Sobre la meva biblioteca
Why would anyone subject themselves to reading all those boring books about business, entrepreneurship, finance, and economics? Egads! Did you just say self-help books? Are you kidding me?

No kidding. That is exactly what this is all about. We ALL have those dust collectors...oops, I mean books...on our shelves that we haven't read. The good news: YOU still don't need to read them.

I am your solution!

The best news: YOU get to read my brilliant, witty commentary of 5 "Must Take-Aways" (MTA), "The Point" (TP) (a concise summary in 2 paragraphs or less), and "Brilliant Articulate Mind Maps" (BAMM)! That is right people. I am going to give you a list, short paragraphs, and hand-written pictures. I swear this could top Kindergarten...hold tight.

You sure are lucky, aren't you?
Sobre mi
So, you want to know some more about the crazy girl who decided to speed read business books?

Check out my blog:

Here we go...I am an avid reader (DUH!), runner/exercise-centered, food-focused (see previous...I pray it balances out), music lover , over-achiever type-A...oh hell...I am just a girl who can read pretty darn fast. Oh, I have a sense of may find it hanging around.

Speed reading books about business, entrepreneurship, finance, economics, self-help, etc. Brilliant, witty commentary of the Top 5 List "Must Take-Aways", "The Point" (a summary in 2 paragraphs or less), and "Brilliant Articulate Mind Maps"!

You know those bookcases full of … I know this is a stretch … unread BOOKS? Well, so do I. The funny thing is that a couple years back, I took a speed reading course. And let me tell you, what I learned really, really works. No kidding! I have used my skills mostly in work and academic pursuits, but not for my personal-development-good-for-the-soul books. So, I figured why not? Here is a blog of the books that I have speed read and plan to speed read.

Where did the name come from? Peruse: to read through with thoroughness or care + Velocity = rapidity of motion or operation; swiftness; speed == Perusalocity
United States
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