
Núvol d'etiquetes, Núvol d'autors, Mirall d'etiquetes
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Dec 2, 2006
Sobre la meva biblioteca
I've made a good start on entering my books. Children's lit and literary scholarship is in, now, barring a few outliers. Graphic novels are in, and now mass market romances. Adult fiction and non-fiction are barely touched. Poetry and plays are mostly in. The to-be-read shelf is untouched, and will remain so -- I don't enter them until I read them. There's a fair amount of flux on the children's literature; I don't keep them in my library unless I keep the physical copy, and I've been trying to get better about giving my ARCs away.

Right now my tagging scheme is very simple, mostly to correspond with home cataloguing. "Children's literature" means children's books, YA books, and children's literature scholarship. "Fiction" means adult fiction. "Non-fiction" goes to all non-fiction, although I've got some fine tuning on those as well (eg "reference", "computer", "biography"). But I'm focusing on entering books, not improving the social tagging scheme.

Sobre mi
Librarian, reviewer, children's literature person.

Jade Lennox is the heroine of Sally Watson's Jade.
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Llibreries: Curious George Goes to Wordsworth, McIntyre and Moore Booksellers, Pandemonium Books and Games, Porter Square Books

Biblioteques: Edith M. Fox Branch Library, Robbins Library

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