Alabama Author AwardNon-Fiction [special award]

Given by Alabama Library Association

Altres noms: Alabama Library Association Nonfiction Award (Anglès)
1 obres 22 Llibres
Awards are based on literary merit. An honored author must be an Alabamian by birth or have lived in Alabama for at least five (5) years. The book for which the award is presented must have been mostra'n més published within the past three (3) calendar years prior to the year of the Association Convention at which the award is presented. Reprints of works originally published prior to the cutoff year of the award are not eligible for consideration. An author's body of work is ineligible. An editor or translator may be considered if the book is of value to the permanent record of the State. The honoree must be living. mostra'n menys
Tots, Ficció (53), Juvenile (35), Non-ficció (59), Non-Fiction [special award] (1), Poesia (4), Teen (1), Juvenil (21), Young adult (1)
Tots, 1975 (1)