamentations 5:6
Lamentations : Bible study commentary de Dan KentLamentations 5:6
Lamentations: New Century Bible Commentary de Iain ProvanLamentations 5:6
The Land and People of Egypt de Zaki Naguib Mahmoud
Land and Power in Ptolemaic Egypt: The Structure of Land Tenure de J. G. ManningPtolemaic
Land and Resources of Ancient Egypt de Leslie C. Kaplan
Land of Enchanters: Egyptian Short Stories from the Earliest Times to the Present Day de Bernard Lewis
The Landmark Herodotus: The Histories de Herodotus
Lands and Peoples Volume 5: Africa, Australia and Southern Islands de The Grolier Society
Langs Nijl en Jordaan : reisindrukken uit Egypte en Palestina de R. E. van Arkel
The Last Khedive of Egypt: Memoirs of Abbas Hilmi II de Abbas Hilmi II
The Last Man Standing: Herb Ashby and the Battle of El Alamein de Peter Dornan
The Last Pharaohs: Egypt Under the Ptolemies, 305-30 BC de J. G. Manning
The Last Resort de Paul Leonard
The late New Kingdom in Egypt (c. 1300-664 B.C.) : a genealogical and chronological investigation de M. L. Bierbrier
Lawrence in Arabia: War, Deceit, Imperial Folly and the Making of the Modern Middle East de Scott Anderson
Layman's Bible Commentary Vol. 7: Daniel thru Malachi de Dr. Tremper LongmanHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4,Joel 3:19,Micah 6:4,7:12,15,Nahum 3:9,Haggai 2:5,Zechariah 10:11,14:18,19
Der Lebenskreis der Kopten: Dokumente, Textilien, Funde, Ausgrabungen : Katalog zur Ausstellung im Prunksaal der Osterre de Helmut Buschhausen
Legacies from Ancient Egypt de Anita Ganeri
Legacies of Ancient Egypt (Critical Challenges across the Curriculum) de David Scott
The Legacy of Ancient Egypt de Charles Freeman
The legacy of Lord Carnarvon: Miniatures from Ancient Egypt and the Valley of the Kings de Nigel Strudwick
legal document in Arabic on parchment
Legends of Ancient Egypt de M. A. Murray
Legends of the Ancient World: The Life and Legacy of King Tutankhamun de Charles River Editors
Legends of the Ancient World: The Life and Legacy of Ramesses the Great (Ramesses II) de Charles River Editors
Legends of the Bible de Louis Ginzberg
Legion of Super-Heroes Archives, Volume 5 de Jim Shooter1243 BCE
LEGO Sphinx Secret Surprise #5978 de The LEGO Group
The Leisure of an Egyptian Official de Lord Edward Cecil
Let's Go 2003: Egypt de Let's Go Inc.
Let's Go Israel and Egypt (Let's Go) de Harvard Student Agencies
Let's Visit Egypt de Frances Wilkins
Letters from Egypt de Lucie Duff Gordon
Letters from Egypt de Mary L. Whately
Letters from Egypt and Palestine. de Maltbie Davenport Babcock
Letters from Egypt: A journey on the Nile, 1849-1850 de Florence Nightingale
Letters Home From: Egypt de Marcia S. Gresko
Letters to My Grandchildren de Tony Benn
The Library of Alexandria de Kelly Trumble
The Library of Alexandria: Centre of Learning in the Ancient World, Revised Edition de Roy MacLeod
Library: An Unquiet History de Matthew Battles
Libyan Sands: Travel in a Dead World de Ralph A. Bagnold
Life and Fate of the Ancient Library of Alexandria de Mostafa El-Abbadi
Life in a multi-cultural society : Egypt from Cambyses to Constantine and beyond de Janet H. Johnson
Life in an Egyptian Workers Village (Picture the Past) de Jane Shuter
Life in Ancient Egypt de Paul C. Challen
Life in ancient Egypt de Nathaniel Harris
Life in Ancient Egypt (Living History) de Don Nardo
The Life of Meresamun: A Temple Singer in Ancient Egypt de Emily Teeter
The life of Sethos. : Taken from private memoirs of the ancient Egyptians. Translated from a Greek manuscript into Frenc de Jean Terrasson
Life Without Crows de Gerri Leen
Life, letters and diaries of Lieut.-General Sir Gerald Graham ... with portraits, plans, and his principal despatches de R. H. Vetch
Lifting the Veil: Two Centuries of Travelers, Traders and Tourists in Egypt (Tauris Parke Paperbacks) de Anthony Sattin
The Light: A Modern-Day Journey for Peace de Judith T. Lambert
The Linguist and the Emperor: Napoleon and Champollion's Quest to Decipher the Rosetta Stone de Daniel Meyerson
The Lion and the Unicorn: Gladstone vs. Disraeli de Richard Aldous
The Lion in Egypt de Peter Danielson
Lion in the Valley de Elizabeth Peters
The Lion, The Unicorn and Me de Jeanette Winterson
The literature of ancient Egypt; an anthology of stories, instructions, and poetry de William Kelly Simpson
A Little Morbid de Olivier Bosman
The Lives of the Desert Fathers: Historia Monachorum in Aegypto de Norman Russell
Lives of the Pharaohs de Pierre Montet
Living architecture: Egyptian de Jean-Louis de Cenival
Living in Ancient Egypt (Exploring Cultural History) de Don Nardo
Living in Threes de Judith Tarr
Le livre géant de la momie de Rosalie David
La Llei de Thomas Mann
The Locked Tomb Mystery, and Other Stories de Elizabeth Peters
Lonely Mirrors, A Tragic Wartime Romance de Susannah Carlton
Lonely Planet : Discover : Egypt de Anthony Sattin
Lonely Planet : Egypt de Lonely Planet
Lonely Planet : Egypt de Matthew Firestone
Lonely Planet Egypt & the Sudan de Scott Wayne
Lonely Planet Egypt Travel Atlas de Leanne Logan
Look Around an Egyptian Tomb (Virtual History Tours) de Liz Gogerly
Look Inside a Pyramid (Pebble Plus: Look Inside) de Mari C. Schuh
Look What Came from Egypt de Miles Harvey
The Looney Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie [1981 film] de Friz Freleng
Lord Cromer's "Modern Egypt" de H. H. Johnston
Lord of the Desert de Nina Bruhns
Lord Of The Horizon de Joan Grant
Lord of the Nile de Peter Danielson
Lord of the Silent de Elizabeth Peters
Lords of the Sea: The Epic Story of the Athenian Navy and the Birth of Democracy de John R. Hale
The Lost Dinosaurs of Egypt de William Nothdurft
The Lost Gospel: The Quest for the Gospel of Judas Iscariot de Herbert Krosney
Lost Nubia: A Centennial Exhibit of Photographs from the 1905-1907 Egyptian Expedition of the University of Chicago de John A. Larson
The Lost Pharaohs de Leonard Cottrell
The Lost Queen of Egypt de Lucile Morrison
The Lost Tomb de Kent R. Weeks
The Lost Tomb of Alexander the Great [2019 TV movie] de Duncan Singh
The Lost Tombs of Thebes: Ancient Egypt: Life in Paradise de Zahi Hawass
Lost Voices of the Nile: Everyday Life in Ancient Egypt de Charlotte Booth
Love Me No More de Denise Robins
Love Poems of Ancient Egypt de Ezra Pound
Lusty Adventures of the Prince of Knossos de Jay Starr
Luxor and the Valley of the Kings (Treasures of Ancient Egypt) de Alesandro Bongioanni
Lyrics Alley de Leila Aboulela
The Macclesfield Collection de Rosalie David
Madhi: A Child of Egypt de Muriel Nicolotti
Madness In Power de Francois Ribadeau Dumas
Magic in Ancient Egypt de Geraldine Pinch
The Magic of Obelisks de Peter Tompkins
Magical Egypt - A Symbolist Tour de John Anthony West
Magie und Zauberei im alten Aegypten de Alfred Wiedemann
The Making of the Bible: From the First Fragments to Sacred Scripture de Konrad Schmid
Mamluk Art the Splendour and Magic of the Sultans (Islamic Art in the Mediterranean) de Salah Ahmed El-Banasi
The Mammoth Book of Egyptian Whodunnits de Mike Ashley
The Mammoth Book of Eyewitness Ancient Egypt de John Lewis-Stempel
The Mamur Zapt and the Donkey-Vous de Michael Pearce
The Mamur Zapt and the Night of the Dog de Michael Pearce
The Mamur Zapt and the Return of the Carpet de Michael Pearce
Manchester Museum Mummy Project: Multidisciplinary Research on Ancient Egyptian Mummified Remains de Rosalie David
Mansfield Park and Mummies de Vera Nazarian
A Map of Home de Randa Jarrar
Map of the Dead de Murray Bailey
The Marquis Who Hated Women de Barbara Cartland
The mastaba of Queen Mersyankh III, G7530-7540 de Dows Dunham
Mastabas of Cemetery G 6000 de Kent R. Weeks
The mastabas of Kawab, Khafkhufu I and II : G7110-20, 7130-40, and 7150, and subsidiary mastabas of Street G7100 de William Kelly Simpson
The mastabas of Qar and Idu, G7101 and 7102 de William Kelly Simpson
Mastabas of the Western Cemetery de William Kelly Simpson
The Masterpiece Library of Short Stories Volumes 1 & 2 de J. A. Hammerton
Masterpieces of Ancient Egypt de Nigel Strudwick
Masterpieces of the Egyptian Museum (Art & History) de Giovanna Magi
The Materiality of Ruler Cults de Stefano Caneva
Mathematicians Are People, Too, Volume 1 de Dale Seymour Publications
Mathematics Across Cultures: The History of Non-Western Mathematics de Ubiratan D'Ambrosio
Matkustamme Egyptiin - pieni matkaopas de Hans Strelocke
The Mechanics of Ancient Egyptian Magical Practice de Robert K Ritner
The Medical Skills of Ancient Egypt de J. Worth Estes
Memnon de Scott Oden
The Memoirs of Cleopatra de Margaret George
Memories, Dreams, Reflections de C. G. Jung
Memphis Under the Ptolemies de Dorothy J. ThompsonPtolemaic
Menorahs and Minarets (Hoopoe Fiction) de Kamal Ruhayyim
Merian 2001 54/08 - Aegypten de k. A.
