Llibres controvertits de WalkerPercy

Aquesta pàgina mostra els llibres més "controvertits" de la teva biblioteca mesurats segons la desviació estàndard més alta de la valoració dels membres.

Desviació estàndard Valoració mitjana La teva valoració Títol
1.332 3.93 The Origins and History of Consciousness de Erich Neumann
1.253 3.38 The Romantic Agony de Mario Praz
1.243 3.88 Finnegans Wake de James Joyce
1.194 3.35 The Making of a Counter Culture: Reflections on the Technocratic Society and Its Youthful Opposition de Theodore Roszak
1.19 3.81 The French Revolution: A History de Thomas Carlyle
1.169 3.61 Growing Up Absurd: Problems of Youth in the Organized Society de Paul Goodman
1.165 3.47 Self and Others de R. D. Laing
1.163 3.72 Fenomenologia de l'esperit de G. W. F. Hegel
1.163 4.13 Training in Christianity de Søren Kierkegaard
1.16 3.73 St. Anselm Basic Writings: Proslogium, Mologium, Gaunilo's In Behalf of the Fool, Cur Deus Homo de Saint Anselm of Canterbury
1.16 3.81 Moby Dick de Herman Melville
1.159 3 A Fable de William Faulkner
1.155 3.82 At a Journal Workshop de Ira Progoff
1.153 3.49 El almuerzo desnudo ( de William S. Burroughs
1.151 3.6 Slow Homecoming de Peter Handke
1.143 3.63 Tròpic de Càncer de Henry Miller
1.141 3.5 Studies in Classic American Literature de D. H. Lawrence
1.14 3.41 Set This House on Fire de William Styron
1.139 3.68 The Wings of the Dove de Henry James
1.136 3.15 La Por del porter davant del penalty de Peter Handke
1.135 3.65 Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science de Werner Heisenberg
1.132 4.08 Love's Body de Norman O. Brown
1.131 3.81 Sota el volcà de Malcolm Lowry
1.13 3.79 The Universe and Dr. Einstein de Lincoln Barnett
1.13 3.52 The Role of the Reader: Explorations in the Semiotics of Texts de Umberto Eco
1.127 3.97 The Guide for the Perplexed de Moses Maimonides
1.125 3.59 The Concept of Anxiety de Søren Kierkegaard
1.122 3.32 Billy Budd, el mariner de Herman Melville
1.121 3.94 La Conxorxa dels ximples de John Kennedy Toole
1.115 3.63 Science and the Modern World de Alfred North Whitehead
1.115 3.65 The Seduction of Christianity: Spiritual Discernment in the Last Days de Dave Hunt
1.114 3.63 En el camino de Jack Kerouac
1.1 3.38 La lletra escarlata de Nathaniel Hawthorne
1.096 3.69 The Lime Twig de John Hawkes
1.095 3.71 Retrat de l'artista adolescent de James Joyce
1.092 3.82 Walden o la vida als boscos de Henry David Thoreau
1.091 3.53 La interpretació dels somnis (1) de Sigmund Freud
1.09 3.88 Al far de Virginia Woolf
1.089 3.47 The Ginger Man de J. P. Donleavy
1.087 4.19 Being and Time de Martin Heidegger
1.086 3.84 Philosophy in a New Key: A Study in the Symbolism of Reason, Rite, and Art de Susanne Langer
1.083 3.53 Aspects of the Theory of Syntax de Noam Chomsky
1.082 3.8 El zen i l'art del manteniment de la motocicleta de Robert M. Pirsig
1.081 3.78 The Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila de Teresa de Ávila
1.081 3.9 Airships de Barry Hannah
1.079 3.6 The Closing of the American Mind de Allan Bloom
1.077 3.6 Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis de Sigmund Freud
1.077 3.65 The Feast of All Saints de Anne Rice
1.077 3.71 Journey to Ixtlan de Carlos Castaneda
1.076 3.6 Moses and Monotheism de Sigmund Freud
1.076 3.79 Empire of Signs de Roland Barthes
1.068 4.02 The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway: The First Forty-Nine Stories and the Play The Fifth Column de Ernest Hemingway
