
Núvol d'autors, Mirall d'etiquetes
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Jan 14, 2006
Sobre la meva biblioteca
There's a strong bias towards science fiction and fantasy in my collection, although history and classics are gradually coming to rival them. While I own only a fraction of the books that I've read, they are by and large favourites and some of them I'd describe as very good books indeed. That said, I'm aware that I also possess a handful of truly appallingly awful ones. Some of the latter were given to me, and some were bought because - and I don't know why - it seemed a good idea at the time. And I can't dispose of even the worst pulp drivel; in the words of Günter Grass: "Even bad books are books and therefore sacred".
Sobre mi
I have always loved books. My mother taught me to read at about the same time as I was learning to talk. I'm told that I knew my alphabet at the age of eighteen months; I've not stopped reading since. It probably says a lot about me that at the precise moment of writing this, my bedroom floor is entirely covered with books yet there is not a working television in my home.
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