Sustainability in school


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Sustainability in school

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oct. 17, 2015, 7:23 pm

How do you guys think we can better implement sustainability in schools? I come across this issue a lot as I am a part of a agriculture school that's main focus is on creating a better tomorrow. It has really made me wonder what I could be doing to improve my school. So far we recycle plastics, metals, glass, and organics (food and plant matter) as well as paper. But we don't have much else going on as we are new at this. So, any ideas?

oct. 21, 2015, 6:38 pm

Lora, is your school college level, K-12, or what? In my own dealings with charter schools, I find that many of those emphasize the building of "critical thinking" skills, so sustainability should be a concept that would interest administrators and teachers there.

At your ag school, ask them exactly how they are defining "better." (I'm not kidding.)

Editat: oct. 28, 2015, 8:36 am

I too, would like to know more about your ag school.

There are all sorts of new ideas out there to experiment with - buildings made from trash, green roofs, alternative human waste schemes, inter-planting permaculture, rainwater management, the ecology of insects and native plants, intensive rotational grazing...

The Soil Will Save Us has lots of examples of work being forwarded by farmer/scientist coalitions.

I'm personally familiar with ongoing projects at Berea College in Kentucky.
They've had an Eco-Village student housing for decades and they have a student run aquaculture operation, just to name a couple of things.

Last I heard, students were also building an Open Source tractor.

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