1.068 3.93 The Ratzinger Report: An Exclusive Interview on the State of the Church de Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger
1.067 3.69 Camps de Londres de Martin Amis
1.067 3.76 The Voyeur de Alain Robbe-Grillet
1.064 3.71 The Crying of Lot 49 de Thomas Pynchon
1.063 3.46 Beyond Freedom & Dignity de B. F. Skinner
1.059 3.64 St. Mawr & The Man Who Died de D. H. Lawrence
1.058 3.3 Walden Two de B. F. Skinner
1.058 3.64 Death of a Salesman de Arthur Miller
1.055 3.58 The Annunciation de Ellen Gilchrist
1.055 3.64 Piers Plowman de William Langland
1.055 3.83 Understanding Media de Marshall McLuhan
1.054 3.94 Confesiones de San Agustín de Saint Augustine
1.053 3.69 The Decline of the West de Oswald Spengler
1.051 3.6 La història particular d'un noi de Edmund White
1.051 3.71 Jealousy de Alain Robbe-Grillet
1.05 3.82 Teresa dels Urbervilles : una dona pura, fidelment presentada de Thomas Hardy
1.05 3.6 Out of My Later Years de Albert Einstein
1.049 3.38 Red-Dirt Marijuana and Other Tastes de Terry Southern
1.049 3.55 Dones enamorades de D. H. Lawrence
1.049 3.72 Heart of Darkness and The Secret Sharer de Joseph Conrad
1.049 3.49 The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud de Sigmund Freud
1.048 3.8 Parade's End de Ford Madox Ford
1.044 3.85 The Outsider de Colin Wilson
1.044 3.63 The Maid of Orleans de Friedrich Schiller
1.044 3.78 Sant Francesc d'Assís de G.K. Chesterton
1.043 3.71 Senyor de les mosques de William Golding
1.042 3.74 Madame Bovary de Gustave Flaubert
1.042 3.61 The Well Wrought Urn: Studies in the Structure of Poetry de Cleanth Brooks
1.042 3.67 The Pure and the Impure de Colette
1.041 3.84 Of Grammatology de Jacques Derrida
1.038 4.01 Let Us Now Praise Famous Men de James Agee
1.037 3.57 Sons and Lovers de D. H. Lawrence
1.037 3.5 Look Back in Anger de John Osborne
1.037 3.85 God's Pauper: St. Francis of Assisi de Nikos Kazantzakis
1.035 3.84 Course in General Linguistics (Open Court Classics) de Ferdinand de Saussure
1.035 3.6 A Separate Reality de Carlos Castaneda
1.034 3.95 The New Golden Bough [abridged - 1959 Gaster] de James George Frazer
1.034 3.76 El Sol també s'aixeca de Ernest Hemingway
1.033 3.73 The Dancing Wu Li Masters: An Overview of the New Physics de Gary Zukav
1.033 3.71 Contes de Canterbury de Geoffrey Chaucer
1.032 3.52 Chimera de John Barth
1.032 3.55 Les confessions de Jean-Jacques Rousseau
1.032 4.11 The Innocents Abroad / Roughing It de Mark Twain
1.032 3.91 Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans de Martin Luther
1.031 3.6 El trastorn de Portnoy de Philip Roth
1.031 3.71 Language, Thought, and Reality: Selected Writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf de Benjamin Lee Whorf
1.031 3.77 Giles Goat-Boy de John Barth
1.031 3.93 Modern Man in Search of a Soul de C. G. Jung
1.03 4 I and Thou de Martin Buber
1.028 4.04 Joseph and His Brothers: The Stories of Jacob, Young Joseph, Joseph in Egypt, Joseph the Provider de Thomas Mann
1.026 3.9 Miss Lonelyhearts & The Day of the Locust de Nathanael West
1.026 3.56 Robinson Crusoe de Daniel Defoe
1.025 3.57 The Way of All Flesh de Samuel Butler
1.024 3.97 El Timbal de llauna de Günter Grass
1.024 4.08 Prose and Poetry : Maggie, A Girl of the Streets / The Red Badge of Courage / Stories, Sketches, Journalism / The Black Riders / War Is Kind de Stephen Crane
1.023 3.47 The Centaur de John Updike
