John Buckley (desambiguació)

"John Buckley" comprèn com a mínim 11 autors diferents, dividits per les seves obres.

Divisió d'autor

John Buckley (12)

The Green Man (Pitkin Guides) (2001) — Dissenyador, algunes edicions79 exemplars

John Buckley (5)

CHUM (2013) 3 exemplars

John Buckley (2)

Hotshot (1990) 2 exemplars

Coneixement comú

Nota de desambiguació
1) Buckley, John (John D.) (Buckley, John D. 1967-) - Air power in the age of total war
2) Buckley, John, 1948- Hotshot
3) Buckley, John, 1957- Family politics
5) Buckley, John, BPE, MSc. Exercise on prescription
6) John Buckley MSc; 30 years experience in the telecommunications industry, he has worked for BT and Intercai Mondiale; now an independent consultant - Telecommunications Regulation
7) Buckley, John, 1961- Managing intelligence
8) Buckley, John 1913- Recollections of the roving staff officer
9) John Buckley, 1951 - Organ Concerto, Symphony No. 1
10) John Buckley - A guide for the identification of British amphibians and reptiles
11) Buckley, John 1947- Guide to World Commodity Markets
12) John Buckley designed The Green Man