
S'ha unit
Feb 22, 2013
Nom real
Kim Cresswell
Sobre mi
Kim Cresswell resides in Ontario, Canada and is the bestselling and award-winning author of the action-packed WHITNEY STEEL series.

Her debut romantic suspense, REFLECTION (A Whitney Steel Novel - Book One), has won numerous awards:
*RomCon®'s 2014 Readers' Crown Finalist (Romantic Suspense)
*InD'tale Magazine 2014 Rone Award Finalist (Suspense/Thriller)
*UP Authors Fiction Challenge Winner (2013)
*Silicon Valley's Romance Writers of America (RWA) "Gotcha!" Romantic Suspense Winner (2004)
*Honourable Mention in Calgary's (RWA) The Writer's Voice Contest (2006).

LETHAL JOURNEY won RomCon®'s 2014 Readers' Crown (Thriller) and was a finalist in From the Heart Romance Writers (FTHRW) Golden Gate Contest (2003).

Her action-packed thrillers have been highly praised by reviewers and readers. As one reviewer said, "Buckle up, Hang on tight!"

Kim recently entered the true crime writing arena. Real Life Evil - A True Crime Quickie (two short stories) was published in January 2014. You can read her latest true crime stories in Serial Killer Quarterly, an e-magazine published by Grinning Man Press.
Ontario, Canada
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