Imatge de l'autor
29+ obres 1,014 Membres 22 Ressenyes 2 preferits

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Obres de Tom Egeland

Paktens voktere (2007) 166 exemplars
Ulvenatten (2005) 87 exemplars
Åndebrettet / thriller (2004) 49 exemplars
Trollspeilet (1997) 42 exemplars
Den 13. disippel (2014) 41 exemplars
Fedrenes løgner : roman (2010) 29 exemplars
Djevelmasken (2016) 23 exemplars
Codex (2018) 23 exemplars
Lasaruseffekten (2017) 20 exemplars
Skyggelandet (1993) 19 exemplars
Ragnarok (1988) 18 exemplars
Falken (2019) 11 exemplars
Katakombens hemmelighet (2013) 8 exemplars
Kongen (2020) 7 exemplars
Sølvmyntene (2021) 6 exemplars
Metusalemprosjektet (2022) 5 exemplars
Skatten fra Miklagard (2014) 4 exemplars
Mumiens mysterium (2015) 4 exemplars
666 (2023) 4 exemplars
Piken i speilet (2007) 3 exemplars
Den store spøk̜elsesboka (2015) 2 exemplars
Liket i myra (2012) 1 exemplars
O airetikos (2005) 1 exemplars
Smiletter (1987) 1 exemplars
Døden ved vesper (2012) 1 exemplars
Jevanġelije Ljucyfera (2013) 1 exemplars

Obres associades

Påskekrim : 17 kriminalnoveller (2009) — Col·laborador — 7 exemplars
Påskekrim 2011 : 18 kriminalnoveller (2011) — Col·laborador — 5 exemplars
Påskekrim 2012 : 17 kriminalnoveller (2012) — Col·laborador — 3 exemplars
Påskekrim 2010 : 17 kriminalnoveller (2010) — Col·laborador — 3 exemplars
Påskekrim 2013 : 17 kriminalnoveller (2013) — Col·laborador — 3 exemplars


Coneixement comú



Contratado por la Universidad de Oslo para supervisar unas excavaciones que se están llevando a cabo, Bjorn Belto es testigo del hallazgo de un cofre que contiene un manuscrito de gran valor histórico, ya que en él se desvelan unas leyendas que modificarán por complto la historia hasta ahora oficial del cristianismo. Con el deseo de evitar que el manuscrito caiga en las manos innobles de unas personas que se escudan en una fachada académica, Belto huirá de Noruega. Perseguido por aquellos que quieren hacerse con el cofre, su periplo le llevará de Londres a Oriente Próximo, para culminar en Francia.… (més)
Natt90 | Hi ha 8 ressenyes més | Jan 20, 2023 |
I loved the basic idea of this book, vikings sailing to egypt. After all they traded along the north coast of africa so there is no good reason why they couldn't have sailed up the nile.

However while the idea is great the book itself is terrible. It is badly written and the characters are poorly developed. The only reason I finished this book was for a book group challenge.
KarenDuff | Hi ha 6 ressenyes més | Jun 1, 2016 |

This book is described as The Norwegian Da-Vinci Code, but as it appears this book was written first, should it not be that The Da-Vinci Code is the American Relic?

In the crazy around this type of book after the hype of the Da-Vinci Code, this was one of the books that found it's way into the Dutch bookshops. It sounded interesting enough, so I took it with me.

It's an enjoyable read, although not really that original. I know it was written before the hype started, but I can't loose the feeling that it's like a checklist has been used while writing this book. It was nice to read though, the Norwegian setting is something different and I liked it. This also is the first book in the Bjørn Beltø series, and actually I'm curious to find out what happens next...… (més)
Floratina | Hi ha 8 ressenyes més | May 26, 2016 |

This is the sequel to Relic, and some mystical Egyptian object has been found in Norway. It was left there by Vikings. I liked that idea.

The rest of the book though seemed a bit less interesting to me than the first, perhaps there was some repetition with the first book in this series. I don't really know. The ending was a bit disappointing for me as well. I still liked to read it, it was a quick read, but I haven't read any of the other books in this series. (I'm not even sure they were translated, and my Norwegian isn't really wonderful).… (més)
Floratina | Hi ha 6 ressenyes més | May 26, 2016 |


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