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I learned a lot from this biographical study of four twentieth century women composers (Ethel Smyth, Rebecca Clarke, Dorothy Howell and Doreen Carwithen ). Despite what's implied by the quotations on the cover Leah Broad has not written a polemic, nor attempted to create a movement or make connections where none exist. But her careful and clear exposition of the women and their careers is a model of lucid and informative writing. She doesn't quite succeed though in any of the four composers discussed in nailing what is special or distinctive about their works. I suspect like many coming to this book I was familiar with some of Ethel Smyth and Rebecca Clarke's works and my understanding has been really enhanced. I don't know anything by Dorothy Howell and Doreen Carwithen and I was left wondering where to start. This is a quibble though perhaps, as I guess almost anywhere will do and I'm left to reflect how many probably less worthy male composers l've been 'fed' listening to Radio 3 in the car over the past 40 years. Books like this can't come soon enough as a corrective to lazy programming. I should add that Broad's grasp and conveyance of social history and milieu is excellent and provides first rate context.
djh_1962 | Jan 7, 2024 |