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Editat: feb. 19, 2018, 3:18 pm

The Agricultural Network Information Center (AgNIC) is hosted by a partnership between the US National Agricultural Library and various universities, government agencies, and organizations within the agricultural community. Each partner is responsible for accumulating and maintaining information in designated subject areas. The site offers three main search strategies: Keyword (simple and advanced), thesaurus, or by subject. Keyword searches show the title of a Web page, a brief description of the site, subject descriptors, keywords, and a URL address. The results of a search may be sorted by relevancy or title, and then displayed by headline only or full description. The thesaurus offers alternative search terms (organized as broader, narrower, and related terms) that can be combined and searched.

Browsable subjects, located below the keyword box, are organized into 15 general topics, such as "Farms and Farming Systems," "Insects and Entomology," and "Plant Science and Plant Products." These subjects are further divided into narrower terms.

The calendar option lists agricultural conferences, meetings, and seminars. It is organized by date as well as by subject, includes an archive, and lists of more than 300 additional agricultural calendars.

This site is geared toward the general audience, as well as the academic community, particularly science undergraduate students.

In the attached sample, I did a search on chestnut, the tree that has been recently restored in the USA after being decimated by disease over 100 years ago:

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