Nom real
Roland G Kuhl
Sobre la meva biblioteca
Pastoral Theological Library developed over 30 years. Various collections include: Anabaptist, Ray S. Anderson, Stanley Hauerwas, New Testament Theology, Theology
Sobre mi
Since 1995 I have been on a spiritual journey exploring the influence of the reign of God in forming our way of being in the world and our way of being Christian and human. This journey has led me to find my way into a Mennonite community where I am discovering what it means to be an Anabaptist disciple of Jesus Christ as an Anabaptist.

As an Anabaptist follower of Christ, I opt to be radically attached to Jesus Christ and to be stubbornly loyal to his community. In following Jesus, I choose to side with the poor and the marginalized, as he did, in seeking to bring about justice and reconciliation in the world. In seeking to live in the way of Jesus, I choose to renounce violence in resolving human conflict, and in fact seek to get in the way of violence in order to be an instrument of peace.

I follow Christ together with other followers of Christ and together we seek to be a sign, foretaste, and instrument of God’s present and coming reign. As a community we are discerning together what it means to participate with God in God’s redemptive mission in the world. We realize we are called not to be engaged in our own ministry agendas, but called to discern God’s redemptive mission in the world. We are not about our own ministries, but participate with God in God’s mission. In this way we continue the ministry of Christ Jesus in the world.

This journey has been influenced by numerous mentors – some in person, others through their writings: Lesslie Newbigin, Ray S. Anderson, Eugene Peterson, Robert Webber, George Hunsberger, Alan Roxburgh, Stanley Hauerwas, Stanely Grenz, John Howard Yoder, as well as persons within the communities of the Gospel and Our Culture Network, the Center for Parish Development, the Ekklesia Project, and others seeking to live missionally.

I have been involved in pastoral contexts in both United States and Canada for over 16 years serving churches in California, Indiana, Alberta Canada, and now in Illinois. I now serve as Lead Pastor of North Suburban Mennonite Church in Libertyville, IL. I also serve on behalf of the Illinois Mennonite Conference Minister as a Conference Liaison guiding congregations within the IMC discover and explore how they might be more missional in being the people of God.

I have also served in academic contexts for over 10 years as Associate Dean of Extension Education at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Director of the Doctor of Ministry program at Northern Seminary. I am still involved in the academic context teaching Masters and Doctoral-level courses and seminars on Missional Church, Missional Leadership, and Missional Spirituality in a number of theological schools.

I am also involved as a community organizer focusing on food justice issues through an organization I developed in 2009 known as Ten Thousand Gardens, which helps increase the amount of fresh produce available to lower income families in Lake County, IL by developing growing, gleaning and distribution networks.

I completed a BA degree in Biblical Literature – NT (and a minor in Sociology) in 1979 from Oral Roberts University. In 1983 I graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary with an M.Div. degree and earned a Ph.D. in Educational Studies from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in 1998, writing a dissertation entitled Educating Christianly: The Reign of God as a Paradigm for Christian Education.

Currently, I am in my third phase of life and ministry in which I bring my passion and experience in challenging churches, pastors, and other followers of Christ to explore what it is to live christianly and missionally in being salt and light in the world.

I invite others to join me on this journey of developing ears and eyes to hear and see what God is saying and doing in the world so that we may participate in God’s redemptive mission.
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