5 million more LoC records for OverCat

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5 million more LoC records for OverCat

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juny 19, 2018, 5:34 pm

We've recently imported 5,148,400 new records from the Library of Congress into OverCat, bringing OverCat's total to nearly 78 million records!

This is OverCat's first major Library of Congress update since it debuted in 2010.

Read about it on the blog: http://blog.librarything.com/main/2018/06/loc-5-million/

Notice anything new? Tell us what you think!

juny 20, 2018, 9:40 am

Neat. Let's keep the ingests coming.

juny 20, 2018, 10:08 am


juny 20, 2018, 12:29 pm

I appreciate both the additional titles but as importantly that each is a MARC record. I'm not familiar with all the details, but the broader point I support is that OverCat isn't merely adding new titles, but titles with a robust and consistent dataset.

juny 20, 2018, 12:43 pm

>4 elenchus: Bingo! That's one of the foundational principles of OverCat—not just sheer numbers, but quality of records, too.