Merian 2011 64/11 - Aegypten
Metal Hurlant N°52 | juin 1980 de Les Humanoïde Associés
The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Egypt and the Ancient Near East de Peter F. Dorman
Micah / Nahum / Habakkuk / Zephaniah / Haggai / Zechariah / Malachi (The Layman's Bible Commentary, Vol. 15) de J. H. GaileyMicah 6:4,7:12,15,Nahum 3:9
Micah : a new translation with introduction and commentary de Francis I. AndersenMicah 6:4,7:12,15
Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zechariah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi de Linda B. HintonMicah 6:4,7:12,15,Nahum 3:9,Haggai 2:5,Zechariah 10:11,14:18,19
Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi: Layman's Bible Book Commentary (Layman's Bible Book Commentary, 14) de Page H. KelleyMicah 6:4,7:12,15,Nahum 3:9,Haggai 2:5
Micah/Nahum/Habakkuk/Zephaniah/Haggai/Zechariah/Malachi (The Preacher's Commentary, Volume 23) de Walter C. KaiserMicah 6:4,7:12,15,Nahum 3:9,Haggai 2:5
Micah: A Commentary on the Book of the Prophet Micah (Hermeneia: a Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible) de Delbert R. HillersMicah 6:4,7:12,15
Michelin Green Guide Egypt de Michelin
Midaq Alley / The Thief and the Dogs / Miramar de Naguib Mahfouz
Middle East de H. V. Morton
Middle East Crucible: Studies on the Arab-Israeli War of October, 1973 (Aaug Monograph Series, No 6) de Association ... Graduates
Middle Kingdom art in ancient Egypt, 2300-1590 B.C de Cyril Aldred
The Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt: The History and Legacy of the Reunification of Egypt and Egyptian Civilization de Charles River Editors
Middle Kingdom studies de Stephen Quirke
The Middle Sea: A History of the Mediterranean de John Julius Norwich
Military Operations Egypt and Palestine (Official History of the Great War) de Cyril Falls
Military Operations Egypt and Palestine: From the Outbreak of War with Germany to June 1917 v. 1 (Official History of the Great War) de Lieutenant-General Sir George MacMunn
Millions of Jubilees: Studies in Honor of David P. Silverman, Cahier No. 39, 2 vol. set de Jennifer Houser Wegner
The Mind of Egypt: History and Meaning in the Time of the Pharaohs de Jan Assmann
The Minikins of Yam de Thomas Burnett Swann
The Minor Prophets, An Exegetical and Expository Commentary, Volume 1: Hosea, Joel, and Amos de Thomas Edward McComiskeyHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4,Joel 3:19
Mirage de Monica Burns
Mirage: Napoleon's Scientists and the Unveiling of Egypt de Nina Burleigh
Mirror of Helen de Richard Purtill
The MisreadBible: Book of Moses de J. R. Eldridge
Missing in Egypt de Rita Lee Chapman
Mitos y leyendas del antiguo Egipto de Joyce Tyldesley
The modal system of earlier Egyptian complement clauses : a study in pragmatics in a dead language de Sami Uljas
Modern Egypt : A First Book de Emil Lengyel
Modern Egypt: The Formation of a Nation State de Arthur Goldschmidt
The Modern Scholar - The Cold War - On the Brink of Apocalypse de David Painter
The Modern Scholar: Detective Fiction: From Victorian Sleuths to the Present de M. Lee Alexander
Molluscicide studies in Egypt, US Naval Medicine Research Unit No. 2 [photograph] de Robert E. Kuntz
Monarchs of the Nile de Aidan Dodson
The monasteries of the Fayyum de Nabia Abbott
The Monster That Grew Small de Joan Grant
Montgomery of Alamein de Ronald W. Clark
The Monuments of Ancient Egypt: As Commissioned by Napoleon Bonaparte de Charles C. Gillispie
Monuments of Egypt de Wilma Stern
Moon Handbooks Egypt de Kathy Hansen
Moon Knight [2022 TV miniseries] de Jeremy Slater
Moon Knight: Original Soundtrack de Hesham Nazih
La mort, certament de Agatha Christieancient
Mortal Designs de Reem Bassiouney
Moses in Egypt de Lynne Reid Banks
Moses the Egyptian: The Memory of Egypt in Western Monotheism de Jan Assmann
The Mosques of Egypt de Bernard O'Kane
Moss Gathered by a Rolling Stone, or Reminiscences of Travel (Classic Reprint) de Richard S. Ferguson
Mossad: The Greatest Missions of the Israeli Secret Service de Michael Bar-Zohar
The moulids of Egypt (Egyptian saints-days) de J. W. McPherson
Mountains of the Pharaohs: The Untold Story of the Pyramid Builders de Zahi Hawass
Mountolive de Lawrence Durrell
Muinaisen Egyptin kulttuuri de Rostislav Holthoer
Mumien - Hoffnung auf die Ewigkeit de Rosalie David
Mumien und Pyramiden de Joyce Tyldesley
Mummies & Ancient Egypt (History Explorers) de Anita Ganeri
Mummies (First Facts: Ancient Egypt) de Kremena Spengler
Mummies (Pocket Treasuries) de John H. Taylor
Mummies : gods & pharaohs de Kathryn Petras
Mummies and the Wonders of Ancient Egypt de Frank Langella
Mummies in the Morning de Mary Pope Osborne
Mummies Made in Egypt (Reading Rainbow Books) de Aliki
Mummies of the Pharaohs: Exploring the Valley of the Kings de Melvin Berger
Mummies, Myth and Magic in Ancient Egypt de Christine El Mahdy
Mummies, Myth, and Magic: Religion in Ancient Egypt (Lucent Library of Historical Eras) de Don Nardo
Mummies: Death and life in ancient Egypt de James Hamilton-Paterson
Mummies: Unwrapping The Past (Mysteries Of The Ancient World) de Rosalie David
THE MUMMY de Joyce Tyldesley
The Mummy [1999 film] de Stephen Sommers
Mummy Cartonnage
The Mummy Case de Elizabeth Peters
Mummy Dearest de Joan Hess
The Mummy in Ancient Egypt [periodical article] de William J. Murnane
Mummy Mysteries de Joyce A. Tyldesley
The Mummy Returns [2001 film] de Stephen Sommers
The Mummy Returns: a novel de Max Allan Collins
The Mummy's Tale: The Scientific and Medical Investigation of Natsef-Amun, Priest in the Temple at Karnak de A. Rosalie David
The Mummy's Curse de Franklin W. Dixon
Mummy-cases and inscribed funerary cones in the Petrie collection de H.M. Stewart
Mummy: Secrets of the Tomb de John H. Taylor
The Mummy: The Complete Movie Scrapbook de James Preller
Mummy: The Inside Story de John H. Taylor
Murder at the Feast of Rejoicing de Lynda S. RobinsonAncient
Murder at the God's Gate de Lynda S. Robinsonancient
Murder in the Mummy's Tomb de Kel Richards
Murder in the Place of Anubis de Lynda S. Robinsonancient
Murder Most Egyptological de Robert Colton
The Murder of Tutankhamen de Bob BrierAncient
Music and Musicians in Ancient Egypt de Lise Manniche
Music Explained as Science and Art de Fabre D'Olivet
My Country: Egypt de Jillian Powell
My Hope for Peace de Jehan Sadat
My Life de Golda Meir
My Waltzing Egypt de Aabeid Salama
Mysteries of the Mummies de Rosalie David
Mysteries of the Pharaohs (In Search of Lost Worlds) de Robin May
The Mysterious Death of Tutankhamun de Paul Doherty
Mysterious Lands (Encounters with Ancient Egypt) de David O'Connor
The Mystery of the Golden Crocodile: An Egyptian Maze Adventure (Explorers Club) de Judith Rossell
The Mystery of the Great Pyramid, Part 1: The Papyrus of Manethon de Edgar P. Jacobs
The Mystery of the Great Pyramid, Part 2: The Chamber of Horus de Edgar P. Jacobs
The mystical teachings of al-Shadhili : including his life, prayers, letters, and followers : a translation from the Arabic of Ibn al-Sabbagh's Durrat al-asrar wa tuhfat al-abrar de Muḥammad ibn Abī al-Qāsim Ibn al-Ṣabbāgh
The Myth of Ancient Egypt de Charlotte Booth
The Myth of Catholic Scholarship: the Absurdities, Falsehoods and Distortions of the Catholic Encyclopedia de Joseph McCabe
Mythologies of the Ancient World de Samuel Noah Kramer
The Mythology of All Races, vol. 12: Egyptian and Indo-Chinese de Louis Herbert Gray
Mythology of the Egyptians (Mythology, Myths, and Legends) de Don Nardo
Myths and facts 1980 : a concise record of the Arab-Israeli conflict de Alan M. Tigay
Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt de Lewis Spence
Myths and Mysteries in Archaeology, 7 CDs [The Modern Scholar Series] de Susan A. Johnston
Nadia's Song de Soheir Khashoggi
naguib mahfouz's egypt: existential themes in his writings de Haim Gordon
Nahum to Malachi de Grace EmmersonNahum 3:9,Haggai 2:5,Zechariah 10:11,14:18,19
Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah and Haggai (Bible study commentary) de J. N. Boo HeflinNahum 3:9,Haggai 2:5
Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk: Minor Prophets of the Seventh Century de Hobart E. FreemanNahum 3:9
Nahum-Malachi de Elizabeth AchtemeierNahum 3:9,Haggai 2:5
Nahum/Habakkuk/Zephaniah (People's Bible Commentary) de James J. WestendorfNahum 3:9
Nahum: A Discourse Analysis of the Hebrew Bible (Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament) de Daniel C TimmerNahum 3:9
Nahum: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary (The Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries) de Duane L. ChristensenNahum 3:9
The Name of the Dead: Hieroglyphic Inscriptions of the Treasures of Tutankhamun Translated de Hany Assaad
Napoleon Must Die de Quinn Fawcett
The Napoleon Options : Alternate Decisions of the Napoleonic Wars de Jonathan North
Napoleon to Nasser: Story of Modern Egypt de Raymond Flower
Napoleon's Proconsul in Egypt: The Life and Times of Bernardino Drovetti de Ronald T. Ridley
Napoleon's Pyramids de William Dietrich
Napoleon: The Myth of the Saviour de Jean Tulard
Nasser de Anthony Nutting
Nasser (Makers of the Mod. Wld. S) de Peter Mansfield
Nasser and American foreign policy, 1952-1956 de Muhammad Abd el-Wahab Sayed-Ahmed
Nasser's Egypt de Peter Mansfield
Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales: Blades of Freedom: A Tale of Haiti, Napoleon, and the Louisiana Purchase de Nathan Hale
National Geographic Collector's Edition: Treasures of Egypt de National Geographic
National Geographic Countries of the World: Egypt de Selina Wood
National Geographic Magazine 1923 v43 #5 May de Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor
National Geographic Magazine 1926 v50 #3 September de Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor
National Geographic Magazine 1955 v108 #5 November de John Oliver La Gorce
National Geographic Magazine 1965 v127 #5 May de Melville Bell Grosvenor
National Geographic Magazine 1970 v138 #5 November de Gilbert M. Grosvenor
National Geographic Magazine 1982 v161 #2 February de Wilbur E. Garrett
