John Pierce (desambiguació)

"John Pierce" comprèn com a mínim 6 autors diferents, dividits per les seves obres.

Divisió d'autor

John Pierce (desconegut)

Coneixement comú

Nota de desambiguació
(1) 2007 Microsoft Office system inside out: John Pierce (b. 1954)
(2) A discourse delivered, 9 November 1817: John Pierce (1773-1849)
(3) "Influence of a diet very high in vegetables": John P. Pierce, Professor of medicine and researcher in cancer prevention
(4) The best of Astounding : John J. Pierce (b. 1941), science fiction editor
(5) John Pierce, owner of a company using multi-level marketing
6) John Pearse - The John Pearse Finger-Picking Guitar Method
7) John R. Pierce - Le Son Musical