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The Amazing Spider-Man [2012 film] (2012)

de Marc Webb (Director)

Altres autors: Embeth Davidtz (Actor), Zooey Deschanel (Actor), Steve Ditko (Original characters), Sally Field (Actor), Andrew Garfield (Actor)13 més, Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Actor), James Horner (Redactor/compositor), Rhys Ifans (Actor), Irrfan Khan (Actor), Steve Kloves (Screenwriter), Denis Leary (Actor), Stan Lee (Original characters), Alvin Sargent (Scriptwriter), Campbell Scott (Actor), Martin Sheen (Actor), Emma Stone (Actor), James Vanderbilt (Screenwriter), Chris Zylka (Actor)

Sèrie: The Amazing Spider-Man Films (1)

MembresRessenyesPopularitatValoració mitjanaMencions
526347,355 (3.4)2
For Tom, it was love at first sight when Summer Finn walked into the greeting card company where he worked. Summer is the new administrative assistant. Although Summer does not believe in relationships or boyfriends, Tom and Summer become more than just friends. Through the trials and tribulations of Tom and Summer's relationship, Tom could always count on the advice of his two best friends, McKenzie and Paul. However, it's Rachel, Tom's adolescent sister, who is his voice of reason. After all is said and done, Tom is the one who ultimately has to make the choice to listen or not.… (més)
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A teenager gets super powers, and his dad's friend gets killy.

Much to my surprise, it's entirely adequately entertaining. There's not much sense comparing it to Sam Raimi's Spider-Man. Super hero movies have come a looong way since 2002. This would have been mind-blowing back then. Now, it's superfluous and, apart from the acting, completely forgettable. Even given that it's a remake of a recent film, this level of unoriginality is baffling.

Concept: B
Story: C
Characters: C
Dialog: C
Pacing: C
Cinematography: C
Special effects/design: C
Acting: A
Music: C

Enjoyment: B

GPA: 2.4/4 ( )
  comfypants | Dec 17, 2015 |
136 minutos
  Miquinba_F | Nov 10, 2013 |
Jun 1991
  DTiano | Nov 9, 2009 |
Es mostren totes 3

The Amazing Spider-Man is the story of Peter Parker (Garfield), an outcast high schooler who was abandoned by his parents as a boy, leaving him to be raised by his Uncle Ben (Sheen) and Aunt May (Field). Like most teenagers, Peter is trying to figure out who he is and how he got to be the person he is today. Peter is also finding his way with his first high school crush, Gwen Stacy (Stone), and together, they struggle with love, commitment, and secrets. As Peter discovers a mysterious briefcase that belonged to his father, he begins a quest to understand his parents' disappearance - leading him directly to Oscorp and the lab of Dr. Curt Connors (Ifans), his father's former partner. As Spider-Man is set on a collision course with Connors' alter-ego, The Lizard, Peter will make life-altering choices to use his powers and shape his destiny to become a hero.
afegit per truffie | editaamazon

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Nom de l'autorCàrrecTipus d'autorObra?Estat
Webb, MarcDirectorautor primaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Davidtz, EmbethActorautor secundaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Deschanel, ZooeyActorautor secundaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Ditko, SteveOriginal charactersautor secundaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Field, SallyActorautor secundaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Garfield, AndrewActorautor secundaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Gordon-Levitt, JosephActorautor secundaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Horner, JamesRedactor/compositorautor secundaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Ifans, RhysActorautor secundaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Khan, IrrfanActorautor secundaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Kloves, SteveScreenwriterautor secundaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Leary, DenisActorautor secundaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Lee, StanOriginal charactersautor secundaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Sargent, AlvinScriptwriterautor secundaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Scott, CampbellActorautor secundaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Sheen, MartinActorautor secundaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Stone, EmmaActorautor secundaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Vanderbilt, JamesScreenwriterautor secundaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Zylka, ChrisActorautor secundaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
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For Tom, it was love at first sight when Summer Finn walked into the greeting card company where he worked. Summer is the new administrative assistant. Although Summer does not believe in relationships or boyfriends, Tom and Summer become more than just friends. Through the trials and tribulations of Tom and Summer's relationship, Tom could always count on the advice of his two best friends, McKenzie and Paul. However, it's Rachel, Tom's adolescent sister, who is his voice of reason. After all is said and done, Tom is the one who ultimately has to make the choice to listen or not.

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Mitjana: (3.4)
1 1
2 2
2.5 1
3 6
3.5 4
4 8
5 2

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