National Geographic Magazine 1995 v187 #1 January de William L Allen
National Geographic Magazine 1998 v194 #3 September de William L Allen
National Geographic Magazine 1999 v196 #4 October de William L Allen
National Geographic Magazine 2003 v203 #1 January de William L Allen
National Geographic Magazine 2003 v204 #5 November de William L Allen
National Geographic Magazine 2005 v207 #6 June de Chris Johns
National Geographic Magazine 2008 v213 #2 February de Chris Johns
National Geographic Magazine 2009 v216 #5 November de Chris Johns
National Geographic Magazine 2010 v218 #2 August de Chris Johns
National Geographic Magazine 2010 v218 #3 September de Chris Johns
National Geographic Magazine 2012 v221 #5 May de Chris Johns
National Geographic Magazine, Egypt de National Geographic Society
National Geographic Magazine, Vol. 151, No. 3, March 1977 de Gilbert M. Grosvenor
National Geographic Traveler: Egypt de Andrew Humphreys
National Geographic, April 2001 de William L Allen
National Geographic, April 2009 de Chris Johns
National Geographic, Vol. 179, No. 4, April 1991 de William Graves
The Naturalist: Theodore Roosevelt, A Lifetime of Exploration, and the Triumph of American Natural History de Darrin Lunde
Nature and Empire in Ottoman Egypt: An Environmental History de Alan Mikhail
NBBC, Ecclesiastes / Lamentations: A Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition (New Beacon Bible Commentary) de Stephen J. BennettLamentations 5:6
NBBC, Hosea - Micah: A Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition (New Beacon Bible Commentary) de Timothy M. GreenHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4,Joel 3:19,Micah 6:4,7:12,15
Nebet Het, a halottak úrnője de L. László Lőrincz
Necronomicon de H. P. Lovecraft
Necropolis de Jordan L. Hawk
Nefer the Silent de Christian JacqAncient
Nefertiti de Alexandra Hamilton
Nefertiti de Evelyn Wells
Nefertiti (Ancient World Leaders) de Brenda Lange
Nefertiti of Egypt (Snap Books: Queens and Princesses) de Mary Englar
Nefertiti Was Here de Jasmina Tešanović
Nefertiti, the Mystery Queen de Burnham Holmes
Nefertiti: An Archaeological Biography de Philipp Vandenberg
Nefertiti: Egypt's Sun Queen de Joyce A. Tyldesley
Nelles Guides : Egypt de Eva Ambros
Nelles Maps : Egypt de Nelles Verlag
Nelles Travel Packs : Egypt de Nelles Verlag
Nemo: The Roses of Berlin de Alan Moore
The New Cultural Atlas of Egypt de Leon Gray
New Internationalist #538: July-August 2022: Rivers of Life de New Internationalist
New Internationalist #550: July-August 2024: Abortion: Why is Your Body Still a Battleground? de New Internationalist
The New Interpreter's Bible, Vol. 7: Introduction to Apocalyptic Literature; Daniel; Additions to Daniel; Hosea; Joel; Amos; Obadiah; Jonah; Micah; Nahum; Habakkuk; Zephaniah; Haggai; Zechariah; Malachi de Leander E. KeckHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4,Joel 3:19,Micah 6:4,7:12,15,Nahum 3:9,Haggai 2:5
New Kingdom Egypt de Mark Healy
New Political Realities and the Gulf : Egypt, Syria, and Jordan de Mary E. Morris
New Scientist, 11 February 2023 de New Scientistexotic resins used in mummification
New Scientist, 8 June 2024 de New Scientistancient cancer treatment
A New Temple for Hathor at Memphis de Abdulla el-Sayed Mahmud
Nicoll's Birds of Egypt de Colonel Richard Meinertzhagen
Nicoll's birds of Egypt [Vol. 1] de R. Meinertzhagen
Nicoll's birds of Egypt [Vol. 2] de R. Meinertzhagen
The Night Ride From Cairo: An MMMM Gay Romance de Saru da Silva
The Nile : natural and cultural landscape in Egypt de Harco Willems
Nile into Tiber: Egypt in the Roman World: Proceedings of the IIIrd International Conference of Isis Studies, Leiden, May 11-14 2005 (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World) de Laurent Bricault
Nile Style: Egyptian Cuisine and Culture: Ancient Festivals, Significant Ceremonies, and Modern Celebrations (Hippocrene Cookbook Library) de Amy Riolo
Nile Valley: Land of the Pharaohs - 1965 [map] de Wellman Chamberlin
Nile waters, Saharan sands : adventures of a geomorphologist at large de Martin Williams
The Nile: Notes for travellers in Egypt de E. A. Wallis Budge
The Ninety Days de Thomas N. Carmichael
No End of a Lesson: The Inside Story of the Suez Crisis de Anthony Nutting
No God but God: Egypt and the Triumph of Islam de Geneive Abdo
No Man's Land de A.J. Fitzwater
Nofret - la bella. La dona a l'antic Egipte de Dietrich Wildung
Nomad de Robin Maugham
The North African air campaign : U.S. Army Air forces from El Alamein to Salerno de Christopher M. Rein
The Northern Lights: The True Story of the Man Who Unlocked the Secrets of the Aurora Borealis de Lucy Jago
Notes on the Book of Genesis de Charles Henry Mackintosh
Nouvelle geographie universelle la terre et les hommes vols X and XI L'Afrique Septentrionale, Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Nubia,Triipoli, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Sahara de Elisee Reclus
Nouvelle géographie universelle, La Terre et les hommes; tome 10 : L'Afrique septentrionale; première partie : Bassin du Nil : Soudan égyptien, Ethiopie, Nubie, Egypte. de Élisée Reclus
Nubia and Egypt 10,000 B.C. to 400 A.D. From Pre-History to the Meroitic Period : From Prehistory to the Meroitic Period de Larry Ross
Nubia: Ancient Kingdoms of Africa de Joyce L. Haynes
Nuclear Logics: Contrasting Paths in East Asia and the Middle East de Etel Solingen
Négy tenger hajósa de Dáné Tibor
The Oasis de Pauline Gedge
Obadiah, Jonah, Micah de Cyril W. SpaudeMicah 6:4,7:12,15
Obadiah, Nahum, Habakkuk And Zephaniah de J. H. EatonNahum 3:9
The Occult Mind: Magic in Theory and Practice de Christopher I. Lehrich
Occurrences of Pyramid Texts with Cross Indexes of These and Other Egyptian Mortuary Texts de Thomas George Allen
Oceans of Dust de Peter J. Evans
The Offering Chapel of Kayemnofret in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston de WK Simpson
The Offering Room of Prince Kaninisut de Hermann Junker
Officers and Gentlemen de Evelyn Waugh
Old Kingdom Art in Ancient Egypt de Cyril Aldred
Old kingdom in Egypt de W. Stevenson Smith
The Old Kingdom in Egypt (Fascicle 5) de W. Stevenson Smith
The Old Kingdom in Egypt and the beginning of the first intermediate period de William Stevenson Smith
The Old Kingdom Linen List de William Stevenson Smith
The Old Kingdom of Ancient Egypt: The History and Legacy of the Beginning of Egyptian Civilization de Charles River Editors
Old Kingdom, New Perspectives: Egyptian Art and Archaeology 2750-2150 BC de Nigel Strudwick
Old Testament Study Guide de Chuck Smith
Omar Khayyam: A Life de Harold Lamb
On the Banks of the Suez: An Israeli General's Personal Account of the Yom Kippur War de Avraham Adan
On the Nile in the Golden Age of Travel de Andrew Humphreys
On the Oceans of Eternity de S. M. Stirling
The One Year Chronological Bible NLT de Tyndale
Opera Classics Library : Opera study guide and libretto : Verdi : Aida de Burton D. Fisher
Operation Compass 1940: Wavell's whirlwind offensive de Jon Latimer
Operation Crusader 1941: Rommel in Retreat de Ken Ford
The Organization of the Pyramid Texts: Typology and Disposition (Probleme Der Agyptologie) de Harold M. Hays
The Origin of God de Laurence Gardner
The Origin of the Zodiac de Rupert Gleadow
The origins of Arab nationalism de Rashid Khalidi
Origins of Great Ancient Civilizations de Kenneth W. Harl
Origins of the Alphabets: Introduction to Archaeology de Joseph Naveh
Osiris and the Egyptian resurrection de Sir E. A. Wallis Budgeancient
Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection, Vol. 1 de Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budgeancient
Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection, Vol. 2 de E. A. Wallis Budgeancient
Het oude Egypte de Neil Morris
Out of Egypt de Elizabeth Hammond
Out of Place: a memoir de Edward W. Said
Out of the House of Life de Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
Out on a wing : an autobiography de Sir Miles Thomas
An outline of the Egyptian and Palestine campaigns 1914-1918 de Michael Graham Egerton Bowman-Manifold
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt.(Book Review): An article from: The Journal of the American Oriental Society de Peter Der Manuelian
The Oxford Essential Guide to Egyptian Mythology de Oxford University Press
The Oxford Handbook of the Valley of the Kings (Oxford Handbooks) de Richard H. Wilkinson
The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt de Ian Shawancient
The Oxford history of the British Empire, Volume 3 : The nineteenth century de Andrew Porter
Oxyrhynchus, a city and its texts (Graeco-Roman Memoirs, 93) de Alan K. Bowman
Pagan Holiday: On the Trail of Ancient Roman Tourists de Tony Perrottet
Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture of Ancient Egypt de Wolfhart Westendorfancient
Palestine and Egypt Under the Ottomans: Paintings, Books, Photographs, Maps and Manuscripts de Hisham Khatib
Paneb l'ardent de Christian JacqAncient
Pantheon: The True Story of the Egyptian Deities de Hamish Steele
Papyrus (Egyptian Bookshelf) de Richard Parkinson
Papyrus and tablet de A. Kirk Grayson
Papyrus British Museum 10808 and Its Cultural and Religious Setting (Probleme Der Agyptologie) de Val Hinckley Sederholm
Parker Pyne Investigates de Agatha Christie
Les parties du discours en moyen égyptien: autopsie d'une théorie de Pascal Vernus
Passage to Queen Mesentia de Dorlana Vann
Passenger to Teheran de Vita Sackville-West
A Passion for Egypt: Arthur Weigall, Tutankhamun and the 'Curse of the Pharaohs' (Tauris Parke Paperbacks) de Julie Hankey
Passion in the Desert [1997 film] de Lavinia Currier
Passion Unleashed de Larissa Ione
Passport's Illustrated Guide to Egypt (Passport's Illustrated Travel Guides from Thomas Cook) de Thomas Cook Publishing
Passport's Illustrated Travel Guide to Egypt de Michael Von Haag
The Passport: The History of Man's Most Travelled Document de Martin Lloyd
The Pebbles on the Beach de Clarence Ellis
Peeps at Many Lands: Ancient Egypt de James Baikie
Peeps at Many Lands: Egypt de R. Talbot Kelly
