
Nom real
Andrea Drew
Sobre la meva biblioteca
I seem to gravitate towards books I know and love including works by John Grisham, Maeve Binchy and Kathy Reichs. I am particularly excited about writing progress on my first ever fiction book after having written two non fiction books. Making the Camo Hunters even more special is the fact that my teenage son devised the plot and characters and I am writing the book for both of us.
Sobre mi
Andrea Drew has been a commercial copy writer and resume writer for over a decade.

She's written for celebrity stylists, assisted business coaches and start-ups, written grants for not for profits, delivered marketing presentations to business owners, and attends Australian writing conventions.
Her self-published book "Pro Resumes Made Easy" has been downloaded over 40,000 times.

Andrea has one husband (more than enough), three kids, a pet rock (her daughters not hers), and a house in the suburbs, where she's hard at work on the second novel in the Gypsy series.
Email her at

Gypsy Hunted her first fiction novel (her first suspense thriller set in her home town of Melbourne Australia) is available for pre-order on Amazon

Visit her blog
Melbourne Autralia
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