Alice Miller (desambiguació)

"Alice Miller" comprèn com a mínim 7 autors diferents, dividits per les seves obres.

Sobre l'autor

Inclou el nom: Miller Alice

Divisió d'autor

Alice Miller (1)

Paths of Life: Seven Scenarios (1998) 98 exemplars
Pictures of a Childhood (1986) 73 exemplars

Alice Miller (2)

More Miracle Than Bird (2020) 48 exemplars
The limits (2014) 2 exemplars

Alice Miller (desconegut)

Reclaiming the Inner Child (1990) — Col·laborador, algunes edicions64 exemplars

Coneixement comú

Nota de desambiguació
(1) Miller, Alice (1923-2010) Polish-Swiss psychologist/psychoanalyst, wrote The Drama of the Gifted Child

(2) Miller, Alice New Zealand poet/fiction author, wrote More Miracle Than Bird

(3) Miller, Alice American romance author, wrote Silver Hawk Warrior series

(4) Miller, Alice P. American children's author, wrote The Little Store on the Corner

(5) Miller, Alice American astrologer, wrote Heralds of a New Age

(6) Miller, Alice American cooking instructor, wrote What's in a Kitchen?

(7) Miller, Alice American researcher, wrote Index to the works of Immanuel Velikovsky