Pendulum of War: The Three Battles of El Alamein de Niall Barr
The Penguin Book of Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt de Joyce Tyldesley
The Penguin Guide to Ancient Egypt de William J. Murnane
The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Egypt de Bill Manley
People of Ancient Egypt de Charlotte Booth
People of the Nile: Rhythms of Daily Life (Lucent Library of Historical Eras) de Don Nardo
People of the Pharaohs From Peasant to C de Hilary Wilson
Peoples of All Nations Vol III: Danzig to France de J. A. Hammerton
The peopling of ancient Egypt and the deciphering of Meroitic script : proceedings of the symposium held in Cairo from 28 January to 3 February 1974 de UNESCO
The Perfect Wife de Victoria Alexander
Persian Rose de Libbie Hawker6th/5th Century BCE
The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology: Characters and Collections de Alice Stevenson
The Phantom Major: The Story of David Stirling and the SAS Regiment de Virginia Cowles
Pharaoh's Daughter: A Novel of Ancient Egypt de Julius Lester
The Pharaoh's Passion de Jack Greene
The Pharaoh's Shadow de Anthony Sattin
The Pharaoh: Life at Court and On Campaign de Garry J. Shaw
The Pharaohs de Lionel Casson
The Pharaohs de Joyce Tyldesley
Pharaohs and Embalmers (All in a Day's Work) de Anita Ganeri
Pharaohs of Egypt de Jacquetta Hawkes
Pharaohs of Egypt (Ancient Egyptian Wonders) de Stuart A. Kallen
Pharaohs of the Sun: Akhenaten, Nefertiti, Tutankhamen de Rita E. Freed
Pharaohs of the Sun: The Rise and Fall of Tutankhamun's Dynasty de Guy de la Bédoyère
Pharaohs: Treasures of Egyptian Art from the Louvre de Lawrence M. Berman
Pharmacy and Medicine in Ancient Egypt. Proceedings of the conferences held in Cairo (2007) and Manchester (2008) (bar s) de Jenefer Cockitt
Philip's Egypt de Peter Stocks
Philo's Alexandria de Dorothy I. Sly
Philosophical dissertations on the Egyptians and Chinese. Translated from the French of Mr. de Pauw, ... by Capt. J. Tho de Cornelius de Pauw
Phoenix Over the Nile: A History of Egyptian Air Power, 1932-94 de Lon O. Nordeen
A Photographic Guide to the Birds of Egypt (Photographic Guide to...) de Richard Porter
Phredde and the Purple Pyramid de Jackie French
Pictorial Records of the English in Egypt : with a Full and Descriptive Life of General Gordon, the Hero of Khartoum. Together with Graphic Narratives of the Lives and Adventures of Lord Wolseley, Stewart, Burnaby, Horatio Nelson, Abercromby..... de Anonymous
Pieces of the Puzzle de Jennifer Fowler
Pilgrim de Fred Saberhagen
Pillar of Fire de Judith Tarr
The Pillar of Fire (Rare Collector's Series) de Rev. J. H. Ingraham
A Place in the Sun de Jill Rubalcaba
A Place of Darkness de Lauren HaneyAncient
The Place of Truth de Christian JacqAncient
Pocket Guide to Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics de Richard Parkinson
The Pocket Timeline of Ancient Egypt de Helen Strudwick
Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt: A Dark Side to Perfection (Studies in Egyptology and the Ancient Near East) de R. B. Parkinson
Poisoned Legacy: The Fall of the Nineteenth Egyptian Dynasty de Aidan Dodson
Politics and Government in Ancient Egypt de Leslie C. Kaplan
Polyglott On Tour, Ägypten de Michel Rauch
Popular Literaturee in Ancient Egypt de Alfred Wiedemann
Porky in Egypt [1938 animated short film] de Bob Clampett
Portrait mummies from Roman Egypt (I-IV centuries A.D.) : with a catalog of portrait mummies in Egyptian museums de Lorelei Hilda Corcoran
Portrait of Egypt de Lord Kinross
Portrait Painting from Roman Egypt de A.F. Shore
Portraits and Masks: Burial Customs in Roman Egypt de M. L. Bierbrier
Post-Apocalypto: The Graphic Novel de Tenacious D
The Power of Shazam! de Jerry Ordway
Power, Faith and Fantasy: America in the Middle East, 1776 to the Present de Michael B. Oren
Practical Egyptian Magic de Murry Hope
Predynastic Egypt (Shire Egyptology Series) de Barbara Adams
Prehistoric Egypt ; Corpus of prehistoric pottery and palettes : illustrated by the Egyptian collection in University College, London de W. M. Flinders Petrie
The Presentation of Maat: Ritual and Legitimacy in Ancient Egypt de Emily Teeter
The Priest, the Prince, and the Pasha: The Life and Afterlife of an Ancient Egyptian Sculpture de Lawrence Berman
The Priest: Aaron de Francine Rivers
Primitive man in Egypt, Western Asia and Europe. In palaeolithic times de Dorothy A. E. Garrod
The Prince and the Prodigal de Jill Eileen Smith
The Prince of War: Billy Graham's Crusade for a Wholly Christian Empire de Cecil Bothwell
The Princess of Egypt Must Die de Stephanie Dray
Prisoners of the Mahdi de Byron Farwell
Private Life in New Kingdom Egypt de Lynn Meskell
The Private Lives of the Pharaohs de Joyce Tyldesley
The Problem of the Giza Slab Stelae. iIn Stationen Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte Ägyptens Festschrift für Rainer Stadelmann, pp. 115–34.pdf de Peter Manuelian
Project Ancient Egypt (Lift the flaps) de Simon Adams
Projects About Ancient Egypt (Hands-on History) de David C. King
The Prophecy de Peter Danielson
Proportion and Style in Ancient Egyptian Art de Gay Robins
Protodynastic Egypt de Barbara Adams
The provenance of Egyptian documents from the 8th century BC till the 8th century AD [pdf] de Herbert Verreth
Die Provinztempel Ägyptens von der 0. bis zur 11. Dynastie : Archäologie und Geschichte einer gesellschaftlichen Institution zwischen Residenz und Provinz de Richard Bussmann
Ptolemaic Alexandria de P. M. Fraser
Ptolemy II Philadelphus and his World de Paul McKechnie
Ptolemy of Egypt de Walter M. Ellis
The Pyramid de Ismaïl Kadaré
Pyramid de David Macaulay
Pyramid (Eyewitness Books) de James Putnam
The Pyramid Age Settlement of the Southern Mount at Giza in Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 39 2002, pp. 27-74 de Mark Lehner
The Pyramid Builders of Ancient Egypt: A Modern Investigation of Pharaoh's Workforce de Dr A Rosalie David
The Pyramid Plot de Justin Somper
The pyramid tomb of Hetep-heres and the satellite pyramid of Khufu (Sonderschrift / Deutsches Archaologisches Institut. Abteilung Kairo) de Mark Lehner
Les pyramides d'Egypte (French Edition) de Jean-Pierre Adam
Pyramids de Fred Saberhagen
The Pyramids de Ahmed Fakhry
Pyramids de Joyce A. Tyldesley
Pyramids (First Facts: Ancient Egypt) de Kremena T. Spengler
Pyramids (Wonders of the World) de Teresa L. Hyman
Pyramids Mummies and Fun de Gisela Voss
The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt de Aidan Dodson
The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt de Zahi A. Hawass
Pyramids of Ancient Egypt (Fact Finders: Ancient Egyptian Civilization) de Christopher Forest
The Pyramids of Egypt de I. E. S. Edwards
Pyramids of Egypt (Watts Library: Famous Structures) de Don Nardo
The Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx de Magi Giovanna
Pyramids: Treasures, Mysteries, and New Discoveries in Egypt de Zahi Hawass
Quartet d'Alexandria de Lawrence Durrell
Queen of Kings de Maria Dahvana Headley
The Queen of the Damned de Anne RiceAncient
Queen of the Nile de Mike Maihack
Queen Victoria's Enemies 2: Northern Africa de Ian Knight
Queens & commoners of the Egypt's New Kingdom: An exhibition presented in celebration of the 225th anniversary of the founding of the Charleston Museum de M. L. Bierbrier
Queens of the Pharaohs de Leonard Cottrell
The Quest de Wilbur Smith
Quest for the dream of the pharaohs : studies in honour of Sakuji Yoshimura de Sakuji Yoshimura
The Quest of Julian Day de Dennis Wheatley
The Queue de Basma Abdel Aziz
Quicknotes Simplified Bible Commentary Vol. 7: Daniel thru Malachi (QuickNotes Commentaries) de Dr. Tremper LongmanHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4,Joel 3:19,Micah 6:4,7:12,15,Nahum 3:9,Haggai 2:5,Zechariah 10:11,14:18,19
Radical: My Journey out of Islamist Extremism de Maajid Nawaz
A Rage for Order: The Middle East in Turmoil, from Tahrir Square to ISIS de Robert F. Worth
The Raiders de Rob Jones
Rain over Baghdad: An Egyptian Novel de Hala El Badry
Ramesses II : ruler of ancient Egypt de Don Nardo
Ramesses: Egypt's Greatest Pharaoh de Joyce A. Tyldesley
Ramses II and His Time (Ages of Chaos) de Immanuel Velikovsky
Ramses II: the Great Pharaoh and His Time de Rita E. Freed
Ramsés II de David O´Connor
Ramsés. Bajo La Acacia de Occidente de Christian JacqAncient
Ramsés. El Templo De Los Millones De Años de Christian JacqAncient
Ramsés. La Batalla de Kadesh de Christian JacqAncient
Ramsés. La Dama de Abu Simbel de Christian JacqAncient
The Rape of the Nile: Tomb Robbers, Tourists, and Archaeologists in Egypt, Revised and Updated de Brian M. Fagan
The Rape of Tutankhamun de John Romer
Rasselas de Samuel Johnson
Reader's Digest Condensed Books 1979 v04 de Reader's Digest
Reader's Digest Journeys into the Past: Life in the Land of the Pharaohs de Reader's Digest Association
Reading Ancient Egyptian Poetry: Among Other Histories de R. B. Parkinson
Reading Egyptian Art: A Hieroglyphic Guide to Ancient Egyptian Painting and Sculpture de Richard H. Wilkinson
The Realm of the Pharaohs (Treasures of Ancient Egypt) de Zahi Hawass
The Realms of the Egyptian Dead: According to the Belief of the Ancient Egyptians de Alfred Wiedemann
Rebel in the Soul: A Sacred Text of Ancient Egypt de Bika ReedAncient
Rebels by Accident de Patricia Dunn
Recent constitutional developments in Egypt de William Hayter
Reckless de Shannon Drake
Recollections of a military life de Sir John Miller Adye
Recollections of an Egyptologist de Dows Dunham
Recollections of forty years' service de Sir Alexander Bruce Tulloch
Recueil des inscriptions grecques chretiennes d' Egypte de Gustave Lefebvre
Red Flowers de Yoshiharu Tsuge
Red Land, Black Land: Daily Life in Ancient Egypt de Barbara Mertzancient
The Red Pyramid: The Graphic Novel de Rick Riordan
Redemption: Freed by Jesus from the Idols We Worship and the Wounds We Carry de Mike Wilkerson
Rediscovering Ancient Egypt: Chronicles from National Geographic (Cultural and Geographical Exploration,) de National Geographic Society (U.S.)
