
Nom real
Michael Gillespie
Sobre la meva biblioteca
One hundred of the books I have found to be of lasting importance. I've been an avid reader all of my life.
Sobre mi
A working journalist since 1999 when I completed my studies at Iowa State University's Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication, I write regularly for the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, the nation's foremost journal covering U.S. Middle East foreign policy and the politics and culture of the region. I studied Shakespeare, writing, and the history of political terrorism in Extension and Summer School at Harvard while employed as an officer of the university (1984-1989). I lived, worked, and traveled in Europe in 1990. A co-founder of the Knoxville Writers Guild (1992) and Executive Director of the Tennessee Writers Alliance (1995), I also worked as a reporter for WUOT-FM and as project director for WDVX-FM while living in Tennessee 1992-1996. My radio journalism was featured occasionally on Swiss Radio International in the 1990s. I served as a member of the steering committee and as Vice Chair and Chair of the Ames Interfaith Council (1998-2002).
Des Moines, IA
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