how do I get a book review on the site

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how do I get a book review on the site

nov. 11, 2021, 10:16 am

after a couple of years here enjoying the reviews of books from readers, I would actually like to review a book I just read. I went to reviews and there is no place for me to post something. I generally write my reviews on the Talk pages on diferent threads, but now I want to write them on the site. How can I do this?

Editat: nov. 11, 2021, 10:32 am

You have to enter the book. Go to 'Add books' and put the ISBN or other information in the box. Choose a source. I recommend Overcat because that is a collection of data from library sources. Amazon data can be less reliable. Now hit search, and see if there is a choice that matches your book. Choose that one and you have entered it.

Click on the title to see your entry. You can now edit it to add tags, change collections, tidy up details, and enter your rating and your review. You can also add reading dates to have a record of when you read the book. The collections can help you keep track of which books you own and which ones you borrowed to read.

Your reviews will not show on the site as long as your account is private.

nov. 11, 2021, 8:12 pm

excellent, thank you!