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Eerdmans Handbook to the Bible (1973)

de David Alexander, Pat Alexander

MembresRessenyesPopularitatValoració mitjanaMencions
3,17374,342 (3.7)1
A section-by-section guide to the Bible. Includes pictures, articles, maps, charts, and an index of people, places, events, and themes.
  1. 20
    Holy Bible - Evangelical Heritage Version (EHV) de Wartburg Project (lhungsbe)
    lhungsbe: My go-to version of the Bible. No additions or deletions. Easy to read.
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"From the history and design of the temple to God's relationship to the universe, you'll find it here. The land and cultures, battle, and feast days, heroes and villains of Scripture all com alive through entries of meticulous clarity and detail, and breathtaking, full-color images. Previously published as the bestselling and internationally acclaimed Zondervan Handbook to the Bible, this beautiful volume contains extraordinary photographs, illustration, maps, and charts. " From the back of the book.
  salem.colorado | Jun 7, 2024 |
comprehensive SS guide, photos, maps
  SrMaryLea | Aug 22, 2023 |
A comprehensive bible guide with hundreds of photographs, maps and charts.
  RubislawLibrary | Dec 6, 2013 |
NO OF PAGES: 680 SUB CAT I: Bible Reference SUB CAT II: SUB CAT III: DESCRIPTION: Here are 680 pages packed with helpful information. Bible scholars contribute their expertise, writing at popular, non-specialist level. Text and pictures work together, providing in a single resource what the reader needs to understand the Bible.NOTES: SUBTITLE:
  BeitHallel | Feb 18, 2011 |
A great, general overview of the Bible. It is a bit sparse in places, and certainly is not a comprehensive commentary. This was my textbook when I took Old Testament and New Testament class in college. Great as an introduction. ( )
  w_bishop | Dec 17, 2007 |
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Alexander, Davidautor primaritotes les edicionsconfirmat
Alexander, Patautor principaltotes les edicionsconfirmat

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Wikipedia en anglès


A section-by-section guide to the Bible. Includes pictures, articles, maps, charts, and an index of people, places, events, and themes.

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Mitjana: (3.7)
1 3
2 5
3 13
3.5 5
4 26
4.5 1
5 14

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