1.022 3.66 Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up to Me de Richard Fariña
1.021 4.12 Absalom, Absalom! de William Faulkner
1.021 3.66 Herzog de Saul Bellow
1.021 3.66 Language and Myth de Ernst Cassirer
1.021 3.65 El Cronista d'esports de Richard Ford
1.021 3.59 The Fate of the Earth de Jonathan Schell
1.02 3.66 L'Ésser i el no-res : assaig d'antologia fenomenològica : (Selecció) de Jean-Paul Sartre
1.02 3.84 Wise Blood de Flannery O'Connor
1.02 3.45 The Well of Loneliness de Radclyffe Hall
1.019 3.53 The Subterraneans de Jack Kerouac
1.017 3.75 The Words de Jean-Paul Sartre
1.017 3.67 Orpheus Descending de Tennessee Williams
1.017 3.21 The Afternoon of a Writer de Peter Handke
1.017 4.06 El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
1.016 3.63 The Phenomenon of Man de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
1.015 3.95 Writing and Difference de Jacques Derrida
1.014 3.61 Losing Battles de Eudora Welty
1.014 3.78 White Noise de Don DeLillo
1.014 3.61 Fenomenologia i existencialisme de Jean-Paul Sartre
1.014 3.71 Jurgen: A Comedy of Justice de James Branch Cabell
1.013 4.03 Molloy de Samuel Beckett
1.013 3.26 Straight Cut de Madison Smartt Bell
1.01 3.74 La tardor de l'patriarca de Gabriel García Márquez
1.01 4.18 Cent anys de solitud de Gabriel Garcia Marquez
1.009 3.81 Le Morte d'Arthur, Volume 1 de Thomas Malory
1.008 3.93 Història de dues ciutats de Charles Dickens
1.008 4.17 Meridià de sang de Cormac McCarthy
1.008 3.91 On Christian Teaching de St. Augustine
1.008 3.61 Syntactic Structures de Noam Chomsky
1.007 3.93 Housekeeping de Marilynne Robinson
1.007 3.76 La Nàusea de Jean-Paul Sartre
1.006 3.91 Zen Buddhism: Selected Writings of D. T. Suzuki de Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki
1.006 3.86 Pensaments de Blaise Pascal
1.005 3.85 El roig i el negre de Stendhal
1.005 3.86 Així parlà Zaratustra de Friedrich Nietzsche
1.004 3.85 Les palmeres salvatges de William Faulkner
1.003 4.06 The Path to Rome de Hilaire Belloc
1.003 3.63 El Mon feliç tornat a visitar de Aldous Huxley
1.001 3.93 The Confessions of Nat Turner de William Styron
1.001 3.72 A Curtain of Green and Other Stories de Eudora Welty
1 3.78 La cabana de l'oncle Tom de Harriet Beecher Stowe
1 3.66 The Blood Oranges de John Hawkes
1 3.65 Edisto de Padgett Powell
1 3.98 One Two Three . . . Infinity de George Gamow
0.999 3.8 On the Nature of Things de Titus Lucretius Carus
0.997 4.34 The world as will and representation de Arthur Schopenhauer
0.997 4.1 El profeta de Kahlil Gibran
0.997 3.99 Invisible Man de Ralph Ellison
0.996 3.74 Un adéu a les armes de Ernest Hemingway
0.996 3.67 Salambó de Gustave Flaubert
0.995 3.77 Democracy de Joan Didion
0.995 3.39 El Blat tendre de Colette
0.994 3.57 El Bevedor de vi de palma : i el seu difunt sagnador de vi de palma a la ciutat dels morts de Amos Tutuola
0.991 3.9 Retrat d'una dama de Henry James
0.991 3.21 The Twenty-Seventh City de Jonathan Franzen
0.991 3.84 Back de Henry Green
0.99 3.68 L'ofici de viure de Cesare Pavese
0.99 3.82 Geòrgiques de Publius Vergilius Maro
0.989 3.93 Faust de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
0.989 3.57 Couples de John Updike
0.988 3.98 Lanterns on the Levee: Recollections of a Planter's Son de William Alexander Percy
0.988 3.94 La muntanya dels set cercles de Thomas Merton
0.988 3.92 The Pawnbroker de Edward Lewis Wallant
