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From Beirut to Jerusalem (1989)

de Thomas L. Friedman

MembresRessenyesPopularitatValoració mitjanaMencions
3,546293,689 (3.98)40
In From Beirut to Jerusalem, Thomas L. Friedman of The New York Times, author of The Lexus and the Olive Tree, has drawn on his decade in the Middle East to produce the most trenchant, vivid, and thought-provoking book yet on the region. No issue in international politics has been more hotly debated than the Arab-Israeli conflict. And no reporter has illuminated both the conflict and the rhythms of life in the Middle East with more immediacy and brilliance than Tom Friedman, twice winner of the Pulitzer Prize for international reporting. Extremism, terrorism, fundamentalism on right and left, Friedman puts all the operative currents into perspective with an inimitable specificity and clarity. On Friedman's own remarkable journey from Beirut to Jerusalem, he writes, "This is a book about the people in Beirut and Jerusalem themselves, who were going through remarkably similar identity crises. Each was caught in a struggle between the new ideas, the new relationships, the new nations they were trying to build for the future, and the ancient memories, ancient passions, and ancient feuds that kept dragging them back into the past." From Beirut to Jerusalem is a major work of reportage, a much needed framework for understanding the Middle East, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.… (més)
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While Thomas Friedman does inject his bias, his book is very well written, and an excellent accounting of some of Israel's modern day history. ( )
  roebi | May 16, 2021 |
This was a really good book. The first section, about Lebanon and Israel's involvement in Beirut, is really excellent. The second half, about Jerusalem, is ok, but Friedman seemed to lose some of his steam there. It's as if the subject of the Israel-Palestinian conflict doesn't interest him as much as Beirut. After reading the first part, you get a pretty good understanding of the issues in Beirut, at least as Friedman experienced them, but the second half is more vague. It's more about opinion than history or events. That's my impression anyway. This book will probably be best enjoyed if you have some knowledge about the history of the conflict before diving in. ( )
  SGTCat | Feb 25, 2021 |
A good cover of the 70s & 80's in Syria and Israel. A bit long-winded. ( )
  fidgetyfern | Feb 23, 2021 |
Quite insightful. Best part that Friedman offers practically implementable options for initiating a process that in the long run ensures never-ending peace in the Middle East. I wish such a solution makes way into Indo-Pakistan dispute as well. ( )
  Mutamurid | Aug 20, 2020 |
The section on Beirut I found fascinating. The section on Jerusalem less so. Perhaps just because we've heard so much about Jerusalem for so many years. ( )
  WilliamMcClain | Jun 9, 2020 |
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For my parents, Harold and Margaret Friedman
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In June 1979, my wife, Ann, and I boarded a red-and-white Middle East Airlines 707 in Geneva for the four-hour flight to Beirut.
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In From Beirut to Jerusalem, Thomas L. Friedman of The New York Times, author of The Lexus and the Olive Tree, has drawn on his decade in the Middle East to produce the most trenchant, vivid, and thought-provoking book yet on the region. No issue in international politics has been more hotly debated than the Arab-Israeli conflict. And no reporter has illuminated both the conflict and the rhythms of life in the Middle East with more immediacy and brilliance than Tom Friedman, twice winner of the Pulitzer Prize for international reporting. Extremism, terrorism, fundamentalism on right and left, Friedman puts all the operative currents into perspective with an inimitable specificity and clarity. On Friedman's own remarkable journey from Beirut to Jerusalem, he writes, "This is a book about the people in Beirut and Jerusalem themselves, who were going through remarkably similar identity crises. Each was caught in a struggle between the new ideas, the new relationships, the new nations they were trying to build for the future, and the ancient memories, ancient passions, and ancient feuds that kept dragging them back into the past." From Beirut to Jerusalem is a major work of reportage, a much needed framework for understanding the Middle East, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

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Mitjana: (3.98)
0.5 1
1 6
2 14
3 79
3.5 17
4 198
4.5 13
5 122

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