children's books by indigenous authors

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children's books by indigenous authors

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Editat: feb. 23, 2014, 1:07 am

I came across this list titled "Top Ten Indigenous-authored Children's Books" and wanted to share in case you haven't seen it. This is an Australian site, so the books are by indigenous authors in that area. What books would you add that were written by indigenous authors in other parts of the world?

Editat: juny 24, 2014, 5:15 pm

What a great question. I just reviewed one such book by a Canadian woman with Mohawk (Kanienkeha) ancestors: Peace Walker : the legend of Hiawatha and Tekanawita, by C.J. Taylor.

It's pretty good. The author wrote in a note that she based her text on performances by a particular storyteller. The story is about Hiawatha (the real one, not Longfellow's invention), the legendary founder of the Iroquois League. It might inspire some age-appropriate conversations about the nature of power and the courage it takes to bring about peace.