Rediscovery of Ancient Egypt: Art and Travel de Peter A. Clayton
Reflections Upon a Sinking Ship: Essays de Gore Vidal
Le Regime Administratif De I'Eau Du Nil Dans I'Egypte Grecque, Romaine Et Byzantine: Dans L'Egypte Grecque, Romaine and Byzantine (Probleme Der Agyptologie, No 8) (French Edition) de Danielle Bonneau
The reign of Ramesses IV de A. J. Peden
The Reign of Thutmose IV de Betsy M. Bryan
Reincarnation de Suzanne Weyn
La Reine Liberté, tome 3 : L'Epée flamboyante de Christian JacqAncient
La Reine mystérieuse : Hatshepsout de Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt
Reinventing Knowledge: From Alexandria to the Internet de Ian F. McNeely
Religion and Magic in Ancient Egypt de Rosalie David
Religion and philosophy in ancient Egypt de William Kelly Simpson
Religion and Ritual in Ancient Egypt de Emily Teeter
Religion in Roman Egypt de David Frankfurter
The religion of the ancient Egyptians de Georg Steindorff
Religion of the Ancient Egyptians de Alfred Wiedemann
The Religions Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained de Gareth Jones
Reminiscences of travel in Australia, America, and Egypt de Richard Tangye
The Republic of False Truths de Alaa al-Aswani
Reservoirs in the Valley of the Nile de Society for the Preserv...
Resurrecting the Mummy: The Making of the Movie de Pat Cadigan
Return to Thebes de Allen Drury
Reviews of National Policies for Education Reviews of National Policies for Education: Higher Education in Egypt 2010: Edition 2010 de OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and De
Reviews of National Policies for Education: Higher Education in Egypt 2010 (Arabic version) de Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develop
Revolution for Dummies: Laughing through the Arab Spring de Bassem Youssef
The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus: An Ancient Egyptian Text de Gay Robins
The Riddle of the Rosetta Stone de James Cross Giblin
Riddles of the Sphinx de Paul Jordan
A RIDE IN EGYPT. From Sioot to Luxor in 1879: With Notes on the Present State and Ancient History of the Nile Valley, and Some Account of the Various Ways of Making the Voyage Out and Home. de W. J. Loftie
Right from the Beginning de Patrick J. Buchanan
The Right Hand of Amon de Lauren HaneyAncient
The Ring of Thoth (short story) de Arthur Conan Doyle
Ripley's Search for the Shrunken Heads and Other Curiosities de Believe It Or Not! Ripley's
The Rise and Fall of Alexandria: Birthplace of the Modern World de Justin Pollard
The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt de Toby Wilkinson
Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem de Suzy Kassem
Ritorno a El Alamein: I paracadutisti della " Folgore " in Africa Settentrionale (Testimonianze fra cronaca e storia) de Battista G. Trovero
River God de Wilbur Smith
A River in the Sky de Elizabeth Peters
The River of Love de Barbara Cartland
The road to Jerusalem; the origins of the Arab-Israeli conflict, 1967 de Walter Laqueur
The Road to Kadesh: A Historical Interpretation of the Battle Reliefs of King Sety I at Karnak (Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization) de William J. Murnane
The rock tombs of El-Hawawish : the cemetery of Akhmim de Naguib Kanawati
Roman Conquests: Egypt and Judaea de John D. Grainger
Roman Empire: A complete history of the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, chronicling the story of thr most important and influential civilization the world has ever known de Nigel Rodgers
The Romance of a Mummy de Théophile Gautier
Romance Treasury: The Sycamore Song / Autumn Concerto / Beware the Huntsman de Elizabeth Hunter
Romance with Death de Michael J. Marfleet
Rommel de Desmond Young
Rommel's Afrika Korps: El Agheila to El Alamein de George Bradford
Rommel's Afrika Korps: Tobruk to El Alamein de Pier Paolo Battistelli
Rosetta de Barbara Ewing
The Rosetta Stone de Stephen Quirke
The Rosetta Stone de Robert Solé
The Rosetta Stone (Objects in Focus) de Richard Parkinson
Rosicrucian Digest, Vol. 85, No. 1 (2007) : Egypt de Rosicrucian Order; AMORC
The Rough Guide Map of Egypt de (Reise Know-How)
Rough Guide Music : Ali Hassan Kuban [sound recording] de Rough Guide
Rough Guide Music : Egypt [sound recording] de Rough Guide
Rough Guide Phrasebook: Egyptian Arabic de Lexus
The Rough Guide to Egypt de Dan Richardson
The Rough Guide to the History of Egypt de Michael Haag
The Rough Guide to Tutankhamun: The King - The Treasure - The Dynasty de Michael Haag
The Rough Guide to World Music : 1994 : 1st edition de Simon Broughton
Royal Authority in Egypt's Eighteenth Dynasty de Garry J. Shaw
The royal tombs of Ancient Egypt de Aidan Dodson
The Royal Tombs of Egypt: The Art of Thebes Revealed de Zahi Hawass
Rulers of Ancient Egypt (History Makers) de Russell Roberts
Rulers of Ancient Egypt (Profiles in History) de Don Nardo
Rural Settlements of the Oxyrhynchite Nome. A Papyrological Survey [pdf] de Amin Benaissa
Sabbath Lion: A Jewish Folktale from Algeria de Howard Schwartz
Sacred Luxuries: Fragrance, Aromatherapy, and Cosmetics in Ancient Egypt de Lise Manniche
The Sacred River de Wendy Wallace
The Sad Tale of the Brothers Grossbart de Jesse Bullington
Sadat de David Hirst
Sadat and His Statecraft de Felipe Fernández-Armesto
Sadat's strategy de Paul Eidelberg
The Saga Begins: Genesis Thru Ruth de Stan Campbell
Sahara de Clive Cussler
Sahara and the Nile: quaternary environments and pre-historic occupation in Northern Africa de Martin A. J. Williams
Sahara Hare [1955 short film] de Friz Freleng
Sakkara: Guide to the Necropolis of Sakkara and the Site of Memphis de Jill Kamil
The Sandcastle Girls de Chris Bohjalian
Sandcastles de Milton Viorst
Santa Claus in Baghdad and Other Stories about Teens in the Arab World de Elsa Marston
Savage Avengers Vol. 2: To Dine With Doom de Gerry Duggan
Scepter of Flint (The Lord Hani Mysteries Book 3) de N.L. Holmes
Schätze der Kalifen : islamische Kunst zur Fatimidenzeit : eine Ausstellung des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien : Wien, Künstlerhaus, 16. November 1998 bis 21. Februar 1999 de Wilfried Seipel
Schätze aus Ägypten de National Geographic
Science in Ancient Egypt de Geraldine Woods
Science in Egyptology de A. Rosalie David
Scooby-Doo! in Where's My Mummy? [2005 film] de Joe Sichta
The scope and roles of hieroglyphic and hieratic graffiti in ancient Egypt and Nubia : textual graffiti in the hieroglyphic and hieratic scripts from the Pharaonic era : dynasties I-XXXI (c. 3100-332 B.C.) : de Alexander J. Peden
The Scorpion King [2002 film] de Chuck Russell
Scriptural Geography: Portraying the Holy Land de Edwin J. Aiken
Scroll of Saqqara de Pauline Gedge
The Search For Ancient Egypt de Jean Vercoutter
The Search for Cleopatra de Michael Foss
The Search for Nefertiti: The True Story of an Amazing Discovery de Joann Fletcher
The Season of the Hyaena de Paul Doherty
The Secret History of the English Occupation of Egypt de Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
The Secret of the Great Pyramid: How One Man's Obsession Led to the Solution of Ancient Egypt's Greatest Mystery de Bob Brier
The Secret of the Sphinx (Geronimo Stilton Graphic Novels) de Geronimo Stilton
Secrets from the Sand: My Search for Egypt's Past de Zahi A. Hawass
Secrets of the Dead de Murray Bailey
Secrets of the Nile de Carolyn Keene
The Secrets of the Sphinx: Restoration Past and Present (English and Arabic Edition) de Zahi Hawass
Secrets of Tut's Tomb and the Pyramids de Stephanie Ann Reiff
The Secrets of Tutankhamen's tomb de Leonard Cottrell
Seeing a Large Cat de Elizabeth Peters
Seeking Samiel de Catherine Jordan
The Sekhmet Bed de Libbie Hawker
Selected Poems of Matthew Arnold: Volume I de Matthew Arnold
Selim Hassan : His Writings and Excavations de Dia' Abou-Ghazi
Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt de John Anthony West
Servant of Mut studies in honor of Richard A. Fazzini de Sue D'Auria
Set Piece de Kate Orman
Seth, God of Confusion: A Study of His Role in Egyptian Mythology and Religion de Herman te Velde
Seti's Heart de Kiernan Kelly
Settlement and Cemetery at Giza: Papers from the 2010 AERO-ARCE Field School de Freya Sadarangani
Seven Days to the Sea: An Epic Novel of the Exodus de Rebecca Kohn
Seven Deadly Sins: The ABC Murders / A Murder Is Announced / Sparkling Cyanide / Evil Under the Sun / At Bertram's Hotel / Endess Night / Five Little Pigs de Agatha Christie
The Seventh Scroll de Wilbur Smith
Seventy years in archaeology de W. M. Flinders Petrie
Sexual Life in Ancient Egypt de Lise Manniche
Sexuality in Ancient Art: Near East, Egypt, Greece, and Italy de Natalie Boymel Kampen
The Shadow Conspiracy II de Phyllis Irene Radford
Shadowhawks of Legend de Kurt Busiek
Shadows in the Night de Heather Graham
Shadows: Helen Stone and the Case of the Missing Scepter de Louise Roberts
The Shah's Last Ride de William Shawcross
Shai: A dark gay romantic suspense novel de H.L Night
The Shape of Sand de Marjorie Eccles
The Shape of the Book: From Roll to Codex, 3rd Century BC - 19th Century AD The Library on Display de Franca Arduini
The She-King: The Complete Saga de Libbie Hawker
The Sheikh's Bride de Sophie Weston
The Shepherd Kings de Judith Tarrancient
Shifting Sands de Anne Worboys
Ships of the Pharaohs: 4000 Years of Egyptian Shipbuilding de Björn Landström
The Shipwrecked Sailor: A Tale from Ancient Egypt de John L. Foster
