Out Of Print Publications..

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Out Of Print Publications..

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març 19, 2010, 1:57 am

Do copyright or reserved right rules apply to out of print publications?
I have some out of print crochet pattern leaflets that I would like to share in my blog - the patterns are old and very beautiful. So if I put them on my blog with a reference to the designer and all that, would I be infringing on the copyright?

(For instance, I have a 1956 pattern "book" that is out of publication in my library)

Thanks. Could be a really dumb question but I have to check before I get myself in trouble.

aka anitalite ;-)_

març 19, 2010, 6:23 am


As far as I know, out-of-print has nothign to do with copyright - this is what all the fuss over the Googlebooks case is about.

Depending on what country you are in copyright is creator's life + 0/50/70 years so they may or may not be in copyright. However it's just a blog, it may come under fair use, and if they are outofprint maybe nobody will care. Attributing them to the designer is always polite.

març 19, 2010, 1:35 pm

IANAL, either, but probably the worst that would happen would be you'd get a letter telling you to take it off your site or else.

març 19, 2010, 2:03 pm


Out of print has absolutely nothing whatsover to do with copyright status -- books go in and out of print all the time, and authors retain their copyright throughout.

Now, in this particular case, it is unlikely that the copyright holders would know or come after you for infringement -- it's probably the print version of abandonware -- but the work may still be under copyright. The qualification is because in 1956, copyrights were issued for a 28-year renewable term; if the copyright for this work was renewed in 1984, it is still under copyright. Otherwise, in this specific case, the work is out of copyright, but that would be the case even if it was in print -- again, being in print has absolutely zero to do with copyright status.