0.988 3.89 Les Aventures d'en Huckleberry Finn de Mark Twain
0.988 3.79 Dog Years de Günter Grass
0.987 3.78 The Good Soldier de Ford Madox Ford
0.987 3.85 La Regla dels monjos de Saint Benedict
0.987 3.52 Snow White de Donald Barthelme
0.987 3.98 La por a la llibertat de Erich Fromm
0.986 3.81 The Young Visiters de Daisy Ashford
0.986 4.23 France and England in North America, Vol. 1 de Francis Parkman
0.986 4.02 Hugging the Shore: Essays and Criticism de John Updike
0.986 3.68 Spiritual Friendship de Aelred of Rievaulx
0.986 4 La insostenible lleugeresa del ser de Milan Kundera
0.985 3.48 L'Amant de Lady Chatterley de D. H. Lawrence
0.984 3.99 Plora, pàtria estimada de Alan Paton
0.984 3.53 Helena de Evelyn Waugh
0.984 3.95 El castell de Franz Kafka
0.983 3.87 Tom Jones de Henry Fielding
0.982 3.66 Els Falsificadors de moneda de André Gide
0.981 3.84 Last Exit to Brooklyn de Hubert Selby Jr.
0.98 4.18 Memories, Dreams, Reflections de C. G. Jung
0.979 3.87 The Gift de Vladimir Nabokov
0.979 3.53 Coming of Age in Samoa de Margaret Mead
0.979 3.66 The Rainbow de D. H. Lawrence
0.979 3.8 Winesburg, Ohio de Sherwood Anderson
0.977 3.46 The Weight of the World de Peter Handke
0.976 3.75 Nana de Émile Zola
0.976 4.15 Brother to a Dragonfly de Will D. Campbell
0.976 3.15 On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism after Structuralism de Jonathan D. Culler
0.975 3.84 After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation de George Steiner
0.975 3.66 Soul on Ice de Eldridge Cleaver
0.974 3.56 Stained Glass de William F. Buckley, Jr.
0.974 3.83 Fear and Trembling de Søren Kierkegaard
0.974 3.97 The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays de Albert Camus
0.973 3.78 El Pont de San Luis Rey de Thornton Wilder
0.972 3.68 Rabbit Redux de John Updike
0.972 4.07 Tractatus logico-philosophicus de Ludwig Wittgenstein
0.971 3.68 The Devil in Massachusetts: A Modern Enquiry into the Salem Witch Trials de Marion L. Starkey
0.971 3.57 Santuari de William Faulkner
0.97 3.88 The Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness de R. D. Laing
0.969 3.96 The Story of Language de Mario Pei
0.968 4.15 The Elements of Style de William Jr. Strunk
0.968 3.9 Consolació de la filosofia de Boethius
0.968 3.93 The Great Wall of China: Stories and Reflections de Franz Kafka
0.967 3.38 Pylon de William Faulkner
0.967 4.18 Viatge al fons de la nit de Louis-Ferdinand Céline
0.966 3.69 For a New Novel: Essays on Fiction de Alain Robbe-Grillet
0.965 3.95 The Sickness Unto Death de Søren Kierkegaard
0.965 4.01 Ego and Archetype de Edward F. Edinger
0.965 3.37 Llenguatge, veritat i lògica de A. J. Ayer
0.965 3.91 Either/Or: A Fragment of Life de Søren Kierkegaard
0.964 3.7 Lie Down in Darkness de William Styron
0.964 3.92 Un tramvia anomenat Desig de Tennessee Williams
0.964 3.51 Utopia de Thomas More
0.964 4.38 The Idea of a University de John Henry Newman
0.963 3.67 Seven Types of Ambiguity de William Empson
0.963 3.81 Sanity, Madness and the Family: Families of Schizophrenics de R. D. Laing
0.963 3.64 The Unvanquished de William Faulkner
0.962 3.75 The Lonely Crowd de David Riesman
0.962 3.93 The Revolt of the Masses de José Ortega y Gasset
0.962 3.63 Argonauts of the Western Pacific de Bronislaw Malinowski
0.962 3.61 Steps de Jerzy Kosiński
0.962 3.98 Waiting for God de Simone Weil
0.962 3.68 In Hazard de Richard Hughes
0.961 3.29 See You Later Alligator de William F. Buckley, Jr.
