
Feminism (89), Psychology (81), Pastoral care (75), Psychoanalysis (71), Women (61), Psychotherapy (55), Chaplaincy (55), Pastoral counseling (52), Spirituality (50), Counseling (50), Christianity (48), Pastoral theology (38), Theology (36), Freud (30), Ministry (30), Religion (29), Jung (28), Gender (24), Family psychotherapy (23), Education (23), Clergy (23), Feminist theology (22), Pastoral psychology (21), Pastoral Care (20), Ethics (19), Psychiatry (18), CPE (18), Self (17), Clinical Pastoral Education (16), Family therapy (16), Faith (15), Interpersonal relations (15), Supervision and training (15), Patriarchy (15), Audiocassette (15), Pastoral Counseling (14), Women - psychology (14), Bible (14), Sex (13), Death (13), Group psychotherapy (12), Family (12), Object relations (12), God (11), Women and religion (11), Grief (11), Therapy (10), Power (10), Death and dying (10), Emotions (9), Sexuality (9), Leadership (9), Spiritual life (9), ACPE (9), Association for Clinical Pastoral Education (8), Sex role (8), Prayer (8), Love (8), Suffering (8), Learning (8), Personality (8), Nouwen Henri J M (8), Depression (8), Intimacy (8), Ego (7), Aging (7), Judaism (7), Bowen Murray (7), Sexism (7), Philosophy (7), Life cycle (7), Good and evil (7), United Methodist Church (7), Psychoanalytic theory (7), Communication (6), Homosexuality (6), Developmental psychology (6), Mental illness (6), Hope (6), Christian life (6), Christian ethics (6), Organizational behavior (6), Fairy tales (6), Lesbianism (6), Anger (6), Religious aspects (6), Personality disorders (6), Psychoanalysis and religion (6), Transference (5), Sermons (5), Group (5), Change (5), Teaching (5), Women - religious life (5), Abuse (5), Women clergy (5), Psychoanalysts (5), Family Psychotherapy (5), Pastoral Theology (5), Meaning (5), Anxiety (5), Healing (5), Liturgies (5), Family Therapy (5), CD (4), United States (4), Compassion (4), Supervision (4), Mysticism (4), Mythology (4), Neurosis (4), Dreams (4), Conflict (4), Mental health (4), Liberation theology (4), Sexual ethics (4), Worship (4), Loss (4), Typology (4), Social ethics (4), Marital psychotherapy (4), Authority (4), Terminal care (4), Adult education (4), Goddesses (4), Morality (4), Christian theology (4), Women in the church (4), Short term therapy (4), Groups (4), Personality development (4), Church (4), Social systems (4), Social Psychology (3), Women's studies (3), Consolation (3), Ordination of women (3), Paradox (3), Bereavement (3), Civilization (3), Witchcraft (3), Erickson Milton H (3), Cognitive therapy (3), Femininity (3), Interpersonal communication (3), Child psychology (3), Donation of organs (3), Parenting (3), Medicine (3), Ritual (3), Presbyterian church (3), Illness (3), Empathy (3), Congregations (3), Humanism (3), Theodicy (3), Listening (3), Women and the Bible (3), Women (theology) (3), Transformation (3), Case studies (3), Caregiving (3), Clinical pastoral education (3), Womanist theology (3), Homosexuality - religious aspects - Christianity (3), Men (3), Social psychology (3), Rape (3), Organizational effectiveness (3), Shame (3), Christian biography (3), Mind-body (3), Knowledge (3), Self-actualization (3), Women - mental health (3), Women's liberation (3), Identity (3), Psychiatry and religion (3), Systems theory (3), Therapists (3), Religions (3), personal narratives (3), History (3), Preaching (3), Women in the Bible (3), Jesus Christ (3), AIDS (3), doctrines (3), Marital therapy (3), Prayers (3), Myths (3), Matriarchy (3), Narcissism (3), Organ donors (3), Reconciliation (3), Black theology (3), Family systems (3), Rites and ceremonies (3), Boundary issues (3), Cultural competence (3), Women in ministry (3), Women and Christianity (3), Psychosomatic medicine (3), Folklore (3), Group therapy (3), Feminist therapy (3), Worship programs (3), Social groups (3), Psychiatric interview (2), Spiritual Assessment (2), Feminisim (2), Winnicott D W (2), Spiritual assessment tools (2), Death - religious aspects - Christianity (2), Adulthood (2), African Americans - religion (2), Dream interpretation (2), Sex crimes (2), Individuation (2), Group Psychotherapy (2), Family relations (2), Professional ethics (2), Good and Evil (2), Psychiatry - study and teaching (2), Women - education (2), Self-realization (2), Christianity and Politics (2), Group dynamics (2), Typology (Psychology) (2), Spiritual biography (2), Substance abuse (2), Personality types (2), Counseling psychology (2), Mind-Body (2), Forgiveness (2), Spiritual direction (2), Bowen theory (2), Literature (2), Empowerment (2), Minorities (2), ACPE history (2), Psychoanalysis and fairy tales (2), Niebuhr H Richard (2), Church work with women (2), Cross-cultural counseling (2), Church work with gays (2), Anorexia nervosa (2), Women and the church (2), Child analysis (2), Klein Melanie (2), Women's liberation movement (2), Ecology (2), Helping behavior (2), Encounter groups (2), Group process (2), Supervision and Training (2), Infant psychology (2), Aggressiveness (2), Christ (2), Faith Development (2), Children and death (2), Hags (2), Countertransference (2), Gestalt therapy (2), Psychology and religion (2), Psychological types (2), Children (2), Caring (2), Transactional analysis (2), Case histories (2), Manuals (2), Psychopathology (2), Life (2), Sexual abuse (2), Archetypes (2), Incest (2), Body (2), Stress (2), Methodology (2), Cognition (2), Childhood (2), Child development (2), Hypnotism (2), Trust (2), Storytelling (2), Catholic church (2), Rituals (2), Feminist (2), Salvation (2), Violence (2), Atheism (2), Research (2), Cancer (2), Motivation (2), Families (2), Enneagram (2), Archetype (2), Language (2), Schizophrenia (2), HIV positive persons (2)
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Apr 23, 2008
Nom real
Pastoral Care and Education Library, Wesley Medical Center
Sobre la meva biblioteca
This is the Pastoral Care and Education Library at Wesley Medical Center in Wichita, Kansas. The library is a part of the Clinical Pastoral Education program an accredited center of The Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc. Currently the library has approximately 1600 volumes and we are the proud recipients of 810 books from the late Joan Hemenway, Past President of the ACPE. The library is professionally catalogued and soon will be available online for students to reference from home. It contains a few journals in the field of pastoral care, biblical commentaries, concordances, medical dictionaries and Medicine-Religion Conference videotapes. Books are available in the disciplines of pastoral care, psychology, ethics, health and religion, cross-cultural issues, feminist theology, education, death and dying, and grief.
Wichita, Kansas
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