Found: Town of perfect kids

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Found: Town of perfect kids

març 11, 12:17 pm

Read around 2003 in US
All I can remember is there seemed to be only kids in the story and once you turned a certain age they would give you a mysterious surgery or something. Once you got the surgery, you could go live on the other side of the town with the other kids who get the surgery done. The surgery is supposed to make you remain young or make you look "perfect"; with no blemishes or anything people deem not beautiful. The main character decided she didn't want the surgery and ran away to grow up and be normal. She ended up in a rebel refugee camp of some kind with other kids who didn't get the surgery done, but her friend got the surgery done. I cannot remember the name of this book or what the cover looked like but I think it was a series.

març 11, 12:25 pm

>1 Sonime: Uglies? It's a year or so too late, but very very similar.

març 11, 1:17 pm

>2 RosetheReader: OMG! YESSSS This is the book! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

març 11, 1:17 pm

Aquest membre ha estat suspès.

març 11, 7:08 pm

>3 Sonime: Yay!!! I'm so glad that was it!