
ConversesCthulhu Mythos Homeschoolers

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Aquest tema està marcat com "inactiu": L'últim missatge és de fa més de 90 dies. Podeu revifar-lo enviant una resposta.

abr. 1, 2009, 3:20 am

Aquest membre ha estat suspès.

Editat: abr. 1, 2009, 8:01 am

Hi, Thresher's girlfriend here, posting on his LT account. We were wondering if we'd have to give up Tantric sex if we become Cthulhu cultists.
Because at this one Earth Day gathering last year we met this really cool chick who was active in The Movement from the 60s, and she suggested these great books about... Well, anyway, we're just concerned about joining until we get this cleared up.