Who went to the Book Festival?


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Who went to the Book Festival?

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maig 14, 2009, 11:45 am

Who attended the Book Festival at the Free Library's Central Branch last April 18th and 19th? Which authors did you see? Get any autographs?

I went on the 19th and saw (and got autographs from) Joe Queenan, Qaisra Shahraz and Robert Goolrick. All three were fantastic, but I felt bad for Goolrick. Even though his book was on demand in the Early Readers section here on LibraryThing, you could count on one hand the amount of people who attended his reading. Queenan had a packed audience, however, and was very funny. Shahraz had a modest-size audience, thanks to a school field trip, and had her family there to support her, which was cute.

Outside, there were less tables than I remember were at last year's fest, but one particular table was handing out free books. I managed to snag some I've been wanting to read for the longest time, like Babel Tower.