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The Corset Diaries

de Katie MacAlister

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7101832,927 (3.43)8
No woman in her right mind would consent to wearing a corset for a month. Especially a 'skinny-challenged' woman like Tessa. But dreams of being debt-free dance in her head at the offer of appearing in a reality TV show. A Month in the Life of a Victorian Duke is about real people pretending to live on an English estate, circa 1879. And Tessa's leading man-a real-life duke-is so handsome she can barely breathe, with or without the corset . . .… (més)
  1. 00
    Who Wants To Marry a Heartthrob? de Stephanie Doyle (Caramellunacy)
    Caramellunacy: On the set of a reality dating TV show, production assistant Bridget is suddenly thrust in the limelight (quite against her will) when one of the contestants can't make it. In a show full of backstabbing and people playing to the ubiquitous cameras, will her boss finally sit up and take notice? I loved the reality TV premise in both.… (més)
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» Mira també 8 mencions

One of my favorites--great humor in her books--enjoyable to read more than once ( )
  bcuperus | Dec 22, 2023 |
Hilarious! ( )
  GGmaSheila | Jan 25, 2023 |
In this book, Tessa is given the opportunity to take part in a reality TV show about a Victorian family. The family is there and she'll be stepping in to play the part of wife and mother. What she doesn't count on is falling in love with the Duke and with his family.

You either like Katie MacAlister's books or you don't. I do. I like her humor, her heroines, and the incredible supporting characters she comes up with. Her books are fun, light reads. ( )
  tldegray | Sep 21, 2018 |
Brilliant and laugh out loud funny! I loved it! I am going to hunt down all the other books by this author. It has been a long time since I have laughed so many times while reading a book and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Well worth reading! ( )
  Emmie217 | Jun 27, 2018 |
A little silly, a little sweet! Very cute romantic comedy. ( )
  MrsThakkar | May 20, 2018 |
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Katie MacAlisterautor primaritotes les edicionscalculat
Audio, TantorPublisherautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Lee, Ann MarieNarradorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat

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No woman in her right mind would consent to wearing a corset for a month. Especially a 'skinny-challenged' woman like Tessa. But dreams of being debt-free dance in her head at the offer of appearing in a reality TV show. A Month in the Life of a Victorian Duke is about real people pretending to live on an English estate, circa 1879. And Tessa's leading man-a real-life duke-is so handsome she can barely breathe, with or without the corset . . .

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Katie MacAlister és un autor/a de LibraryThing, un autor/a que afegeix la seva biblioteca personal a LibraryThing.

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Mitjana: (3.43)
0.5 3
1 9
1.5 1
2 18
2.5 6
3 43
3.5 10
4 49
4.5 4
5 32


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