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S'està carregant… An Extraordinary Egg (1994 original; edició 1998)de Leo Lionni (Autor), Leo Lionni (Il·lustrador)
Informació de l'obraAn Extraordinary Egg de Leo Lionni (1994)
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Apunta't a LibraryThing per saber si aquest llibre et pot agradar. No hi ha cap discussió a Converses sobre aquesta obra. Frogs, Alligators, Friendship A frog named Jessica one day stumbles upon a very large stone that happens to be more than just a stone. This is my first book I've ever read by Leo Lionni and it turned out to be such a hilarious read. I pictured myself reading it to a classroom of students and I couldn't help imagine how fun of a read it would be for them. Aside from being a funny story, this picture book can lead to informative discussions about the wildlife mentioned in the story and much more. Sense ressenyes | afegeix-hi una ressenya
Jessica the frog befriends the animal that hatches from an egg she brought home, thinking it is a chicken. No s'han trobat descripcions de biblioteca. |
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Google Books — S'està carregant… GèneresClassificació Decimal de Dewey (DDC)813.54Literature English (North America) American fiction 20th Century 1945-1999LCC (Clas. Bibl. Congrés EUA)ValoracióMitjana:
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