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68+ obres 826 Membres 4 Ressenyes 2 preferits

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Crèdit de la imatge: Jörg Auf dem Hövel


Obres de Christian Rätsch

Shamanism and Tantra in the Himalayas (2002) — Autor — 55 exemplars
Coca und Kokain (2003) 6 exemplars
50 Jahre LSD-Erfahrung (1993) 4 exemplars
Le Piante dell Amore (2011) 3 exemplars
Rituale des Heilens : Ethnomedizin, Naturerkenntnis und Heilkraft (2000) — Editor and Contributor; Editor and Contributor — 3 exemplars
Schamanenpflanze Tabak 1 (2002) 3 exemplars
Walpurgisnacht (2007) 3 exemplars
Weihrauch und Copal (2004) 2 exemplars
Naturverehrung und Heilkunst (1996) 2 exemplars
春藥 (1998) 2 exemplars
Tiere der Schamanen (2011) 2 exemplars
Die Regenwaldapotheke (1999) 2 exemplars
Das Tor zu Inneren Räumen (1992) 1 exemplars
Zauberpflanze Alraune (2004) 1 exemplars

Obres associades

Plants of the Gods: Their Sacred, Healing, and Hallucinogenic Powers (1979)algunes edicions482 exemplars


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ennuiprayer | Jan 14, 2022 |
I love this book, but I think of it as 'folkloric' factual, rather than 'historic' factual, if that makes any sense. This is not only one of my favourite books about plants, but one of my favourite books in general. Witchcraft Medicine is engagingly written; academic references are given, but they don't interrupt the flowing prose. The topics vary, although the main theme of the intertwined relationship of plants and witches is always present. I loved the information on ancient Greek religion, Germanic folklore, the witch vs the virgin in art, flying ointments, the Devil, goddesses, and the demonization of Nature. The book is filled with beautiful glossy photographs and intriguing woodcuts.

My one complaint is that the section on the "war on drugs" is a bit too personal; while I agree with the author's viewpoint, the change in tone from academically 'neutral' to overtly and politically biased is a bit jarring. Other than that, I love this book. While it's not specifically aimed at pagans, it's certainly a much better written and more informative reference on plant folklore than any of the 'magical herbal' type books on the market today.
… (més)
semjaza | Hi ha 1 ressenya més | Nov 6, 2015 |
So many factual errors in the first few pages it's hard to take the herbalism information as fact, though it seems okay, but the historical information that fleshes it out is so wrong as to be blatant stroking of the new age feminine ego. "In the neolithic era, farms were passed down matrilinearly" Huh? a)I don't know if we know HOW they were passed down and b) matrilinearly seems a wee bit farfetched. It goes on... about gray elderly women being the repository of witchcraft knowledge. Well, as 30 to 35 was the average age for a nice elderly neolithic woman, if she lived past childbirth, it's a load of crock.
Outright fibs to stroke the uneducated newly new age woman to buy a book of questionable value.
… (més)
1 vota
TruNatrsChild | Hi ha 1 ressenya més | Jan 7, 2009 |


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Autors associats

Wolf-Dieter Storl Contributor
Albert Hofmann Associated Name, Contributor
Claudia Müller-Ebeling Contributor, Author
Andrew Weil Contributor
Bärbel Kreidt Contributor
Gerhard Heller Contributor
Franz-Theo Gottwald Editor and Contributor
Paul Devereux Contributor
Norbert J. Mayer Contributor
Ralph Metzner Contributor
Rolf Verres Contributor
herman de vries Contributor
Nana Nauwald Contributor
Peter Hess Contributor
Kajuyali Tsamani Contributor
Manuel C. Torres Contributor
Adrian Pabst Designer
Günther Seipel Translator
Maile Lama Shaman
Annabel Lee Translator
Mohan Rai Collaborator


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½ 4.3

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