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Sep 4, 2006
Nom real
Ruth J. Heflin (a.k.a. Rajah Hill)
Sobre la meva biblioteca
When I was a young child, my father loved to go on Sunday drives. One Sunday, we drove to Medicine Lodge, Kansas where my Aunt Grace lived. We picked her up to go driving around Barber County with us. She asked my sister and I if we knew why the soil was such a deep red color. I shook my head no, since I was too shy to speak to this indominatable aunt. So she told us how the white people and Indians had fought over the land so hard and so violently that the hills had run red with Indian blood. She went on to tell us about the Medicine Lodge peace treaty, but my young mind had a difficult time pulling away from the images of blood and dead Indians. It wasn't until much later that I learned that my father's (and Aunt Grace's) great, great grandmother, Mary Burnett, was a registered Choctaw, as was her mother of the same name before her. Something powerful has drawn me to study American Indian methods of storytelling, which led me to my dissertation studies, scholarly book publication, and, I believe, my desire to tell good stories. Much of my library is composed of books of, by, and about American Indians.
Sobre mi
I have been reading since before kindergarten, and writing since kindergarten. My father was the family story teller, while Mom was the family reader. Between the two, I learned the value of a good story told well. Mom was a frustrated romance writer--one of her secret fantasies that I think she told only to me after I had shared some of the short stories I wrote in high school. I have written and conventionally published a scholarly book, I Remain Alive: the Sioux Literary Renaissance. I have also written and epublished a young adult/fantasy novel, Yonni Hale and the Cosmic Wind, which is available through
Leavenworth, Kansas
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