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City of Fallen Angels

de Cassandra Clare

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Sèrie: The Shadowhunter Chronicles: Author-recommended order (The Mortal Instruments, 2007-4), The Mortal Instruments (04)

MembresRessenyesPopularitatValoració mitjanaMencions
10,410247705 (3.9)89
As mysterious murders threaten the new peace between Shadowhunters and Downworlders, only Simon, the Daylighter vampire, can help bring both groups together.
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{my thoughts} - Simon gets entangled with the head vampire of Brooklyn. She wants him to take her side so that she can once again become the ruler of the Vampires in that ares. He disagrees with her and decides to go his separate way causing un-needed drama between the Vampires. Eventually he decides he's in over his head and the Clave starts helping him out. In the meantime Clary is worried about Jace breaking up with her and he is staying away from her - they have relationship issues to work out. That's about the jist. This book dragged on for me. I didn't like it much and do not see myself reading it again in the future. It definitely isn't at the top of my I like list either.

{reason for reading} - I had read the previous three books in the series. ( )
  Zapkode | Jun 1, 2024 |
I love the series but I have to admit book 4 felt a bit kind of dragging for me. It normally takes me only a couple of days to get through a book but it took me like a month to get through this one. Maybe because I watched the series before hand and it kinda screwed things up for me, I don't know but sadly I wasn't a huge fan of this one. Hopefully book 5 would be more excited and captivating. ( )
  Enid007 | Apr 11, 2024 |
  BooksInMirror | Feb 19, 2024 |
This book was especially difficult for me cause I felt like I could be everyone in the book. ( )
  anj_anj_anj | Feb 8, 2024 |
so good omg next book starting tomorrow. This book was so good. I enjoyed the simon focus and all this focus on good verse evil and natures. Also sebestion is s creepy villain and i really love to hate him! ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
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Cassandra Clareautor primaritotes les edicionscalculat
Quinn, Molly C.Narradorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
Westwick, EdNarradorautor secundarialgunes edicionsconfirmat
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There are sicknesses that walk in darkness; and there are exterminating angels, that fly wrapt up in the curtains of immateriality and an uncommunicating nature; whom we cannot see, but feel their force, and sink under their sword. -Jeremy Taylor, "A Funeral Sermon"
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For Josh, Sommes-nous les deaux livres d'un meme ouvrage?
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"Just coffee, please."
The waitress raised her penciled eyebrows. "You don't want anything to eat?" she asked. Her accent was thick, her attitude disappointed.
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As mysterious murders threaten the new peace between Shadowhunters and Downworlders, only Simon, the Daylighter vampire, can help bring both groups together.

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Mitjana: (3.9)
0.5 1
1 35
1.5 1
2 112
2.5 8
3 423
3.5 58
4 644
4.5 47
5 589

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