Removing the smell of incense or similar perfumes

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Removing the smell of incense or similar perfumes

juny 10, 2023, 5:05 pm

I was fortunate to secure an entire library of books with significant value this week. Fortunate, except in one regard. The books were stored in bankers boxes in a room where the owner mixed spiritual oils (or some such thing) that had a strong smell similar to heavy amounts of incense.

I know how to remove smoke smells from books, but in this case the source and smells are very different. Any thoughts?

Editat: juny 11, 2023, 3:02 am

Well, assuming we're dealing with volatile oils, I would suggest setting them upright on edge and fan the pages open as far as possible and let them air out for a few days. Keep the air circulating, though. This takes a while, but it should allow the vapors from the oils to dissipate.

Obviously, with a whole library to do, it will take quite a while to get them all aired out.