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When We Were Very Young

de A. A. Milne

Altres autors: Ernest H. Shepard (Il·lustrador)

Sèrie: Winnie the Pooh (A.A. Milne Original) (3)

MembresRessenyesPopularitatValoració mitjanaMencions
5,688521,834 (4.18)79
A collection of poems reflecting the experiences of a little English boy growing up in the early part of the twentieth century.
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» Mira també 79 mencions

Es mostren 1-5 de 52 (següent | mostra-les totes)
Enjoyable little book of poems. ( )
  LuLibro | Jan 22, 2024 |
  Mary_Charlotte | Oct 4, 2023 |
I picked this up from my mum's bookshelf when I was back home. I must have read it a few times in my youth - there's one in particular that affected me a lot, which is the one about not stepping on the cracks, for fear of being eaten by the bears. Having read that, I immediately stopped stepping on the cracks on my way to school, and while I don't mind stepping on cracks now, I still have a couple of residual compulsions that stem from that time...

The rest I don't remember in particular, but there's one poem that's supposed to be the introduction of Winnie the Pooh before he took on that name, and there's a bunch that are just... magical.

I'm not a big poetry reader, anyway. I think this is the first poetry book in, like, ever, that I've read. How funny~ ( )
  finlaaaay | Aug 1, 2023 |
Over three hundred books into my Pooh Project, and I have yet to read any of the original Milne books? Oops. Well, here we go!

Unfortunately, this one is all poetry, and I'm not a fan of poetry. At least it's short.

For me, Milne's poems work best when their from the perspective of a child exerting their will or independence, rebelling against the dominance and stupidity of adults: "Politeness," "Rice Pudding," "Independence," "Market Square." The best of these and the jauntiest to read out loud is "Disobedience" with James James Morrison Morrison Weatherby George Dupree and his straying mother.

Winnie the Pooh makes an appearance under the alias of Edward Bear with a reflection on body image that barely prepares one for the greatness to come.

(My Pooh Project: I love Winnie the Pooh, and so does my wife. Having a daughter gave us a chance to indoctrinate her into the cult by buying and reading her every Pooh book we came across. How many is that? I’m going to count them this year by reading and reviewing one every day and seeing which month I finally run out. Track my progress here: ) ( )
  villemezbrown | Nov 20, 2022 |
I know and like these poems. Unfortunately the Open Media ebook I got has _horrible_ formatting - they maintained all the pictures (yay!) but the text is often split by the pictures, in ways that lose a line or two. In order to read several of the poems I had to scroll back and forth and back and... At best, this is a distraction; at worst - I only knew some of them were missing lines because I know the poems. A pity - a poor edition of a usually (mildly) enjoyable book. ( )
  jjmcgaffey | Jan 6, 2022 |
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Milne, A. A.autor primaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Shepard, Ernest H.Il·lustradorautor secundaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
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To Christopher Robin Milne or as he prefers to call himself, Billy Moon, this book which owes so much to him is now humbly offered.
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Just Before We Begin
At one time (but I have changed my mind now) I thought I was going to write a little Note at the top of each of these poems, in the manner of Mr. William Wordsworth, who liked to tell his readers where he was staying, and which of his friends he was walking with, and what he was thinking about, when the idea of writing his poem came to him.
Down by the corner of the street
Where the three roads meet,
And the feet
Of the people as they pass go "Tweet-tweet-tweet-"
Who comes tripping round the corner of the street?
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(Clica-hi per mostrar-ho. Compte: pot anticipar-te quin és el desenllaç de l'obra.)
Nota de desambiguació
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A collection of poems reflecting the experiences of a little English boy growing up in the early part of the twentieth century.

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Mitjana: (4.18)
1 6
2 27
3 78
3.5 19
4 148
4.5 16
5 249

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