Let's Talk About It...March 2024

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Let's Talk About It...March 2024

feb. 20, 8:14 am

Tell us what's on your mind.

març 3, 7:06 pm

Spring is here! I'm attempting to re-arrange my bulb bed, since the daffodils have spread and are not blooming like they used to. Add to this the need to remove the leftover daffodils from around a tree's roots; the tree fell ages ago and now we have daffodils popping up in the yard. It causes both of us no end of consternation to try to find them in the fall when we've forgotten where they are.

Fingers crossed that the careful transplanting I did over the weekend will result in newly-housed daffodils!

març 3, 9:36 pm

>2 threadnsong: fingers crossed for you!

I have about 100 bulbs set out ready to plant tomorrow. Fun times ahead.

març 4, 9:48 am

>2 threadnsong: >3 genesisdiem: Good luck to you both. I am death personified to plants, so they avoid me.

març 24, 7:07 pm

Love it! The good news is, the bulb transplanting from Lawn to Bed worked out well, and the daffodils did not wilt. DH also came up with a method to figure out which bulbs are which come Fall.

Hint: it involves garden stakes and mathematics and a combination of video and pictures. And measurements. We shall see what transpires in a few months! 😆

març 24, 7:07 pm

>3 genesisdiem: So, how did your 100 bulb planting go?

març 24, 7:43 pm

>6 threadnsong: I got them all in the ground and then we had a huge storm. So I'm not certain how many stayed in place. But I do have about 30 sprouts so hopefully there will be a few blooms soon.

març 24, 8:49 pm

>7 genesisdiem: Oh goodness! Well, hopefully more will sprout out of the 100 that you planted. Especially with all that work you put in. Enjoy your blooms. 💐

març 24, 9:35 pm

>8 threadnsong: thanks! you too!