The Shipwrecked Sailor: An Egyptian Tale with Hieroglyphs de Tamara Bower
A Short History of Ancient Egypt de David B. O'Connor
A Short History of Egypt de M. V. Seton-Williams
A Short History of Western Civilization de John B. Harrison
Shubeik Lubeik de Deena Mohamed
Sid Meier's Civilization IV de Firaxis Games
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Warlords de Firaxis Games
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution de Firaxis Games
Sid Meier's Civilization V de Firaxis Games
Sid Meier's Civilization VI de Firaxis Games
Sid Meier's Civilization VI (Original Game Soundtrack) de Geoff Knorr
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Rulers of the Sahara Pack de Firaxis Games
The Siege: The Saga of Israel and Zionism de Conor Cruise O'Brien
Signs & wonders upon Pharaoh; a history of American Egyptology de John Albert Wilson
Silent Images: Women in Pharaonic Egypt de Zahi Hawass
The Silver Treasure: Myths and Legends of the World de Geraldine McCaughrean
Simple Gestures: A Cultural Journey into the Middle East de Andrea B. Rugh
Sinai Victory de S. L. A. Marshall
Sinuhe el Egipcio de Mika Waltari
Sipping from the Nile: My Exodus from Egypt de Jean Naggar
Sister Wendy's Story of Painting de Wendy BeckettAncient
Sisters in Crime de Marilyn Wallace
Sisters of Sinai: How Two Lady Adventurers Found the Hidden Gospels de Janet Soskice
Six Days of War de Michael B. Oren
Six Minor Prophets Through the Centuries: Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi de Richard J. CogginsNahum 3:9,Haggai 2:5,Zechariah 10:11,14:18,19
The Six Sacred Stones de Matthew Reilly
The Sky is Blue with a Single Cloud de Kuniko Tsurita
Slab Stelae of the Giza Necropolis (Publications of the Pennsylvania-Yale Expedition to Egypt, 7) de Peter Der Manuelian
Slayer of Gods de Lynda S. RobinsonAncient
The Slayers of Seth de P. C. Doherty
Sleeper: Season Two de Ed Brubaker
Smith and the Pharaohs de H. Rider Haggard
Smut Peddler Presents: Sordid Past de Andrea Purcell
The Snake, the Crocodile, and the Dog de Elizabeth Peters
So Moses Was Born de Joan Grant
Social aspects of funerary culture in the Egy[p]tian Old and Middle Kingdoms : proceedings of the international symposium held at Leiden University, 6-7 June, 1996 de Harco Willems
Sohag in Upper Egypt: A Glorious History de Kanawati Nagub
Soldier of Sidon de Gene Wolfe
Soldier of the Pharaoh: Middle Kingdom Egypt, 2055–1650 BC de Nic Fields
Some Sunny Day de Vera Lynn
Sota el sol de Kenya de Barbara Wood
Sovereign of Stars de Libbie Hawker
Spells for Eternity: The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead de John H. Taylor
The Sphinx : Its History in the Light of Recent Excavations de Selim Hassan
The Spider's Bride de Debbie Gallagher
The splendour that was Egypt de Margaret A. Murray
Spotlight on Egypt (Spotlight on My Country) de Bobbie Kalman
The Spy Who Loved: The Secrets and Lives of Christine Granville de Clare Mulley
Spätantike Bibliotheken: Leben und Lesen in den frühen Klöstern Ägyptens de Harald Froschauer
Staatliche Sammlung Ägyptischer Kunst München de Sylvia Schoske
Stamps of Egypt : With Egypt Used in Palestine and Sudan : Catalogue de Leon Balian
Stargate [film novelization] de Dean Devlin
Stars over Egypt de Elizabeth Hoy
State of Change de Christopher Bulis
The Status of the Jews in Egypt de Sir W. M. Flinders (William Matt Petrie
Stealing Fire de Jo Graham
The Stealing of the Mare de Abu Obeyd
Stealth de Ṣunʻ Allāh Ibrāhīm
Stephen Biesty's Ancient World PB: Rome, Egypt and Greece in spectacular cross-section de Stephen Biesty
Stolen Heat de Elisabeth Naughton
Stone Tables de Orson Scott Card
Stories from Ancient Egypt de Joyce A. Tyldesley
Stories from Herodotus in Attic Greek. i. Story of Rhampsinitus. ii. The battle of Marathon. Adapted by J.S. Phillpotts
Stories from Old Egypt de Edward W. Dolch
The Stork and the Plow de Paul R. Ehrlich
Storm in the Sky de Libbie Hawker
The Story of Decipherment: From Egyptian Hieroglyphs to Maya Script de Maurice Pope
The Story of Joseph de Patricia A. Pingry
The Story of Writing de Andrew Robinson
Stranger Than Fiction de Denise Robins
Strictly Speaking de Edwin Newman
The Struggle of the Nations: Egypt, Syria and Assyria de G. Maspero
The Student Bible: New International Version de Philip Yancey
Studies in ancient Egyptian anatomical terminology de James H Walker
Studies in Archaism of the Egyptian Twenty-Sixth Dynasty de @der@
Studies in Egyptian Antiquities. A tribute to T G H James (British Museum Occasional Papers) de W. Vivian Davies
Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson, Volume I de Peter Der Manuelian
A Study of History, Vol. 1: Abridgement of Volumes I-VI de Arnold J. Toynbee
Such a Mind As This: A Biblical-Theological Study of Thinking in the Old Testament de Richard L. Smith
The Sudan question : the dispute over the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium, 1884-1951 de Mekki Abbas
Suez de Keith Kyle
The Suez canal: facts and documents de Αμπτέλ Καντέρ Χατέμ
Suez: the twice-fought war de Kennett Love
Sultans in Splendor: Monarchs of the Middle East 1869-1945 de Philip Mansel
Sunken Cities : Egypt's lost worlds de Franck Goddio
Sunrise of Power: Ancient Egypt, Alexander and the World of Hellenism (Imperial Visions Series: The Rise and Fall of Empires) de Joyce Milton
Superman: Earth One de J. Michael Straczynski
Switch Bitch de Roald Dahl
The Sword of Forever de Jim Mortimore
Sword of glory de Peter Danielson
The Sycamore Song de Elizabeth Hunter
Symbol & Magic in Egyptian Art de Richard H. Wilkinson
Symbols of Egypt de Heike Owusu
Syria and Palestine c.2160-1780 B.C. : relations with Egypt (s.I-III) de Georges Posener
Syrisch-Palästinensische Gottheiten in Ägypten de Rainer Stadelmann
Söhne der Wüste. Kalifen, Händler und Gelehrte de Hans-Georg Behr
A table of offerings : 17 years of acquisitions of Egyptian and ancient Near Eastern art by William Kelly Simpson for the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston de Boston Museum of Fine Arts
The Tale of Sinuhe and Other Ancient Egyptian Poems, 1940-1640 BC de R. B. Parkinson
Tales from Ancient Egypt de Joyce Tyldesley
Tales of a Dead King de Walter Dean Myers
Tales of a Monster Hunter de Peter Cushing
Tales of Ancient Egypt de Roger Lancelyn Green
Tales of travel de Marquis of George Nathaniel Curzon Curzon
Tales of Yusuf Tadros: A Novel de Adel Esmat
Tamburlaine the Great Part 1 de Christopher Marlowe
Tapestries from Egypt woven by the children of Harrania de Werner Forman
Tausret: Forgotten Queen and Pharaoh of Egypt de Richard H. Wilkinson
Te gast in Egypte de Gemmeke van Kempen
Technology in the Time of Ancient Egypt de Judith Crosher
The Technology of Ancient Egypt de M. Solodky
Technology of Ancient Egypt de Leslie C. Kaplan
Teens in Egypt (Global Connections) de Barbara A. Somervill
The Televangelist: A Novel (Hoopoe Fiction) de Ibrahim Essa
The Temple in Ancient Egypt: New Discoveries and Recent Research de Stephen Quirke
The Temple of Tausret: The University of Arizona Egyptian Expedition Tausret Temple Project, 2004-2011 de Richard H. Wilkinson
Temples And Tombs: Treasures of Egyptian Art from the British Museum de Edna R. Russmann
Temples, Tombs, and Hieroglyphs: A Popular History of Ancient Egypt de Barbara Mertz
Temps Et Aspect En Egyptien: Une Approche Sémantique (Probleme Der Agyptologie) (French Edition) de Jean Winand
Terrible Tomb of Tutankhamun: A Pop-up Adventure de Terry Deary
I tesori nascosti dell'antico Egitto de Zahi Hawass
Testaments of time; the search for lost manuscripts and records de Leo Deuel
The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara de N. Kanawati
The Teti Cemetery at Saqqara 5: Tomb of Hesi (ACE Reports) de Naguib Kanawati
Textcorpus und Wörterbuch : Aspekte zur ägyptischen Lexikographie de Stefan Grunert
Textiles in Egypt 200-1500 A.D. : in Swedish museum collections de Marianne Erikson
Textilien aus Ägypten im Museum Rietberg Zürich : [Sonderausstellung im "Haus zum Kiel" 20. Mai-14. November 1976] : beschreibender Katalog de Irmgard Peter-Müller
Texts from the Amarna Period in Egypt de William J. Murnane
Texts from the early Islamic period of Egypt: Muslims and Christians at their first encounter; Arabic papyri from the Erzherzog Rainer Collection, Austrian National Library, Vienna = نصوص من العصر الاسلامي القديم في مصر : المسلمون والمسيحيون في لقائهم الاول de Lejla. Demiri
Texts from the Pyramid Age de Nigel Strudwick
Thaïs de Anatole France
The Theban Necropolis: Past, Present and Future de Nigel Strudwick
Thebes in Egypt: A Guide to the Tombs and Temples of Ancient Luxor de Nigel Strudwick
Theological Interpretation of the Old Testament: A Book-by-Book Survey de Kevin J. Vanhoozer
Thieves in Retirement de Ḥamdī Abū Julayyil
The Third Gate de Lincoln Child
Thirteen Days in September: Carter, Begin, and Sadat at Camp de Lawrence Wright
This Side of the Gate de John P. Johnston
The Thought of Gregory the Great (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series) de G.R. Evans
A Thousand Farewells: A Reporter's Journey from Refugee Camp to the Arab Spring de Nahlah Ayed
Thousands of Years: An Archaeologist's Search for Ancient Egypt de John A. Wilson
Three Trips: The Short-story Writer as Tourist (Pocket Penguins) de John Updike
Throne of Isis de Judith Tarr
