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Cynan Jones

Autor/a de The Dig

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Inclou el nom: Cynan Jones

Obres de Cynan Jones

The Dig (2014) 162 exemplars
Cove (2016) 139 exemplars
The Long Dry (2006) 126 exemplars
Stillicide (2019) 82 exemplars
Everything I Found on the Beach (2011) 76 exemplars
Bird, Blood, Snow (2012) 20 exemplars
Three Tales (2018) 7 exemplars
The Fart (Special Edition) (2012) 2 exemplars
Stock (2023) 2 exemplars
Le cose che non vogliamo più (2011) 1 exemplars

Obres associades

Granta 119: Britain (2012) — Col·laborador — 109 exemplars


Coneixement comú

Data de naixement
Lloc de naixement
Aberaeron, Ceredigion, Wales, UK



Hard English prose on a Welsh farm. The Long Dry might refer to: a drought afflicting the land; the daylong thirsty wandering of a lost cow about to calve; the sexual and emotional difficulties of Gareth and his wife Kate. Set during the Cow's Day of Wandering, with peeks forward and back.

Jones beats the reader over the head with Death. Of a calf, cows, parent, rabbit, dog, child. Of romantic desire, intimacy, the ideal self. At the last he tries to make up for it, fresh rain and rekindled vision. Nope, I'm not having it. An unhappy sketch of life, well written, particularly a scene of two brothers and a dying rabbit.… (més)
lelandleslie | Hi ha 6 ressenyes més | Feb 24, 2024 |
Offshore in a kayak, taking his father’s ashes to their hidden cove, the man is caught by a storm. Lightning strikes. He awakens in the water, attached to the kayak by a leg strap. Dead fish and ash cover the surface all around him. Arms stretched out to the sky. Memory only as functional as his body.

Jones tells the story of this novella in a stripped down rhythmic fashion, akin to prose poetry. Short paragraphs, short sentences, lots of white space, dropped subjective pronouns, the prose as choppy and insistent as the water holding him up.

The man at first can do nothing for himself. Nor does he know who he is or where he belongs. His body and mind begin to return by pieces. He understands there is a her, and she is pregnant, and he must try to survive for them.

In this story man does not live for himself but for those he loves. They hold him up. The movement of the water nudging the kayak is her stomach with their baby kicking. They stick to him more surely than the characteristics of his own individuality. His father’s ashes literally on his skin where the water has not washed them away, as the lightning swept his own name from him.

A second storm pushes the kayak toward cliffs. Towards being smashed against them. He thinks he must leave the boat and trust in the flotation jacket to help him survive. He must get wholly into the water.

His life does not pass before his eyes. There is even a point he feels calm. But then he sees the faces of the people he loves. He sees their faces as they see him go.

A fast read, the prose poetry adds up to a memorable encounter, though it could be more powerful as a novel if it had a greater canvas. 3.5 for me.
… (més)
lelandleslie | Hi ha 10 ressenyes més | Feb 24, 2024 |
Knap poëtisch proza dat in een pastoraal schrijven zijn figuren plaatst in de prachtige natuur. Tegelijk zien we in de typeringen van de landelijke personen dat deze ook beklemd zijn door tegenslagen, met een heimwee naar vroegere en betere tijden. Samen met het pastorale gegeven maakt de lezer ook kennis met het knap beschreven rauwe leven, de boerenbuiten-realiteit van moeilijke bloederige geboorten en lijdende en stervende dieren.
Het boek is enigszins droefgeestig, maar doorregen met eenzaten die een kluizenaarsleven nastreven en vreemde figuren die de reguliere kantjes aflopen. Het verdelgen van ratten met bijtende getrainde honden wordt gedetailleerd beschreven. Daarnaast dan weer de jacht op de das, die liefst levend wordt gevangen, opgejaagd door getrainde honden… De werkwijze hiervoor is fascinerend waarvoor een zekere vaardigheid en kennis voor vereist is. De gevangen das wordt verhandeld naar mensen die dan genieten van georganiseerde weddenschappen bij bloederige vechtpartijen tot de dood tussen de das en een aantal honden… Vaak worden bij de das uiteindelijk de klauwen uitgetrokken en de hoektanden gebroken om de das ten onder zien gaan… Vandaar dat de dassenjacht verboden is. Onze tweede hoofdfiguur is zo een drieste man die opgejaagd en uiteindelijk gevat wordt door de politie.
De twee verhaallijnen van de zachtaardige schapenboer en de ratten/dassen jager, tevens schrootverzamelaar, èn de twee beschreven gevoelslevens zijn de allegorische vertaling van de woeste natuur in Wales die eeuwenlang de identiteit bepaalt van de bewoners.
02/03/23 GT score : 5
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gielen.tejo | Hi ha 6 ressenyes més | Mar 2, 2023 |
This is a short book of interlocking short stories set in the same near future dystopia. It doesn't spoon feed you and allows you to gradually build up a picture of the world humans are now living in, where water is commodified and delivered by train. I feel like it would benefit from multiple reads to pull the pieces together. It's very lyrical and poetic in its writing style and was first heard as a series of short plays on radio 4.
AlisonSakai | Hi ha 4 ressenyes més | Feb 15, 2023 |



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Autors associats

Gioia Guerzoni Translator
Rohan Daniel Eason Illustrator
Jona Hoek Translator
Peter Torberg Translator
Isabel Ferrer Translator
Carlos Milla Translator


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