0.96 4.12 The Autobiography of Mark Twain de Mark Twain
0.96 4.28 The Anatomy of Melancholy de Robert Burton
0.959 3.97 El rei dels verns de Michel Tournier
0.959 4.22 The Sign of Jonas de Thomas Merton
0.958 3.91 The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge de Rainer Maria Rilke
0.958 4.22 Discourses, Fragments, Handbook de Epictetus
0.957 4 Mysticism de Evelyn Underhill
0.957 3.98 The Rebel: An Essay on Man in Revolt de Albert Camus
0.957 3.85 Cibernètica i societat de Norbert Wiener
0.956 3.95 Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life de C. S. Lewis
0.956 4.03 Ilíada de Homer
0.956 3.99 Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? de Edward Albee
0.956 4.07 Plays de Anton Chekhov
0.956 3.66 Expensive People de Joyce Carol Oates
0.956 3.99 Els promesos de Alessandro Manzoni
0.955 3.94 Rabbit Is Rich de John Updike
0.955 3.56 Ray de Barry Hannah
0.954 3.87 Els Pirats del Dharma de Jack Kerouac
0.954 3.71 Big Sur de Jack Kerouac
0.953 4.16 Balzac: A Biography de Stefan Zweig
0.953 3.93 A Canticle for Leibowitz de Walter M. Miller Jr.
0.953 3.67 Agricola and Germania de P. Cornelius Tacitus
0.952 3.68 I Never Promised You a Rose Garden de Joanne Greenberg
0.952 3.35 Dangling Man de Saul Bellow
0.951 3.76 Viatge a l'Índia de E. M. Forster
0.951 4.03 Per una ètica humanística de Erich Fromm
0.951 3.28 Paradise de Donald Barthelme
0.95 4.14 A Dictionary of Modern English Usage de H.W. Fowler
0.949 3.4 Els Set contra Tebes de Aeschylus
0.949 3.81 The Greek Way de Edith Hamilton
0.949 4.08 Diari de Anne Frank
0.949 3.33 The Poorhouse Fair de John Updike
0.947 3.36 Trouble Follows Me de Ross Macdonald
0.947 4.13 The Technological Society de Jacques Ellul
0.945 3.61 Iphigenia in Tauris de Euripides
0.945 3.85 Literary Theory: An Introduction de Terry Eagleton
0.944 3.85 El Llogaret : una novel·la de la família Snopes de William Faulkner
0.944 4.16 Collected Novels: Fanshawe/The Scarlet Letter/The House of the Seven Gables/The Blithedale Romance/The Marble Faun de Nathaniel Hawthorne
0.944 4.28 La Dolce Vita [1960 film] de Federico Fellini
0.944 3.78 Bulfinch's Mythology: The Age of Fable de Thomas Bulfinch
0.943 3.67 Amèrica de Franz Kafka
0.942 4.01 El Llop estepari de Hermann Hesse
0.942 4.03 Odissea de Homer
0.942 4.13 River of Earth de James Still
0.941 3.89 El Difunt Mattia Pascal de Luigi Pirandello
0.941 3.3 Buddhism de Christmas Humphreys
0.941 3.67 Ellis Island and Other Stories de Mark Helprin
0.94 4.01 El procés de Franz Kafka
0.939 3.9 Group Portrait With Lady de Heinrich Böll
0.939 3.34 Beyond Armageddon de Jr. Walter M. Miller
0.939 3.56 Sense dir res de Heinrich Böll
0.938 3.72 The Mosquito Coast de Paul Theroux
0.938 3.75 Suicide de Emile Durkheim
0.938 3.8 Ecclesiastical History of the English People de Bede
0.938 4.11 La Divina Comèdia de Dante Alighieri
0.938 3.95 The Divine Milieu de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
0.938 4.11 Nobody Knows My Name: More Notes of a Native Son de James Baldwin