Through a Glass Darkly: Magic, Dreams and Prophecy in Ancient Egypt de Kasia Szpakowska
Through Hermopolitan lenses : studies on the so-called Book of two ways in ancient Egypt de Wael Sherbiny
Through the year in the Middle East de Taqui Altounyan
Thru the Bible Commentary, volume 04: Exodus, chapters 1 - 18 de J. Vernon McGee
Thru the Bible Commentary, volume 24: Jeremiah and Lamentations de J. Vernon McGeeLamentations 5:6
Thru the Bible Commentary, volume 29: Jonah and Micah de J. Vernon McGeeMicah 6:4,7:12,15
Thru the Bible Commentary, volume 30: Nahum and Habakkuk de J. Vernon McGeeNahum 3:9
Thru the Bible Commentary, volume 31: Zephaniah and Haggai de J. Vernon McGeeHaggai 2:5
Thru the Bible Commentary, volume 32: Zechariah de J. Vernon McGeeZechariah 10:11,14:18,19
Thus Wrote Onchsheshonqy: An Introductory Grammar of Demotic (Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization : No. 45) de Janet H. Johnson
A Ticket to Egypt de Thomas Streissguth
A Tidy Little War: The British Invasion of Egypt 1882 de William Wright
En tiempo de los faraones de Pascal Vernus
Timbres d'Égypte et de la Compagnie du Canal du Suez de J. B. Moens
Time Cat: The Remarkable Journeys of Jason and Gareth de Lloyd AlexanderAncient
Time Traveller Book of Pharaohs and Pyramids de Tony Allan
The Timeline History of Egypt de Michael Haag
Timeu ; Crítias de Plato
Tirzah de Lucille Travis
Titles and Bureaux of Egypt 1850-1700 BC (GHP Egyptology) de Stephen Quirke
To Catch a Bride de Anne Gracie
Tobruk and El Alamein de Barton Maughan
The Tomb and Beyond: Burial Customs of the Egyptian Officials (Egyptology) de N. Kanawati
The Tomb in Ancient Egypt de Aidan Dodson
The Tomb of Queen Hetep-heres de Boston Museum of Fine Arts
The Tomb of the Honey Bee de L.B. Hathaway
The Tomb of Tutankhamen de Howard Carter
Tombs at Giza, Volume I : Kaiemankh (G4561) and Seshemnefer I (G4940) de Naguib Kanawati
Tombs at Giza, Volume II : Seshathetep/Heti (G5150), Nesutnefer (G4970) and Seshemnefer II (G5080) de Naguib Kanawati
The Tombs of Amenhotep, Khnummose and Amenmose at Thebes: (Nos. 294, 253, and 254), Plates and Facsimile Drawings (Griffith Institute Monographs) de Nigel Strudwick
Too Rich: The High Life and Tragic Death of King Farouk de William Stadiem
Total Cold War: Eisenhower's Secret Propaganda Battle at Home and Abroad de Kenneth Osgood
Toutankhamon (French Edition) de Renzo Rossi
Towards a New History for the Egyptian Old Kingdom: Perspectives on the Pyramid Age (Harvard Egyptological Studies) de Peter Der Manuelian
Transfigurations of Hellenism: Aspects of Late Antique Art in Egypt, AD 250-700 (Probleme der Agyptologie) de László Török
A Travel Diary: Egypt, Palestine, and Greece 1929 de Florence Lowden
Travel in the Ancient World de Lionel Cassonancient
Travel Through: Egypt de Elaine Jackson
Travelaid: guide to Egypt 1987 de Michael Von Haag
The Traveler's Key to Ancient Egypt de John Anthony West
Traveling Through Egypt: From 450 B.C. to the Twentieth-Century de Deborah Manley
A Traveller's History of Egypt de Harry Ades
The travelling post offices of Egypt (International T.P.O. markings series) de Peter Alan Somervail Smith
Travels in Bible Lands ( Giving a Brief Account of a Four-Months' Trip Through the Countries of the East Dwelling Especially on the Interests of Egypt and Palestine ) de Andy T. Ritchie
Travels in Egypt and Nubia de Giovanni Battista Belzoni
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville de John Mandeville
Travels with a Tangerine : A Journey in the Footnotes of Ibn Battutah de Tim Mackintosh-Smith
Travels with Gannon and Wyatt: Egypt (Travels With Gannon & Wyatt) de Patti Wheeler
Travels, or, Observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant illustrated with cuts de Thomas Shaw
Treasure de Clive Cussler
Treasures of Luxor and the Valley of the Kings: Cultural Travel Guide (Rizzoli Art Guide) de Kent R. Weeks
The Treasures of the Pyramids de Zahi A. Hawass
Treasures of Tutankhamun: [exhibition catalogue] London, British Museum, 1972. de I. E. S. Edwards
The Treasures of Tutankhamun: And of the Egyptian Museum of Cairo de Alessia Amenta
Treasury of Egyptian Mythology: Classic Stories of Gods, Goddesses, Monsters & Mortals de Donna Jo Napoli
A Treasury Of Old Testament Heroes: The Stories Of Noah, Joseph, Joshua, Samson, David, Daniel, And Jonah de Patricia Pingry
Triage de William Walling
Trismegistos Online Publications (Out of the TOP series) de Herbert Verreth
The Triumph of the Sun de Wilbur Smith
Triumphant Fox: Erwin Rommel and the Rise of the Afrika Korps (Stackpole Military History Series) de Samuel W. Mitcham
Trusted Bond de Mary Calmes
TruthQuest History Guide: Ancient Egypt & Ancient Greece de Michelle MillerAncient
Tut-Ankh-Amun and His Friends de Cyril Aldred
Tutankhamen de Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt
Tutankhamen's Curse: The developing history of an Egyptian king de Joyce Tyldesley
Tutankhamen's treasures de John Ford
Tutankhamen's Tomb (Discoverology) de Jen Green
Tutankhamen: Amenism, Atenism and Egyptian Monotheism de Ernest A. Wallis Budge
Tutankhamen: The Life and Death of the Boy-King de Christine El Mahdy
Tutankhamen: The Search for an Egyptian King de Joyce Tyldesley
Tutankhamun (First Books--Ancient Biographies) de Robert Green
Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs de Zahi Hawass
Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs : A Souvenir Book de Zahi Hawass
Tutankhamun and the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt de Ron Knapp
Tutankhamun and the Valley of the Kings de Otto Neubert
Tutankhamun Craftsmanship in Gold in the Reign of the King (Medænas Monographs on the Arts) de Cyril Aldred
The Tutankhamun Deception de Gerald O'Farrell
Tutankhamun Sticker Book de Niki Horin
Tutankhamun the Exodus Conspiracy: The Truth Behind Archaeology's Greatest Mystery de Andrew Collins
Tutankhamun's Egypt de Cyril Aldred
Tutankhamun's Egypt de Frances Welsh
Tutankhamun: His Tomb and Its Treasures de I. E. S. Edwards
Tutankhamun: Journal of a Young Prince de Howard Gutner
Tutankhamun: The Golden King and the Great Pharaohs de Zahi Hawass
Tutankhamun: The Great Mysteries of Archaeology de Renzo Rossi
Tutankhamun: The Mystery of the Boy King (Crossroads America) de Zahi Hawassancient
Tutankhamun: The Untold Story de Thomas Hoving
Twelve Days de Alex Berenson
The Twelve Prophets: Hebrew Text and English Translation (Soncino Books of the Bible) (English and Hebrew Edition) de A. J. RosenbergHosea 2:15,7:11,16,8:13,9:3,6,11:1,5,11,12:1,9,13,13:4,Joel 3:19,Haggai 2:5
The Twelve Rooms of the Nile de Enid Shomer
The Twice Born de Pauline Gedge
Twisted True Tales From Science: Medical Mayhem de Stephanie Bearce
Twitter for Good: Change the World One Tweet at a Time de Claire Diaz-Ortiz
The Two Brothers: Death and the Afterlife in Middle Kingdom Egypt de Rosalie David
Type: The Secret History of Letters de Simon Loxley
Uarda de Georg Ebers
The Uncanny X-Men #056 - What is ... the Power? de Roy Thomas
Understanding Hieroglyphs: A Complete Introductory Guide de Hilary Wilson
Unidentified Documentary Text in Greek on Papyrus
Unidentified documentary text on papyrus
The Unis Cemetery at Saqqara 1: Tomb of Irukaptah (The Australian Centre for Egyptology Reports) (v. 1) de A. McFarlane
United Nations Security Council Resolution Two Forty Two: A Case Study in Diplomatic Ambiguity de Caradon
United with eternity : a concise guide to the monuments of Medinet Habu de William J. Murnane
Unterwegs in Übersee: Aus Reisetagebüchern und Dokumenten des früheren Direktors des Übersee-Museums de Hugo H Schauinsland
Untitled Fragment [Beneath The Glare Of The Sun] de Robert E. Howard
Unvanquished : a U.S.-U.N. saga de Boutros Boutros-Ghali
The Unwanted: Stories of the Syrian Refugees de Don Brown
Unwrapping a Mummy (Egyptian Bookshelf) de John H. Taylor
Unwritten de M.C. Henson
Urania reist nach Ägypten de Museum für Völkerkunde (Austria)
A Vagabond Journey around the World de Harry Alverson Franck
Valley of the Golden Mummies de Zahi Hawass
Valley of the Kings de John Romer
Valley of the Kings de Cecelia Holland
Valley of the Kings de Fabio Bourbon
The Valley of the Kings (Digging Up the Past) de Peter A. Clayton
Valley of the Kings since Howard Carter proceedings of the Luxor Symposium, November 4, 2009 de Mamdūḥ ad- Damāṭī
Valley of the Kings Valley of the Queens English Edition
The Valley of the Kings: Horizon of Eternity de Erik Hornung
The Valley of the Kings: The Tombs and the Funerary of Thebes West de Kent (ed) Weeks
Valley of the Sun Kings: New Explorations in the Tombs of the Pharaohs de Richard H. Wilkinson
The Vanished Library: A Wonder of the Ancient World de Luciano Canfora
Veiled Sentiments: Honor and Poetry in a Bedouin Society de Lila Abu-Lughod
Verdi : Aida [catch-all] de Giuseppe Verdi
Viajes por Marruecos de Ali Bey el Abbassi
Viatges amb Heròdot de Ryszard Kapuściński
Victory in the East: A Military History of the First Crusade de John France
A View of the Nile de Elizabeth Warnock Fernea
A Vile Justice de Lauren HaneyAncient
Visible Language: Inventions of Writing in the Ancient Middle East and Beyond de Christopher Woods
A visit to ancient Egypt : life at Memphis & Saqqara, c. 500-30 B.C. de H. S. Smith
A Visit to Egypt (Heinemann First Library: A Visit To) de Peter Roop
Vivir la Historia del Egipto de los faraones : [Egipto 3050-30 a.C.] de AA.VV.
