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An Extraordinary Egg de Leo Lionni
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An Extraordinary Egg (1994 original; edició 1998)

de Leo Lionni (Autor), Leo Lionni (Il·lustrador)

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1,922489,003 (3.89)Cap
Jessica the frog befriends the animal that hatches from an egg she brought home, thinking it is a chicken.
Títol:An Extraordinary Egg
Autors:Leo Lionni (Autor)
Altres autors:Leo Lionni (Il·lustrador)
Informació:Dragonfly Books (1998), Edition: Reprint, 40 pages
Col·leccions:La teva biblioteca

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An Extraordinary Egg de Leo Lionni (1994)

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Frogs, Alligators, Friendship
  kmgerbig | Dec 29, 2022 |
This playful picture book has bright illustrations and engaging text. It was one of my favorites as a child, I always hoped I would find an egg like that! ( )
  cariannabell | Jul 20, 2021 |
I really want to like these, but they just keep being preachy and talking-down and... ow. ( )
  wetdryvac | Mar 2, 2021 |
  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
A frog named Jessica one day stumbles upon a very large stone that happens to be more than just a stone. This is my first book I've ever read by Leo Lionni and it turned out to be such a hilarious read. I pictured myself reading it to a classroom of students and I couldn't help imagine how fun of a read it would be for them. Aside from being a funny story, this picture book can lead to informative discussions about the wildlife mentioned in the story and much more. ( )
  D.Chokr | Feb 10, 2020 |
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Leo Lionniautor primaritotes les edicionscalculat
DeRosa, Richautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Island, Donna ConeyNarradorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Menge, StephanieTraductorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Uribe, Veronicaautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
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On Pebble Island, there lived three frogs: Marilyn, August, and one who was always somewhere else.
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Jessica the frog befriends the animal that hatches from an egg she brought home, thinking it is a chicken.

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