0.937 3.81 The Age of Reason de Jean-Paul Sartre
0.937 3.96 The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life de Erving Goffman
0.936 4.23 Riddley Walker de Russell Hoban
0.936 3.81 The Mountain Lion de Jean Stafford
0.936 3.94 L'estrany de Albert Camus
0.935 3.97 Crist s'ha aturat a Èboli de Carlo Levi
0.935 3.66 Conversa a Sicília de Elio Vittorini
0.935 3.98 Omensetter's Luck de William H. Gass
0.935 3.94 In the Heart of the Heart of the Country & Other Stories de William H. Gass
0.935 3.66 Les Caves del Vaticà de André Gide
0.935 3.55 La filla de l'optimista de Eudora Welty
0.935 3.35 The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold de Evelyn Waugh
0.934 3.92 The Woman of the Pharisees de François Mauriac
0.933 3.38 Born to Win: Transactional Analysis with Gestalt Experiments de Muriel James
0.932 3.79 Of a Fire on the Moon de Norman Mailer
0.931 3.33 Godplayer de Robin Cook
0.931 3.71 Viatges de Gulliver de Jonathan Swift
0.931 3.92 Life on the Mississippi de Mark Twain
0.931 4.04 Saint Thomas Aquinas: The Dumb Ox de G.K. Chesterton
0.93 4.02 El convit de Plato
0.929 3.93 Clea de Lawrence Durrell
0.929 4.11 All the King's Men de Robert Penn Warren
0.928 3.74 Doctor Faustus de Christopher Marlowe
0.927 3.86 A High Wind in Jamaica de Richard Hughes
0.927 4.11 The Need for Roots: Prelude to a Declaration of Duties Towards Mankind (Routledge Classics) de Simone Weil
0.926 4.16 The Complete Plays: The Histories de William Shakespeare
0.925 4 A Gathering of Old Men de Ernest J. Gaines
0.924 3.99 L'Estructura de les revolucions científiques de Thomas S. Kuhn
0.924 3.93 Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres de Henry Adams
0.923 3.93 To the Finland Station de Edmund Wilson
0.923 3.87 Another Roadside Attraction de Tom Robbins
0.922 3.94 Un món feliç de Aldous Huxley
0.921 4.05 Memòries del subsòl de Fyodor Dostoevsky
0.921 4 Vida de sant Antoni de Alexandrinus. Athanasius
0.92 3.67 The Ponder Heart de Eudora Welty
0.92 3.45 Something to Be Desired de Thomas McGuane
0.92 4.2 Middlemarch de George Eliot
0.918 3.81 L'Adolescent de Fyodor Dostoevsky
0.918 4.26 Ideas Have Consequences de Richard M. Weaver
0.918 3.82 L'illa del tresor de Robert Louis Stevenson
0.918 3.87 The Psychopathology of Everyday Life de Sigmund Freud
0.917 4.03 Fam de Knut Hamsun
0.917 4.08 Notes From Underground, White Nights, The Dream Of A Ridiculous Man And House Of The Dead de Fyodor Dostoyevsky
0.915 4.15 The Waste Land and Other Poems de T. S. Eliot
0.915 3.99 Esmorzar de campions de Kurt Vonnegut
0.915 3.77 Tortilla Flat de John Steinbeck
0.915 3.98 The Greek Myths: Complete Edition de Robert Graves
0.915 3.93 El Poder i la glòria de Graham Greene
0.915 3.75 The Fox in the Attic de Richard Hughes
0.914 3.99 Pugeu la biga mestra, fusters. Seymour: una introducció de J. D. Salinger
0.914 4.26 Wishes, Lies and Dreams de Kenneth Koch
0.914 3.71 Journal of a Residence on a Georgian Plantation in 1838-1839 de Fanny Kemble
0.913 3.41 The Man Within de Graham Greene
