Nom real
Palash Jyoti Mazumdar
Sobre la meva biblioteca
I have got a very mixed library, comprising books of all genres, from heavy philosophical works to who-dun-its, and reflects my interests and moods.
Sobre mi
I am the author of the book, "The Circle of Fire - The Metaphysics of Yoga". The book culminates my knowledge of Yoga and the philosophy of Hinduism in general, in particular the path of Advaita. I contrast this with other philosophies in order to find the synergies and strengths of different religions.

I am a practicing doctor, I am an MD in ENT. I live in Guwahati, India, with my wife who is also a practising radiologist and my baby daughter, Priyasha, now 15 months old.

Guwahati, Assam, India.
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