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Resources for People With Disabilities: A National Directory (2 vol set)

de Shawn Woodyard

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Containing more than 8,000 entries, Resources for People with Disabilities, Second Edition is a ready reference perfect for school, public, and specialized libraries. This two-volume set is filled with information designed to help people with disabilities realize their educational and career goals. Readers can explore and compare options for purchasing assistive computer devices, participating in vocational rehabilitation, joining an online support group, or seeking legal aid. Librarians and teachers will find that this reference is an excellent resource for helping people with disabilities make decisions about their lives.… (més)
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Containing more than 8,000 entries, Resources for People with Disabilities, Second Edition is a ready reference perfect for school, public, and specialized libraries. This two-volume set is filled with information designed to help people with disabilities realize their educational and career goals. Readers can explore and compare options for purchasing assistive computer devices, participating in vocational rehabilitation, joining an online support group, or seeking legal aid. Librarians and teachers will find that this reference is an excellent resource for helping people with disabilities make decisions about their lives.

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