Nom real
Sobre la meva biblioteca
I enjoy using LibraryThing, as it provides some useful mechanisms towards cataloging and databasing my library. I have a diverse collection of material on Druidry, Paganism, Science Fiction, History, and Programming - both in physical and digital formats. I have a venerable iPad that I use for my digital reading, though I may pare down to a simple eReader tablet in the future.
Sobre mi
I am a Druid (currently in my Ovate studies) with the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids. My mundane job, as a Data Analyst/Programmer, keeps me fairly busy. When not working, I am playing with databases of my own creation, taking walks when the weather permits, or reading. I live about eleven miles from the Texas/Oklahoma border...approximately halfway between Dallas and Oklahoma City.
Lindsay, TX
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