Nom real
Rod Rust
Sobre la meva biblioteca
My library consists mostly of reference books relating to the Bible, Christian theology, world religions, and history; especially Russian, Civil War, and WW2. I also have a small collection of favorite classics; particularly Russian, e.g., War & Peace, Crime & Punishment, The Idiot, Dead Souls, et al. Plus, I have a sampling of fantasy/sword & sorcery books, and a growing number of ebooks.
Sobre mi

I'm a lifelong book lover and artist with a few books and a few friends. My sons are Breckenridge and Jonathan and my beloved wife is Inessa from Belarus, whom I met online on a language exchange website. I have a BA in Bible/theology and diplomas in Engineering Drafting Technology and Wildlife/Forestry Conservation. I enjoy progressive rock, hiking, disk golf, and building model kits. My favorite subjects are Christian theology and classic Russian literature and history.

Tomball, TX
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