Sobre la meva biblioteca
Although I like all genres, I mostly read fantasy and sci-fi, or romance. I like non-fiction as well, especially history.

If you think I'd like a book, (or just think it's plain awesome) definitely recommend it to me. I'm always up for finding new authors and books.
Sobre mi
Hi, I'm a college student in my twenties. I've been a bookworm for as long as I can remember, and have a nearly holy reverence for books. I can't imagine my life without books, I wouldn't even be the same person.

I also like to write; it's enormous fun to be able to create an entire world, a new society, characters' lives.

I also like watching anime and tv (right now I'm into Attack on Titan and Supernatural), reading comics, playing video games, making crafts, and drawing.

My favorite author overall is probably Stephen King. His stories are so well-crafted and the worlds he creates, the perspectives he reveal, are so entrancing. The Dark Tower series in particular inspires me a lot.

Many other authors have influenced me however.

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