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des. 9, 2019, 7:23 am

Hi everyone! I joined librarything about a week ago. I'd love to be able to talk about interesting books and maybe also make friends along the way.

My main interests are books by Murakami, mystery, suspense, psychological thrillers. Anything mythology, mythological creatures, supernatural and ghosts - ghost stories, yay!. I read most stuff with or about magical realism, ancient history (mostly ancient Egypt and Norse), animals, Japanese, Norwegian, British literature, fairy tales, classics and sometimes even still a bit of YA and/or children's classics.

Nice to meet you!

des. 9, 2019, 9:57 am

Welcome to LibraryThing, Yuki_Onna! You may want to join some of our Groups on LibraryThing pertinent to your interests: Hope this helps!

des. 9, 2019, 10:09 am

>1 Yuki_Onna: Welcome! LT is generally a pretty friendly place, particularly if you join 1 or more of the chattier groups. (I will put in a plug here for the Green Dragon, which is as chatty as it gets and has a couple of Murakami enthusiasts, but the GD will chat about anything.)

des. 16, 2019, 1:37 pm

Thank you for the kind welcome, kristilabrie and haydninvienna! And yes, I will make sure to check out The Green Dragon, it sounds amazing!