SciFi - Story about a guy named Dammy

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SciFi - Story about a guy named Dammy

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Editat: jul. 20, 2012, 5:31 pm

I *think* the tile was The <something> Man, but I am not sure.

The story involves the main character named Dammy. He meets a guy that does something and puts him in a machine that twists and bends his joints, but teaches him how to do things like juggling. After he gets out of the machine, the guy teaches him how to use his mind to do stuff. One example is he tells Dammy that he is going to touch him with a hot poker. He then touches his finger to Dammy's arm and a blister appears. They start out on what I think is Earth, but then they travel to a lot of places. He gets captured at one point and in the cell is taught how to feed himself by an alien he meets. they do so by using their mind to transfer the food from the container to their stomach. The waste is transported to the container the same way. He later discovers this alien is his mentor in disguise.

I read this in the late 80s as a teen. I received it as a donation from my neighbor when he got rid of dozens of scifi books he had acquired through a book club. The dustcover (if it is the book I am thinking of) from the bookclub had a nude male walking towards the edge of the page. It was a photographic cover rather than a drawing.

I just don't know the author or the name.

Any help is appreciated,

Editat: jul. 21, 2012, 9:46 am

Sounds like The Ultimax Man by Keith Laumer Publication Date: July 1, 1978

Damocles Montgomerie, a pathetic small-time criminal, cowers like a wounded animal in a darkened alley. He is trapped, seriously wounded, and about to be finished off by a vicious hitman. As seconds stretch into eternity, the hitman raises the .32 caliber Beretta and pulls the trigger. Suddenly time seems to stop and the soon-to-be fatal bullet freezes in mid air. A dapper old gentleman appears and whisks Dammy away to a fantastic alien complex hidden deep within the arctic. Once there, the astonished Dammy is treated for wounds by Xoraille, who turns out to be an observer for Consensus - an intergalactic organization monitoring the progress of developing planets - in the hope that one day they may have advanced sufficiently to take their rightful place in the galactic community. . . or to be subjugated and stripped of their wealth. Xoraille's rich-uncle appearance proves to be a disguise as he proceeds to put Dammy, his human guinea pig, through his paces to determine the true intellectual capabilities and development of the human race over the centuries. In the process, Dammy discovers the awesome power of the human intellect and masters virtually every human intellectual and physical skill. Dammy is at first mystified and then thrilled. . . until Xoraille announces that the study is over, and the time has come to dispose of his human "sample." But Xoraille finds that he has created something of a monster, who has assimilated much more than human knowledge, who he is incapable of destroying, and who has discovered Consensus's real plans for Earth. So begins a remarkable adventure as Dammy escapes and embarks on a journey that takes him to fantastic alien planets, towards an inevitable confrontation with the Supreme Intellect of the Universe.

jul. 27, 2012, 2:15 am

THANK YOU!! After searching for the book on Amazon under that title, the original dustcover I remember came up. Thank you very much.
If I was prone to them, I would be making happy noises right now.

jul. 27, 2012, 10:00 pm

You are very welcome - glad to help!