0.913 4.11 Res de nou a l'oest de Erich Maria Remarque
0.911 3.98 Notes from Underground / The Double de Fyodor Dostoyevsky
0.91 4.25 Crim i càstig de Fyodor Dostoevsky
0.91 3.74 Mr. Sammler's Planet de Saul Bellow
0.91 3.82 The Air-Conditioned Nightmare de Henry Miller
0.91 4.11 Alícia al país de les meravelles, i, A través de l'espill de Lewis Carroll
0.909 3.89 La Caiguda de Albert Camus
0.909 3.65 The Andromeda Strain de Michael Crichton
0.909 4.11 Between Meals: An Appetite for Paris de A. J. Liebling
0.909 3.84 L'ase d'or de Apuleius
0.908 4.06 La Lògica de la investigació científica de Karl R. Popper
0.908 3.8 El pare Goriot de Honoré de Balzac
0.907 3.78 The Man with the Golden Arm de Nelson Algren
0.907 4.17 El Casalot de Charles Dickens
0.906 4.19 Les flors del mal de Charles Baudelaire
0.906 3.96 The Enchiridion on Faith, Hope and Love de Saint Augustine
0.906 3.56 Clear Light of Day de Anita Desai
0.904 3.89 Going After Cacciato de Tim O'Brien
0.904 3.91 Against Interpretation: And Other Essays de Susan Sontag
0.904 3.92 The Story of English de Robert McCrum
0.901 4.16 The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind de Julian Jaynes
0.901 4.02 Writing With Power: Techniques for Mastering the Writing Process de Peter Elbow
0.901 4.24 Nathaniel Hawthorne : Tales and Sketches (Library of America) de Nathaniel Hawthorne
0.901 3.93 City Life de Donald Barthelme
0.901 3.02 Mosquitoes de William Faulkner
0.9 4.2 Orthodoxy de G.K. Chesterton
0.9 3.75 Player Piano de Kurt Vonnegut
0.9 3.85 Intrús en la pols de William Faulkner
0.899 3.82 Life Is Elsewhere de Milan Kundera
0.899 3.91 The Rebel Angels de Robertson Davies
0.898 4.14 The Mind of the South de W. J. Cash
0.898 3.95 Car de Harry Crews
0.898 3.54 The Orchard Keeper de Cormac McCarthy
0.898 4.02 Tragèdies tebanes: Antígona ; Èdip rei ; Èdip a Colonos de Sophocles
0.898 4.04 Brideshead Revisited de Evelyn Waugh
0.898 3.61 Who's on First? de William F. Buckley, Jr.
0.897 4.04 Socrates Meets Jesus: History's Greatest Questioner Confronts the Claims of Christ de Peter Kreeft
0.897 4.05 El libro de la almohada de Sei Shonagon
0.896 3.94 Mysteries de Knut Hamsun
0.896 3.95 La pesta de Albert Camus
0.894 4.34 Philosophical Investigations de Ludwig Wittgenstein
0.894 4.13 Another Country de James Baldwin
0.894 4.18 The Everlasting Man de G.K. Chesterton
0.893 4.01 The Waning of the Middle Ages de Johan Huizinga
0.893 3.91 Del sentiment tràgic de la vida de Miguel de Unamuno
0.892 3.86 Gigi / Julie de Carneilhan / Chance Acquaintances de Colette
0.892 3.68 La Follia d'Almayer de Joseph Conrad
0.892 3.6 Patterns of Culture de Ruth Benedict
0.892 3.48 The Aims of Education and Other Essays de Alfred North Whitehead
0.892 3.96 A Moveable Feast de Ernest Hemingway
0.892 3.68 The Beautiful and Damned de F. Scott Fitzgerald
0.891 4.55 A la recerca del temps perdut de Marcel Proust
0.891 3.98 Resistance, Rebellion, and Death: Essays de Albert Camus
0.891 4.03 Silence de Shūsaku Endō
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