
Núvol d'etiquetes, Núvol d'autors, Mirall d'etiquetes
S'ha unit
Jul 12, 2009
Sobre mi
I am a person who loves to read (constantly) and also loves to share with others what I have read, my opinions and ideas. I think fast on my feet and see many options and solutions to things. I seek out the compelling reason for doing what I do - and often find different ways to do things. I do well at using insight and instinct to solve problems and do better with general time frames than specific deadlines.
I dislike restrictions and limitations, formal reports, routines, redoing anything once it is done, keeping detailed records, and showing how they got an answer. However, when necessary, I can be very detailed and analytical. My job requires a certain amount of attention to detail. But I excel at seeing the big picture.
I love variety and am one of the few people living in Michigan who really loves to be living here! I love waking up in the morning and not know what to expect from the weather. Although I was born and raised in Arizona, I left at 18 because I found the environment too boring and too brown - the weather was always pretty much the same...
Near a Great Lake
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