The Voice of Egypt: Umm Kulthum, Arabic Song, and Egyptian Society in the Twentieth Century de Virginia Danielson
Voices from Ancient Egypt: An Anthology of Middle Kingdom Writings de R. B. Parkinson
Voices of Ancient Egypt: Contemporary Accounts of Daily Life (Voices of an Era) de Rosalie David
Het volk van de farao's, het dagelijks leven in het oude Egypte de Hilary Wilson
Volksglaube im Islam Schmuck und Amulettwesen im heutigen Ägypten ; Gastausstellung des Museums für Völkerkunde, Wien, in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Steirischen Volkskundemuseum, Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, 3. April - 13. Mai 1979 de Gertraud Bogner
Vom Papyrus zum Codex der Beitrag Ägyptens zur Buchkultur de Muhammad Ahmad Husayn
Vom Sand verweht. El Alamein war die Wende de Rudolf Hubalek
Voyage du sieur Paul Lucas, fait en M.DCC.XIV., &c par ordre de Louis XIV. dans la Turquie, l’Asie, Sourie, Palestine, Haute & Basse Égypte, &c. … [Publ. par A. Banier]. T. 1-3 de Paul Lucas
Voyage en Syrie et en Égypte, pendant les années 1783, 1784, et 1785 de Constantin-François Volney
Voyages and Travels de Charles William Eliot
Voyages de Richard Pockocke, membre de la Société royale, & de celle des antiquités de Londres, &c., en Orient, dans l'Egypte, l'Arabie, la Palestine, la Syrie, la Grèce, la Thrace, &c. &c. &c... Trad. de l'angl. sur la 2-e éd. par une société de gens de lettres [de la Flotte]. T. 1-6 de Richard Pococke
Walking Gods de George Alec Effinger
Walking the Bible: [2006 TV mini-series] de David Wallace
War & Trade With the Pharaohs: An Archaeological Study of Ancient Egypt's Foreign Relations de Garry J. Shaw
War in Ancient Egypt: The New Kingdom (Ancient World at War) de Anthony J. Spalinger
War in the Desert: The Eighth Army at El Alamein de James Sidney Lucas
The war magician de David Fisher
The War of the Crowns de Christian Jacq
War on the Nile: Britain, Egypt and the Sudan 1882-1898 de Michael Barthorp
Warfare in New Kingdom Egypt de Paul Elliott
Warriors at Suez: Eisenhower Takes America into the Middle East de Donald Neff
I Was Their American Dream: A Graphic Memoir de Malaka Gharib
The Watch Gods de Barbara Wood
The Way of Cartouche: An Oracle of Ancient Egyptian Magic de Murry Hope
The Way of the Stars de L. Adams Beck
The Way People Live - Life in Ancient Egypt de Thomas Streissguth
We Visit Egypt (Your Land and My Land: Africa) de Kathleen Tracy
We're Sailing Down the Nile de Laurie Krebs
Weird But True Know-It-All: Ancient Egypt de Sarah Wassner Flynn
Welcome to Egypt (Welcome to My Country) de Nicole Frank
Welcome to Egypt (Welcome to the World) de Patrick Ryan
Weltgeschichte der Architektur - Aegypten und Vorderasien de Seton Lloyd
The Werewolves of London de Brian Stableford
The Western Desert of Egypt: An Explorer's Handbook de Cassandra Vivian
Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades, 1000-1300 de John France
What Did the Ancient Egyptians Do For Me? (InfoSearch: Linking the Past and Present) de Patrick Catel
What Did the Ancient Israelites Eat?: Diet in Biblical Times de Nathan Macdonald
What Great Infidels Have Done to Advance Civilization de Robert G. Ingersoll
What The Bible Didn't Say: Popular Myths And Misconceptions About The Good Book de J. Stephen Lang
When Egypt Ruled the East de George Steindorff
When We Were Gods de Colin Falconer
When Women Ruled the World: Six Queens of Egypt de Kara Cooney
Where Are the Great Pyramids? de Dorothy Hoobler
Where Men Still Dream de Lawrence G. Green
White Lotus de Libbie Hawker6th/5th Century BCE
The White Witch of Spiton and the Serpent of Anata: 1 de Tracey Rolfe
Who Built the Pyramid? de Meredith Hooper
Who Killed Jesus?: Exposing the Roots of Anti-Semitism in the Gospel Story of the Death of Jesus de John Dominic Crossan
Who Was King Tut? de Roberta Edwards
Who Was Who in Egyptology (Journal of Egyptian Archaeology) de M. L. Bierbrier
Who Were the Pharaohs?: A History of Their Names With a List of Cartouches de Stephen Quirke
Widdershins de Eve Lestrange
The Widows of Eastwick de John Updike
The Wilsonian Moment: Self-Determination and the International Origins of Anticolonial Nationalism de Erez Manela
Winged Pharaoh de Joan Grant
A Winter on the Nile de Anthony Sattin
The Wise Woman de Christian JacqAncient
The Wishing Cup de JM Gryffyn
Witches, Druids and King Arthur de Ronald Hutton
With Kitchener in the Soudan: A Story of Athara and Omdurman de G. A. Henty
Wo Salome tanzte de Arne Falk-Rønne
Women in Ancient Egypt de Gay Robins
Women in Hellenistic Egypt: From Alexander to Cleopatra de Sarah B. Pomeroy
Women in Nineteenth-Century Egypt de Judith E. Tucker
Women in the War Zone: Hospital Service in the First World War de Anne Powell
Women of Karantina: A Novel de Nael Eltoukhy
The Women of the Souk de Michael Pearce
Women on the Nile de Joan Rees
Women Who Blow on Knots de Ece Temelkuran
Women Writing Africa : The Northern Region de Fatima Sadiqi
Women's Letters from Ancient Egypt, 300 BC-AD 800 de Roger S. Bagnall
Wonder Girl: Homecoming de Joëlle Jones
Wonderful Things: The Discovery of Tutankhamun's Tomb de Polly Cone
The World in World Wars: Experiences, Perceptions and Perspectives from Africa and Asia (Studies in Global Social History) de Heike Liebau
The world of the coffin texts de Harco Willems
The World's Desire de H. Rider HaggardAncient
The World's Greatest Civilizations: The History and Culture of Ancient Egypt de M. Clement Hall
Writers: Their Lives and Works de James Naughtie
Writing, Teachers, and Students in Graeco-Roman Egypt (American Studies in Papyrology) de Raffaella Cribiore
The X Factor: Confessions of a naive fashion model de Ivan Sivec
Xena: Warrior Princess - Season 5 de Rob Tapert
A Year in the Life of Ancient Egypt de Ann Rosalie David
The Year of the Cobra de Paul Doherty
You Are in Ancient Egypt (Raintree Perspectives: You Are There!) de Ivan Minnis
You Can Be a Woman Egyptologist de Betsy Morrell Bryan
You Have Not Yet Been Defeated de Alaa Abd el-Fattah
You Must Believe in Spring de Mohamed Tonsy
You Wouldn't Want to be a Pyramid Builder!: A Hazardous Job You'd Rather Not Have de Jacqueline Morley
You Wouldn't Want to be an Egyptian Mummy! de David Stewart
You Wouldn't Want to Be in Alexander the Great's Army! Miles You'd Rather Not March de Jacqueline Morley
The Young Explorer's Companion to The Secret of the Sacred Scarab: The Official Illustrated Guide to Chronicles of the Stone Book 1 (The Young Explorer's Companion Guide) de Fiona Ingram
Your Life as a Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt (The Way It Was) de Jessica Gunderson
Zanimatelnaya Gretsiya de Mikhail Gasparov
Zechariah de G. Coleman LuckZechariah 10:11,14:18,19
Zechariah de J. Carl LaneyZechariah 10:11,14:18,19
Zechariah 9-14 (Anchor Bible) de Carol L. MeyersZechariah 10:11,14:18,19
Zechariah: A Commentary on His Visions & Prophecies de David BaronZechariah 10:11,14:18,19
Zechariah: Bible Study Commentary (Bible study commentary series) de Homer Heater, Jr.Zechariah 10:11,14:18,19
Zechariah: Prophet of Messiah's Glory de Merrill F. UngerZechariah 10:11,14:18,19
Zeina de Nawal El Saadawi
Zekmet, the Stone Carver : a Tale of Ancient Egypt de Mary Stolz
Ziska de Marie Corelli
Zlaty vek stareho Egypta de Joyce A. Tyldesley
Zondervan NIV Bible commentary de Kenneth L. Barkerwhere Israel was enslaved, Exodus 1-12, Isaiah 19-20,36:6,9, Ezekiel 29-30
The Zoom Trilogy: Zoom at Sea / Zoom Away / Zoom Upstream de Tim Wynne-Jones
Zoom Upstream de Tim Wynne-Jones
De zwarte farao's : koninkrijken aan de Nijl de Dietrich Wildung
Ägypten de Walter M. Weiss
Ägypten de Marcello Bertinetti
Ägypten : Kairo - Wo Arabien und Afrika aufeinander treffen. Merian-Spezial: Nilkreuzfahrt - Eine Reise auf den Spuren der Götter (MERIAN live) de Michel Rauch
Ägypten und Levante : Zeitschrift für ägyptische Archäologie und deren Nachbargebiete de Manfred Bietak
Ägypten von Oben de Marcello Bertinetti
Ägypten. Ein Porträt in Luftbildern de Yann Arthus-Bertrand
L'Égypte des pharaons - Questions/Réponses - doc dès 7 ans (05) de Philip Steele
Az írnok és a fáraó regény de Géza Hegedüs
מדריך ישראל החדש : אנציקלופדיה - מסלולי טיול de Joseph Conrad
يوم غائم في البر الغربي de Muhammad al-Mansi Qindil
法老时代的埃及 (L'Égypte des pharaons) de Pascal Vernus