
Discworld (29), Fantasy (26), Mystery - Historical - Medieval Britain (Cadfael Chronicles) (15), Mystery - Historical - Amelia Peabody (13), Science Fiction (11), Mystery - Lord Peter Whimsey (10), Mystery - Historical - Ancient Rome (10), Literature - American (8), Witchcraft - Green Witchcraft (8), Fantasy - children (7), Children - Fantasy (7), Historical Fiction - Ancient Greece (7), Literature - English (6), Mystery - Peter Whimsey (5), Fiction (5), Literature (5), Biography (5), Women's Studies - Sociology - Motherhood (4), Fantasy - Young Adult (4), Historical Fiction - Ancient Greece - Alexander the Great (4), Fantasy - Young adult - Welsh Myth (4), Paganism - Earthwise (3), Discworld - Young Adult (3), Fantasy - Children (3), Fiction - Fantasy - Humor (3), Fantasy - Celtic Myth (3), Writing - Women's Studies (3), Fantasy - young adult (3), Paganism - Witchcraft (2), Women's Spirituality (2), Paganism - Holidays (2), Fiction - Comedy of Manners (2), Children (2), Fiction - Satire (2), Literature - Renaissance (2), Literature - English - Medieval (2), Fiction - Historical (2), Women's Studies - Essays - Mothers (2), literature (2), Discworld - Art (1), Discworld - Compendum (1), Fantasy - anthology (1), History (1), Paganism - Pagan Parenting - Music (1), History - Modern Paganism - Social Studies (1), Writing (1), History - Women's Studies - Pagan (1), History - Feminist - Literature (1), Gaiman (1), Fiction - Historical - Ancient Rome (1), History - Medieval (1), Caving - Caves (1), Women's Studies - Spirituality - Psychology (1), Fiction - Historical - Victorian (1), Historical Biography (1), Oils & Brews (1), Literature - Irish (1), England: Social Life and Customs (1), Influenza - History - 20th Century (1), Adult Children of Alcoholics - Family Systems (1), Womens Studies - Motherhood - Science (1), Compendium - Amelia Peabody Mysteries (1), Witchcraft - Paganism - Italian Witchcraft (1), Paganism - History - Renaissance (1), Pagan - Women's Spirituality - Transitions (1), Nature - Spirituality - Writing (1), Paganism - Wicca - Faery (1), Fantasy - Anthology (1), History - Shamanism (1), Humor - American History (1), Paganism - Incense (1), Humor - Cats (1), Mysteries - Amerlie Peabody (1), Discworld - Children (1), Discworld - Overview (1), Literature - Greek Myth (1), Mystery - Detective Fiction (1), Discworld - comic (1), Discword (1), Fiction - Gay Romance (1), History - Cultural Evolution (1), Children's (1), Fiction - Medieval (1), Romance - Historical (1), History - Britain (1), Fiction - children (1), Fiction - Women (1), Shakespeare (1), History - Pagan (1), Paganism - Celtic - Witchcraft (1), Paganism - Modern Paganism (1), Beltane - Pagan Holidays (1), Paganism - Theology (1), Discworld - Misc. (1), History - Pagan - King Arthur (1), Biography - Mary Renault (1), Paganism - Native American (1), Paganism - Shamanism (1), History - Medieval - Women (1), Self Help - Psychology - Humor (1), Young Adult (1), Fiction - Humor (1), Poetry - English - Medieval (1), History - Ancient Egypt (1), History - England - Pagan (1), Satire - Comedy of Manners (1), Literature - Medieval (1), Paganism - Death & Dying (1), Discworld - map (1), Discworld - Map (1), Satire - Comedy (1), History - Ancient Egypt - Women (1)
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May 3, 2007
Sobre la meva biblioteca
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Writer * Teacher * Organizer * Wildlife Rehabber * Companion Animal Rescue Volunteer * Community Activist * Eco-Feminist * Pagan * Gadfly
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